Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (Full Version)

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bednarre -> Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 7:13:10 PM)

After purchasing the game in the middle of 2010, I played a me versus me game until October 1941 to get the feel for both sides. In November 2010 I started playing a 1941-1945 campaign against the German AI. I am providing pictures and comments starting with the period of time after the German 1942 offensive died out.

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 7:39:05 PM)

The attachments contain the zipped directories showing maps and comments in Microsoft Word covering the start of the Russian Winter 1942 (not 1941) offensive.
Part IV contains a summary of strategy and game comments.

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 7:49:57 PM)

December 3, 1942 Part II

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 7:58:25 PM)

December 3, 1942 Part III

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 8:13:38 PM)

December 3, 1942 Part IV (last part)

German/Allies Casualties Per Turn: 31,500 men, 352 artillery pieces, and 91 tanks

Russian Casualties Per Turn: 92,041 men, 1661 artillery pieces, and 325 tanks

Casualty Ratios: 2.9:1 men, 4.7:1 artillery, 3.6:1 tanks

German Army: 3.4 million men

Russian Army: 8.8 million men

Victory Points: 182

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 8:19:28 PM)

May 13, 1943 Start of Russian Spring 43 Offensive

German/Allies Casualties Per Turn: 28,287 men, 410 artillery pieces, and 79 tanks

Russian Casualties Per Turn: 86,793 men, 1610 artillery pieces, and 290 tanks

Casualty Ratios: 3.1:1 men, 3.9:1 artillery, and 3.7:1 tanks

German Army: 3.6 million men

Russian Army: 9.9 million men

Victory Points: 185

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 8:22:26 PM)

May 13, 1943 Part I (game maps)

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 8:28:01 PM)

March 13, 1943 Part II (last parts)

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 8:37:23 PM)

I am playing the German AI in challenger mode:

German AI: 110 Moral, Fortifications, Logistics, Transportation, and Administration

Russians: 90 for all of above

Peltonx -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/18/2012 8:48:53 PM)

Good luck man

bednarre -> RE: Campaign Versus German AI Game_11_27_2010 (1/30/2012 5:46:43 AM)


Sorry I took so long to respond. I have gotten no other feedback from my comments on strategy and tactics for the game ... seems like everyone is busy playing another human being. Tables of statistics of weekly losses will soon be published for this game, and hopefully comparisons can be made about different release versions. Overall, looks much more realistic in regards to Russian winter capabilities in 1941. What are your win-loss statistics for playing later versions of WIE? Currently, I expect to win before the end of May 1945, but perhaps the overwhelming victory is beyond my grasp.

It seems that many Rumanian and Italian units received a 50:1+ post-combat CV ratio, but routs are very raw (per game messages). It seems like some units are routing without the game stating so, but one can see them in the rear areas. A few German units have definitely routed in late 1943, but the front line is still manned by numerous German Allies divisions! I don't expect this would have worked in the actual campaign.

Here are some interesting numbers on German/Allies versus Russian losses per turn, up to 1/3/1944:

German/German Allies Russians

Men 30, 747 89,283 2.9:1
Guns 647 1,732 2.7:1
Tanks 85 358 4.1:1
Captured 2,846 10,522 3.7:1

German Army has 2.75 million men in arms versus Russian Army 10.26 million
====> 3.7:1

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