On map Planes & the game engine (Full Version)

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MrRoadrunner -> On map Planes & the game engine (1/18/2012 7:49:15 PM)

Can we get planes that do not "capture" victory hexes?
Planes that actually "fly" and not block hexes, where they can also be assaulted?

It was one of the disappointing features of the new on map helicopters and air planes. It called for more "house rules" to limit the gaminess of their use.

I just finished play testing a new scenario where the spotter planes shot at enemy ground units and captured victory hexes (by accident, but did it nonetheless). They also accidentally blocked hexes for enemy movement. [sm=00000117.gif]

Can it be fixed? [sm=00000028.gif][sm=fighting0020.gif]


Otto von Blotto -> RE: On map Planes & the game engine (1/18/2012 11:25:50 PM)

Agreed and seconded me and relayer have found that in Eric's test game.

I also found in another game a while ago that planes can be assaulted by ground units [sm=scared0008.gif]

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