Campaign Series is a great game (Full Version)

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CaptainHuge -> Campaign Series is a great game (1/19/2012 2:08:42 PM)

I played JTCS last night for the first time in a couple of months and I just wanted to say how much I enjoy this game. I tried the demo for Battle Academy a couple of days ago and, though it is a good game, I much prefer JTCS. In fact, I have yet to find a computer wargame I enjoy as much as the Campaign Series. It just seems to balance depth of gameplay with fun better than almost any other game that I have played. For me, the added content and OOB's have made the playing experience that much richer. I love being able to play units you just don't find in any other game.

I have played the Campaign Series for years and have always enjoyed the experience. I have played a lot of computer wargames but if I could only have ever played one in my lifetime it would be the Campaign Series.

Just wanted to give a shout out to all the folks who have contributed to the game i.e. Jason. You have really made something to be proud of and have given a lot of people many hours of enjoyment. Thank you! [:)]

Ashcloud -> RE: Campaign Series is a great game (1/19/2012 2:27:36 PM)

Have you played PBEM?

Jason Petho -> RE: Campaign Series is a great game (1/19/2012 3:50:58 PM)

Thank you, CaptainHuge.

Your sentiments are muchly appreciated!

I agree with Ashcloud, give PBEM a go, it will take the game to a whole new level!  You can find opponents at The Blitz (

Jason Petho

CaptainHuge -> RE: Campaign Series is a great game (1/20/2012 3:02:38 PM)

Thank you gentlemen, but I am strictly a solo player. I cannot dedicate the commitment necessary for PBEM. I appreciate the suggestion though. [:)]

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