danf@dataforge.on.ca -> Random Map Generation / Units (1/21/2012 6:16:57 PM)
Hi All,
Is there any way to stop the map from generating all the HQ's / Engineers etc. Without doing a single city start. I would rather just let players build there own army from the ground up, causes the first turns on XX-Large and higher to be a little tedious.
danf@dataforge.on.ca -> RE: Random Map Generation / Units (1/21/2012 7:11:41 PM)
I think we can change the settings in the master file. However, I don't know how to save the masterfile after I have modified a copy of the original.
danf@dataforge.on.ca -> RE: Random Map Generation / Units (1/21/2012 8:53:01 PM)
Yes, I found the settings I need in the master file. But I have no idea how to save my changes to a new master file. Does anyone know how to do this?