goodwoodrw -> RE: Random Results (1/23/2012 1:41:56 AM)
I think I was the one of the first to whinge about this, random results is fine, but too random is getting away from realism. Results should be reliable not random, for example a one sided battle where the odds considerably in favour of one side, 9 out 10 times the stronger should side win. As a commander when making a pre battle assessment you look at the odds of winning before attacking. If you think they are not stacked in your favour, you add a couple extra elements to the force to ensure a positive result. An example of this the way you can add elements to your force in GG WITE. I know its not possible in PC due different game mechanics. Where the random result really puke are in multiple attacks. A defending enemy unit strength of 10 is attacked by attacker strength of 12, say battle result equals defender 2 points lost and 2 for the attacker, defender now 8 attacked by second unit of a strength of 10 attacks 4/2. Defenders strength now 4, the 3rd attack results in the defender being wiped out, attacker losers 4 or 5 points totally crazy random results, but too often. In the world the defender by the 3rd encounter the defender would so disorganised, suppressed etc its ability to show any serious resistance would zilch and the atacker lose very little strength. Multiple attacks should aways be rewarded. A lucky break occurring should be a 1 in 20 or so result not 1 in 5 or 10. A commander should have the expectation if the odds are his favour he is going to win the battle 9 times out of 10.