Is This Game Broken? (Full Version)

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cherryfunk -> Is This Game Broken? (1/24/2012 1:25:55 AM)

Greetings Crowners -- I'm considering a purchase of this game but in browsing the forum I came across the post below by Pistachio, from June 2010, regarding a new patch after the 1.09 patch (which I believe was the last patch released, back in 2009). I've read several posts dating back years from developers saying they're working on another patch, but apparently it was never released.

It should be pretty apparent that it doesn't take 2 years to release a patch -- leaving me to assume that this game is no longer supported. So, assuming the game has been abandoned -- is it worth purchasing in its current state, especially considering its $50 price?


ORIGINAL: Pistachio

[:(]FWIW I'm not buying any more Matrix games. At least not until this one is fixed. I know I'll offend here - and I'm sorry about that, because I also know the Western Civ and Matrix people do have lots to do and generally do it well and with courtesy and professionalism - but my experience with COGEE is that single player, in its current condition, is a half-assed piece of unmitigated crap. Only "B-17 Mighty Eighth" was a bigger waste. COGEE crashes to desktop, AI players don't seem to recognize surrender terms (e.g., territories don't get ceded), you can't liberate territories by treaty, treaties and alliances conflict and don't work and you end up with great relations with a country you're in a total war with. It's sorrier than a half-painted house. I honestly think the game just tries to do too damn much. "Features" are NOT the way to go until the basic "If...then" is sorted out. There are so many determinates and conditions that I think after awhile it just gives up.

Speaking of which. Maybe I'll check for an update in a year. Or not.

Matto -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (1/24/2012 7:22:50 AM)

Hmm, we are playing version 1.09 PBEM and it works fine ... sure some small issues are unsolved, but the main game works fine

EisenHammer -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (1/24/2012 10:16:31 AM)

For signal player I would say no, for multiplayer then I'll say maybe if you could get enough players too play all the nations in the game.

cherryfunk -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (1/24/2012 4:32:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: EisenHammer

For signal player I would say no, for multiplayer then I'll say maybe if you could get enough players too play all the nations in the game.

Why no single player? Is the AI bad?

geofighter -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (1/25/2012 1:23:11 AM)

Hi Cherryfunk,

I purchased the game this past November and I really enjoy it. I find it addictive actually and the Mrs. has gotten on my case about it. I haven't found the glitches to ruin my enjoyment of the game.

I think from my newbie experience I can comment on the following:

1. Game crashing: the game crashes if you have a lot of autosaved/saved files in the game's save folder. If you delete the really old ones (or create a different folder to store them in) it eliminates this problem.

2. I'm playing the 1792 campaign solitaire right now. I have a situation where the Spanish have an attitude over 1000 towards me. I made an alliance with them and yet they broke it. I asked again and we're friends again. Maybe I'm not reading the attitude chart yet but France shows a very happy face when cross indexed with Spain. However, when I cross index Spain with France it shows a slightly frowning, purple face. So, I'm not exactly sure how much they really like me. Likewise, Sweden has a smile towards France yet they declared war on me? I just don't get that but it hasn't been a "game killer." I still enjoy playing the game.

3. Liberation. I can defeat a nation in war but cannot liberate their occupied countries they controlled. I don't get that.

4. Defeat in Total War: if you defeat a power in total war it may still have diplomats working for it, ships on the map, etc. I figure that's because of the possibility that it could be liberated by another power.

5. I feature I like is the liquidity of borders. You don't have to declare war/attack a country to cross its border. You just do it if you feel like it. However, if you cross a major powers border that major power can issue you an ultimatium and declare war, so you do take a risk. Minor powers will only complain and could ask to become protectorates of an opposing major power.

6. If a patch was promised in 2007 then I think it's a matter of honesty and integrity on behalf of Matrix Games and Western Civ to follow through. I don't own a lot of games from either company but when I purchase a product I expect it to be a quality game where everything works as it should. If not, you run the risk of my not being a returning customer. It's their choice.

Hope this helps.


EisenHammer -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (1/25/2012 8:23:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: cherryfunk


ORIGINAL: EisenHammer

For signal player I would say no, for multiplayer then I'll say maybe if you could get enough players too play all the nations in the game.

Why no single player? Is the AI bad?

Seriously… after your first post in this thread and the quote that you have in it your going to ask me that.[8|]
The answer is yes, when it comes to the main map, as for the battles there not that bad for an AI. The AI in this game battles are better than Tillers AI in his Napoleons battles. The suicidal cavalry charges in his games are just ridiculous.

altipueri -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (2/27/2012 8:50:00 PM)

I'm getting confused between yes and no on this thread depending on answering the thread title or the opening post's ending question.

Anyway, I bought this and Forge of Freedom about two years ago. Like many games I buy, I saw a review (it had won a prize of some sort) so I bought it. Probably a mistake I would say (applies to both Crown of Glory Emperor's Edition and Forge of Freedom).

The forum is pretty dead and that's a bad sign unless loyal fans are so busy playing and the game is so perfect they don't pass by.

Give it a miss I would say.

I should also say I play single player against AI only, so PBEM players may have other views.

Matto -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (2/29/2012 2:58:53 PM)

I have one 8-people PBEM game going actually ... but not with people from the forum here ...

Gil R. -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (3/3/2012 5:48:54 AM)

COG:EE is an expansion of the original "Crown of Glory," which appeared in 2005. So after seven years I'm impressed and pleased that there are still people out there playing this game.


ORIGINAL: altipueri
The forum is pretty dead and that's a bad sign unless loyal fans are so busy playing and the game is so perfect they don't pass by.

altipueri -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (6/14/2012 9:30:43 PM)

Well it's heading for 200 years since Napoleon retreated from Moscow, so I feel it's time to park the tanks and planes and dust off the muskets.

I've had this game for 2/3 years but never got into it (also got Forge of Freedom - 150 years since Gettysburg next year). So, without trying to be too provocative, for a casual player does it at least work if I have simple economy? Also, can I play the hex battles standalone or only if they are part of a strategic game battle?

I've also got the John Tiller Battleground set - so come on I'm just throwing money at you Matrix guys. I'm your pension fund. Oh, and TOAW, JTCS, and whatever that Slitherine tabletop type ancient thing is. In fact got Spartan too. And.................

Johnlax -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (6/19/2012 8:58:37 PM)

It seems to me that someone should provide an update on pending patch! I know things are tight but we have been asking for updates on the patch for many months now with little word

ericbabe -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (6/20/2012 7:04:59 PM)

As for COG:EE, as Matto writes, the game is certainly stable and playable and enjoyable in its current form. The "bugs" that geofighter writes about mostly seem to be his misunderstanding the way the game works. I've played dozens of enjoyable COG:EE games in single player without any problems whatsoever. A difficulty with big games like COG:EE is that the rules are so complicated that people don't understand it all and inevitably think that the game has bugs in it.

Our investment in COG:EE was a substantial one that put us in the hole, and unfortunately we don't have a lot of time to work on finishing game updates that aren't profitable. I sincerely apologize if some of you construed the work we did previously on a COG:EE patch as a promise to finish the patch: I had intended to complete a patch at one point, but financial considerations took precedent over those plans. Maybe if our other projects make money I can afford to spend more time working on COG:EE, for despite the fact that I lost a lot of money making COG:EE, I do love working on the game and playing it.

Alan Sharif -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (6/20/2012 7:57:33 PM)

I have the game, play solo VS the AI, and think it is outstanding. It does take a bit of effort to get into but is WELL worth it.

altipueri -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (6/21/2012 10:24:44 AM)

Ok and thank you for your replies.

It's a cloudy rainy day and I have the manual next to me...

Sorry to hear you made a loss on the game - galling after getting an award for it.

MikeS369 -> RE: Is This Game Broken? (7/19/2012 11:07:28 PM)

And at $50 bucks a pop I imagine this is keeping you in that hole.

I own the original CoG and just today saw that CoG:EE was available. I rarely visit this website. I saw there was an $10 discount to upgrade for owners of CoG then I found out the offer is no longer available. I missed out on it so I thought I would just go ahead and pay retail. That was until I saw this game cost $50.

adamc6 -> COG:EE Question -- Not about Patch! (8/14/2012 9:23:09 PM)

Sorry to bother you. I am enjoying COG:EE again after years away. I've been modding the data files and enjoying playing as minor countries. I appreciate the hard work you put into the game and am sorry about the outcome for your firm.
Okay, question: where can I edit the Feudal levy issue? I've played with high feudal dues, low dues, with lots of units already on board, with almost France, Bavaria, England..... but I don't seem to get any of the levies that everyone talks about.
Any chance you can fill me in?

Thank you.


montesaurus -> RE: COG:EE Question -- Not about Patch! (10/3/2012 4:13:34 PM)

I'm also still playing COGEE. It's a great game that works well with a few house rules that are easy to incorporate! The hardest thing is when you've been playing a game for a long time is when a player drops out or stops returning his turn, thus lengthening the game so everybody suffers.

But if anyone out feels they can last in a multiplayer epic that takes aobut 2 years to complete please let me know!


wodin -> RE: COG:EE Question -- Not about Patch! (10/3/2012 9:23:21 PM)

This is where Matrix pricing policy I feel doesn't benefit the developers at all. The developers make these games that eventually no one buys due to the age and the price, thus the developer then makes sod all from it. Where as if you knocked the price down to say $15 you'd suddenly get aload of sales thereby putting money in the bank.

I bet at present no more than 1 or 2 copies a year are sold. Some older game son here I bet have no sales what so ever now year in year out. So why on earth not knock them out at bargain bucket prices. Put it up for $15 and then watch a fair few units to be shifted. There are a fair few game son here that I'd buy if the price dropped to around £10. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Makes no sense at all.

altipueri -> RE: COG:EE Question -- Not about Patch! (10/26/2012 10:07:49 PM)


Make it digital only at £10 or $15. I paid full price, and still haven't played it, but a promo might get me interested. I've already bought games twice by accident!

Gil R. -> RE: COG:EE Question -- Not about Patch! (11/4/2012 1:39:11 PM)

Suggestions on pricing policy probably get lost in a thread like this one, as fewer Matrix/Slitherine people are likely to visit the less active areas of the forum.

budd -> RE: COG:EE Question -- Not about Patch! (11/4/2012 5:01:29 PM)

The pricing discussion has been done many times in many threads. I'm also for blowing out the older games at lower prices for digital only but it's a tired discussion around these forums.

helm123456789 -> RE: COG:EE Question -- Not about Patch! (11/23/2012 6:37:23 PM)



This is where Matrix pricing policy I feel doesn't benefit the developers at all. The developers make these games that eventually no one buys due to the age and the price, thus the developer then makes sod all from it. Where as if you knocked the price down to say $15 you'd suddenly get aload of sales thereby putting money in the bank.

I bet at present no more than 1 or 2 copies a year are sold. Some older game son here I bet have no sales what so ever now year in year out. So why on earth not knock them out at bargain bucket prices. Put it up for $15 and then watch a fair few units to be shifted. There are a fair few game son here that I'd buy if the price dropped to around £10. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Makes no sense at all.

Have to agree completely. Own the original Crown of Glory and never could bring myself to pay $50 for an expansion. Even the Christmas sale price of $32 seems steep when the game is coming up on 4 years old.

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