onomastikon -> RE: Con, Sonar, possible biological bearing... Nessie? (4/23/2012 8:29:03 PM)
Wow, beautiful! I cannot see stuff like that :-( live in the middle of Berlin, Germany. I had no idea that amateur humans could make such beautiful fotographs! In awe. (Oh, if anyone believes they "understand" the film The Fountain, please fill me in. I consider myself a cinophile and enjoy arty kinds of films (anything from established artists such as Fassbinder, Lars van Trier, Tarskovsky, Kurosawa or Kubrick to more ecclectic folks such as Tucker or Liebeskind), but I have failed to understand what everyone was raving about in Aronofsky's shot at sci-fi (maybe I should say I really enjoyed The Swan and thoroughly loved The Wrestler). Can someone explain that to me?)