slaytanic -> RE: Storm mod - me (1/26/2012 11:35:58 AM)
The losses report after 2 turns - I made some changes here in my mod: first, check out the air losses, 20 times greater than vanilla, now it is very much true to historical outcomes. Also overall losses are now the exact sum of all combat report losses in every fight. I reckon guys in Wasteland only put in half the number for wounded or out of action for a turn or something, but I find this version more realistic. Losses represents killed, wounded, missing, captured. German casualties are a little too high compared to history but I haven't used Luftwaffe to its full potential (in Storm air is more deadly against low level units) [image]local://upfiles/40519/F5BD11B53D0D4B63923538A30E75BECC.jpg[/image]