Hard Sarge -> RE: Rules Questions (1/30/2012 8:59:42 PM)
depends on which airforce they are with, some have a default load out of drop tanks (to give range) or bombs so yes, units you want to lead a strike, should be checked to be sure they have bombs loaded, as well as any on close support (while top cover should have tanks) which in the long run, you would want to have some units set up to always be fighter bombers while the others are fighters the fighters with the VIIIth are set up to be fighters, while the fighters with the IXth are set up to be fighter bombers, most of the RAF are set up to do a little of both yes, there are targets that fighterbombers, lights and med bomber do better against then others, I am not so sure that the Heavies would do worse. for the MED, depends on your style of play, and what your plans are, if you are losing a lot of Heavies, then you would want lights and meds to fill out the other units, if your losses are lighter and you have more in stock, yes, you could switch them over, but alot of troops, RR and Airfields will be there main targets, and they are good for those types