Peltonx -> RE: 1.05.59 rule changes? (2/4/2012 10:00:16 AM)
I am happy its not just me that think this patch is nothing more then another German nerf bomb. The dev's are clearly bias with Flaviusx being the shining example. The Russian side gets to do what is historicaly possible, (the what ifs). The German side is put in a box and with each patch any thing that is historically possible is hit with a nerf bat. This is the standard MO time and time again. The player base questions this bias and 2by3 is proud of this bias. Player after player throws in the towel and 2by3 just thinks its a big joke. 2by3 got their cash [8D], but they dont understand that most of these poeple are not going to spend a dime on another game put out by 2by3 because they can see how the staff designs a game. Not based on historical what ifs, but based on what 2by3 beleives the game should be about. Its got little to do with history, but the history 2by3 wants to write. A game designed to give one side historically possible what ifs and the other side is boxed into only the what happened box IS going to fail and is now clearly tanking. Yet 2by3 will just be all smiles about it, because they got there money this time. quote:
Pelton Its clear that patch has Flaviusx said"You alrdy see that 1942 will be a stalemate, The Soviets will be in a much better position to consolidate their blizzard gains -- " 1. be bigger then 1.05 by 1.25 million men 2. have 4 months to build forts 3. be spending their AP's to build new armys and not be rebuilding armys before June 1942. Those are the facts. quote:
ORIGINAL: Michael T There is no doubt in my mind that the WITE devs are being overly influenced by Soviet Fanboy Bullies. It seems there are quite a few pro Soviet testers and nil pro German testers. This is a problem as I see it. There needs to be a balance. Personally I do not take any notice of testers who are biased at all. I draw my own unbiased conclusions about WITE, or take note from unbiased testers. I pretty much disregard everything Flaviusx writes because the guy is so obviously biased it’s not funny. The constant nerfing of the Axis side is making the chances of an Axis victory less and less. It seems that the powers to be just can't stomach the thought of Germany winning the war in 1941/42. They are not even happy that the Russians should win by May 1945, so hey just add another 5 months to the war. The only thing that was needed was the March madness tweak. The rest is just *pandering* to the Soviet Fanboy Bullies. As a guy who enjoys playing both sides I think that a point is going to be reached soon (if the constant Axis nerfing is continued) where it will no longer be a possibility for Germany to win the game in 1941/42. It will then become a much less interesting game and it will be harder to find people willing to play German. There needs to be a balance struck between realism and the fun factor. A game that assigns the German no chance of victory in 1941/42 is not fun. And that’s where the game is being pushed. I fully expect the next nerf will be the Lvov pocket. That might just be the final straw for me in playing German anymore, unless there are some big changes made that force the Russians in to some of the unsuccessful counter attacks that were ordered by Stalin. Quid pro quo. Before I get stomped on by the rhetoric of the Soviet Fanboy Bullies, and for the benefit of other more reasonable minds I am neither an Axis or Soviet fanboy. quote:
ORIGINAL: Toidi It seems to me that now: - thanks to relatively safe winter/spring of '42 SU can get back to the trench warfare in '42 (I'm pretty sure I can do it with some effort & engineering armies) - Reduced armies capability is going to hurt in the long turn, but not as much as people are fearing; I have no problem with it - vehicles are going to hurt much more than the armies reduction; even 10k reduction in vehicles in '43 for SU is hurting; fair enough - impact of making shock/guards armies a window dressing only (as +1 admin is really not that important imho) will affect the game; maybe it is a good idea - it seems to me that now chances for major victory for German are nil again; chances for draw are probably same or higher - impact of weather on reinforcements (especially in blizzard) will hurt Germany a lot. This change will lead to a much more difficult blizzard defense, especially for those who like to fight in blizzard (which was pretty much achievable, not sure anymore); it is the only change I like a lot (as it removes inconsistencies), but I think it may backfire badly quote:
ORIGINAL: Klydon Anyone who has read Pelton's stuff will have taken note that he has made suggestions to IMPROVE the Russian side (He was one of the first to call for a bump in the armaments multiplier after a new patch dropped it by a lot). This is no different than Flav and ComradeP who have made good suggestions for the Germans, although they are more associated with the "Russian side". While Pelton can sometimes get a bit passionate about the topic of the game, it would be a mistake to assume he wants the "I win" button. If you look at his record, he wins pretty regularly as it is. As far as my view on this patch, I think it is a step back. quote:
ORIGINAL: ComradeP As the combat system won't be overhauled for the moment, that means the oddities of the combat system (like retreat losses probably being too high for smaller attacks and too low for big ones and wildly fluctuating Soviet losses when attacking) will be there for the future, and they can't be balanced because the problem is with the combat system, not something that's easier to balance like replacements. quote:
ORIGINAL: MechFO March Madness is a side effect of the too permissive logistics in WITE. IMO the current March Madness is a result of overextended Soviets low on supply meeting well supplied Blizzard-sheltered Germans. The results are not unreasonable. "March-Madness" isn't occurring with German units that had to man the line, that would be unreasonable. quote:
ORIGINAL: colberki I just hope WITE does not end up like many games especially those from Russian or Eastern European developers where the Germans (in the game) are destined to lose. It maybe not politically correct for the Germans to win but this is a game. But this new rule reducing German CV during the winter of 1941-42 is feeling like the last straw for me.[:@] And I have been enjoying playing both German and Soviet sides - seems GG is giving in the the ever vocal minority on the forum. quote:
ORIGINAL: Kamil I think these changes will lower dynamics of fighting in '42. Germans will be less able to attack, but it will take more time to mount serious offensive by Red Army. So both sides will grow grow and grow while front remain static. I hope I am wrong. quote:
ORIGINAL: sj80 I think Kamil and Pelton are right. 1942 will become much more static now. [:(] I fear this patch is a half step backwards in WITE "evolution". It will become now much more important to run as Axis backwards during blizzard to save morale and manpower. Without a snow offensive during winter 1942 the Sovjet strength and the fort levels will increase much. Axis offensive actions in 1942 will become weaker now. I'm really waiting for the patch that prevents Axis retreats during blizzard with high equipment losses. I think it's only a matter of time until the last loophole for the Axis player is closed. Pelton is also right with naming the major problem: Germany is bound to historic results, Sovjets are free. It seems there are too few Axis fanboys and too many Sovjet fanboys out there. [:(] sj80 quote:
ORIGINAL: wadortch What has this patch done to prevent the equally unreasonable and unhistorical Soviet run away tactics? quote:
ORIGINAL: RCH This game has not been developed by looking at two sides, but is overly influenced on one side. I am tired of the Axis players being driven away with insults. quote:
ORIGINAL: Wild You may be right Aurelian,but if you are i won't know it. Unfortunately i am finished with this game. It is very sad, but i like to play the Germans and as it stands they are just not fun to play. This patch does nothing to correct that and will probably make it worse. It's a shame because as an AI only player i see all Gary's hard work on the AI going for naught. But the game just leans too far to the Soviets to make it enjoyable. If they would have only given us some of the options they gave the soviets or for that matter anything really to do after '41. Sigh... Goodbye. quote:
ORIGINAL: wadortch I share this perception. Pelton takes his hits for his style but I think many of his point are on point. What is the ultimate goal for the game if both sides play a "perfect" game? I would think a draw. What I sense is that the Soviet play testers who I believe are exerting a bias on the game seek is Soviet win which may be historically supportable and proper for a simulation but makes for a lousy GAME. quote:
ORIGINAL: Klydon quote:
ORIGINAL: Klydon I don't necessarily disagree with you to a point. My issue is there is nothing really important to fight for that a player, especially a Russian, will make a stand for. Both sides play run away (Russian in the summer/fall, German during the winter, Russian during the spring/summer) and the whole thing essentially becomes a counter shoving match back and forth rather than seeing a lot of fighting going on. The fort changes have been a tremendous beneficial change. Part of the issue is there isn't the ability to have a real good give and take slugging match. The Russians can very rarely counter attack in 1941 and the Germans still can't counter attack without taking casualties that are far too favorable to the Russians from 42 on, no matter what the odds are. quote:
ORIGINAL: 76mm Another huge game-changing patch which screws up on-going games. ... So, I'm in 1943 after playing a campaign game for over a year, and most of my armies have almost 30 CPs so are now massively overloaded. It will take about a million APs to fix that small problem. Unless Ketza agrees to play without this patch, that game is over. I have had it with investing tons of time into this game only to have massive changes introduced which make it difficult or impossible to continue. And I didn't see any explanation for why CP caps should DECREASE over time as the Soviets, so I guess it is just a hack to introduce more "balance"? quote:
ORIGINAL: Meteor2 I bought this game when it came out, but after following the discussions in the form, I always hesitated to really start a long campaign. So I have to say, that my experience here is very low. But it is my feeling, that Pelton is really trying to make things better with the experience he has. And regarding his comment, that the game should not be developed parallel to "historical" timeline, but be influenced by the user made decisions and the impacts of these, he is ABSOLUTELY right. I remember, that I had the same impression in the old days of WItP. From a cerain point in time, the Zero-fighters lost there capabilities suddenly. Or japanese invasions were nearly impossible due to a certain date. The time was triggering something and not the flow of the game. If Pelton, with his big experience, is claiming this, he should not be attacked personally for this. I understand his point... What were the conditions necessary for the historical March Madness 43? Fresh German troops operating near their supply lines against exhausted out of supply Soviets. If one can replicate those conditions, the outcome should be the consistent, no matter whether 41 or 45. Nerfing fresh German units operating near their supply lines artificially just because it's a certain date is historical determinism at it's worst. What's arguable is whether the logistic system could support this in 42, I agree it couldn't, but then the logistic system should be tweaked instead of messing things up even more by introducing illogical "fixes" in an unrelated area.