RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (Full Version)

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SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/1/2012 8:13:24 PM)

Turn to TPM.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/1/2012 8:40:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

OK. Completed my first turn and it is in the DropBox.


I'm wondering if a Medium World may be too big. Should we go back to small worlds for all rounds? Assuming that we want to end these games in a reasonable length of time.

Sailing -

The turn in the drop box folder says "003" instead of "001"...should it be "001"? Also, when I send my turn back to you, do I then call it "002"? Thanks.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/1/2012 8:59:59 PM)




ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

OK. Completed my first turn and it is in the DropBox.


I'm wondering if a Medium World may be too big. Should we go back to small worlds for all rounds? Assuming that we want to end these games in a reasonable length of time.

Sailing -

The turn in the drop box folder says "003" instead of "001"...should it be "001"? Also, when I send my turn back to you, do I then call it "002"? Thanks.

I just number them sequentially. 001, 002, 003, 004, etc. You would have all of the odd numbered turns. But we can use any file naming protocol that you are comfortable with.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 2:19:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: SailingGuy




ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

OK. Completed my first turn and it is in the DropBox.


I'm wondering if a Medium World may be too big. Should we go back to small worlds for all rounds? Assuming that we want to end these games in a reasonable length of time.

Sailing -

The turn in the drop box folder says "003" instead of "001"...should it be "001"? Also, when I send my turn back to you, do I then call it "002"? Thanks.

I just number them sequentially. 001, 002, 003, 004, etc. You would have all of the odd numbered turns. But we can use any file naming protocol that you are comfortable with.

No that's fine...but I'm curious, why did you start at "003"? Shouldn't we start with "001"? I haven't taken any turns yet...

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 3:54:00 AM)

Its psychological warfare.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 5:57:06 AM)

OK, Sailing, something is screwed up...I tried to open my turn and it rejected my password...meaning it's someone else's turn...

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 2:05:56 PM)

Ummm.... I did 001 and someone did 002. Then I did 003. I'm wondering if someone pirated our game?

I put 001 and 002 in the "old turns" subfolder. I'll pull them back out to the main March Madness folder. See if you can open 001.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 5:24:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

Ummm.... I did 001 and someone did 002. Then I did 003. I'm wondering if someone pirated our game?

I put 001 and 002 in the "old turns" subfolder. I'll pull them back out to the main March Madness folder. See if you can open 001.

What the heck? OK, I'm looking back at the posts on the forum, and you first mention of a turn to me is 3/1/2012, 2:05 -

OK. Completed my first turn and it is in the DropBox.


This was the first mention of a turn to me...then you have another post some hours later saying "Turn to TPM"...this must have been your "003" turn, but I never took the "002" turn!

Anyway, something is screwed up, I'll open the first turn tonight and do it.

And by the way, I do agree that Medium-sized world is too big for something like this...the first couple of rounds should be small worlds, then go to Medium for the championship.


SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 5:55:09 PM)




ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

Ummm.... I did 001 and someone did 002. Then I did 003. I'm wondering if someone pirated our game?

I put 001 and 002 in the "old turns" subfolder. I'll pull them back out to the main March Madness folder. See if you can open 001.

What the heck? OK, I'm looking back at the posts on the forum, and you first mention of a turn to me is 3/1/2012, 2:05 -

OK. Completed my first turn and it is in the DropBox.


This was the first mention of a turn to me...then you have another post some hours later saying "Turn to TPM"...this must have been your "003" turn, but I never took the "002" turn!

Anyway, something is screwed up, I'll open the first turn tonight and do it.

And by the way, I do agree that Medium-sized world is too big for something like this...the first couple of rounds should be small worlds, then go to Medium for the championship.


So should we reboot with Small World?

Also, another balance factor to take away the 1st Player advantage is to have the 1st Player declare war on turn #1.

Thoughts? Anyone? Thoughts?

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 9:16:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: SailingGuy




ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

Ummm.... I did 001 and someone did 002. Then I did 003. I'm wondering if someone pirated our game?

I put 001 and 002 in the "old turns" subfolder. I'll pull them back out to the main March Madness folder. See if you can open 001.

What the heck? OK, I'm looking back at the posts on the forum, and you first mention of a turn to me is 3/1/2012, 2:05 -

OK. Completed my first turn and it is in the DropBox.


This was the first mention of a turn to me...then you have another post some hours later saying "Turn to TPM"...this must have been your "003" turn, but I never took the "002" turn!

Anyway, something is screwed up, I'll open the first turn tonight and do it.

And by the way, I do agree that Medium-sized world is too big for something like this...the first couple of rounds should be small worlds, then go to Medium for the championship.


So should we reboot with Small World?

Also, another balance factor to take away the 1st Player advantage is to have the 1st Player declare war on turn #1.

Thoughts? Anyone? Thoughts?

I agree with everything you've said...reboot with Small World, and first player has to declare war. Anyone? Buller? Bueller?

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/2/2012 11:58:08 PM)

Sounds good to me

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/3/2012 7:28:26 AM)

OK, so Sailing, how about posting a new Small World game, and I'll get right on it!

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/3/2012 11:57:48 AM)

it is march 3 i just sent my email to sailing guy, sorry for the delay, i am normally a turn a day player.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/3/2012 1:41:39 PM)


SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/3/2012 2:17:39 PM)

Game restart. Turn to TPM.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/3/2012 2:58:06 PM)

Hi Mike, I don't see our game in the march madness dropbox.
If I am looking in the wrong spot somehow please indicate where I should be looking.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/3/2012 5:26:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

Game restart. Turn to TPM.

Got it, turn back to you Sailing.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/3/2012 5:44:15 PM)

to TPM

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 1:52:07 AM)


SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 5:32:29 AM)


TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 7:02:14 AM)

To SG...

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 12:24:20 PM)

SailingGuy, could you please email nego and let him know that he is supposed to start our game and put it in the box?

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 2:36:37 PM)

to TPM.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 6:05:35 PM)

To SG... -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 7:59:35 PM)

I would be interested in the future if showed is shut off. Good luck everyone!

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 8:10:47 PM)

to TPM.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 8:13:05 PM)



I would be interested in the future if showed is shut off. Good luck everyone!

We can still get you in the tournament. You will be matched up vs Seed #2.

You will need to set up the game given the parameters shown below. Your opponent will be Kraftwerk. I will send you an invitation to join DropBox (that's what we use to exchange files).

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/4/2012 8:27:05 PM)

Seed #1 -> All5n (954)
Seed #2 -> Kraftwerk (773)
Seed #3 -> Meanfcker (689)
Seed #4 -> TPM (543)
Seed #5 -> SailingGuy (482)
Seed #6 -> Nego (474)
Seed #7 ->


First Round -
Game 1: Nego vs. Meanfcker
Game 2: SailingGuy vs. TPM
Game 3: vs. Kraftwerk
(First player listed sets up game and takes first turn.)

Second Round -
Winner of Game 2 vs. All5n
Winner of Game 1 vs. winner of Game 3

Rounds 1 & 2:
Small World

Round 3:
Medium World

All rounds:
Normal World
Use Resources
One Town Start
Climate - Full Range
Fog of War
PBEM Protection

The lowest ranked seed will be Player #1 in each match. Player #1 in each game must declare war on Player #2 on the first turn. (For reference: Seed #3 is lower than Seed #2 etc.)

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/5/2012 2:36:37 AM)

Good luck everybody!

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/6/2012 12:48:49 AM)

turn to Nego

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