Cmdrcain -> RE: War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition Gets a Massive Update! (4/7/2012 4:15:33 AM)
ORIGINAL: Joe D. I briefly went thru the lengthy list of changes and tweaks, but didn't notice if there was an upgrade to the game manual pdf that could explain some of these changes, i.e., what exactly do the "Yes" and "No" parameters next to base supplies, oil, etc. on the base screen refer to? What exactly do they allow/not allow? BTW, is it "official" that the previous public beta .11086R is the same patch as this latest update, .1108r9? We do need a PDF manual update As to the yes/no I think your referring to the yes/no to stockpile stuff, which while I'd think be of less use for islands..unless its something that prompts auto convoy to priority such to fill up... I think its more a use for land linked bases to prevent a base from having nearby ones suck em dry like Moumein sucking away supplies massing in rangoon.. clicking yes to stock pile at rangoon would I think stop nearby bases from taking supplies away on land routes.