Mad Russian -> RE: PCO Add Ons (5/9/2012 1:36:04 AM)
As in real life, the battalion command section would add it's support to company level units. So if there was a company commander in the game, which there isn't it would add his leadership to that company unit. Just as the company commander would add his leadership to those platoons under him. Why is there a chain of command in the military? For many of the reasons they are there in real life they could be in the game. 1) Artillery fire direction, actual artillery direction and not just every squad leader, or single sniper on the entire map being equipped with a radio as the game now has it. 2) Morale support in the event of units taking fire. For the leader if far enough away, and for the unit they are stacked with directly. 3) Reduction in order delays. It takes no time at all for a platoon leader to be activated to move/fire if the battalion commander is standing right next to him. Much less time than if the battalion commander has to issue those orders to a company commander, who in turn has to issue them to the platoon commander. Even Balck, Rommel and Guderian, to name a few, were in the location of the heaviest fighting so that they could personally influence the outcome. 4) Tactical prowess. These guys have "been there, done that". They are the ones who have a grasp of the tactics and how to apply them. They can and do make a difference by being in the thick of the fighting. As has been mentioned, that's the exact reason so many junior officers and NCO's become casualties. They are the ones that are in the thick of the fighting and they are some of the ones that become casualties. Good Hunting. MR