Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (Full Version)

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Speedysteve -> Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 8:57:59 AM)

Hi all,

This is a game between me (Speedy - Axis) and Walloc - Soviet. Walloc is slightly less experiened than me so we decided I'd go for the Axis since they can afford to make fewer mistakes. Having said that my AGS performance was poor so that's 1 mistake already [;)]

Here's a view of AGN. Fairly happy with progress here. My aim as playing is that old age conundrum of capturing as many bodies as possible, whilst advancing as far as possible whilst keeping my force in decent shape as much as possible!

Lots of divisions doomed here - at least 15 divisions.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 9:03:36 AM)

AGC - Usual move here with the Bialystock pocket secured. I also managed to 'add' an additional 2 x Rifle and 1 x Tk Div's to the pocket by routing units into the pocket before sealing it.

I've taken a different approach in this game to my previous few by NOT sending a Panzer Corps to AGS. I wanted to try something different so I may either send 39th PzC north to AGN OR may send part of AGC south after clearing the Pripyat Marshes.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 9:08:07 AM)

AGS - poor effort here.

Sure there's 1 fewer PzC (with no addition from AGC) but my effort was not helped by stubborn Soviet resistance around Tarnopol. It is around Tarnopol that I expect Walloc to restore connection to the Lvov Pocket. I will have to adapt here and use the additional PzGp1 forces in Turn 2 to re-seal the pocket and re-gain momentum down here.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 9:10:54 AM)

AGS Detail:


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 9:11:59 AM)



Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 9:13:15 AM)

Air losses. Launched some deep air raids to get those LR Bombers....


Arstavidios -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 11:49:51 AM)

I'm currently playing a game as the Axis against Walloc. First game as the axis and I somewhat fubared all things. :) Currently entering blizzard. Learning the hard way getting my bottom part kicked :) I will watch this.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 12:49:05 PM)

Excellent a subscriber [:D][:)]

Start of T2 post axis recon.

The only pocket broken was, as predicted, the Lvov one.

I think Walloc has made an error up north by withdrawing all the way to Pskov. There doesn't seem to be any skirmishers out front. We'll see.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 12:50:14 PM)

AGC - Loose checkerboard in front of Mogilev:


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 12:52:04 PM)

AGS - loose checkerboard here too. I think I should comfortably be able to re-seal Lvov as there's no tar-babying of my Panzers. Will be an interesting turn......


Q-Ball -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 2:59:12 PM)

Good openings, I think I still prefer the extra Panzer Corps in AGS, though.

In AGC, I find that the extra Panzers aren't going to help much the first 5 turns anyway; a decent Sov player will man the Dnepr line, and put good troops in the Woods in the landbridge. It generally will take Infantry to really dislodge all that, so I find the Panzers tend to stall a bit for lack of fuel until the railheads and infantry catch up.

In the south, you can get an earlier start on the Lvov pocket, and in follow-up turns, fuel isn't a problem. You can use those extra Panzers to get up to the Dnepr quickly.

But that's my two cents, I can see the benefits to AGC too

Klydon -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 3:18:04 PM)

A good German opening in the north means there isn't much for the Russians to push around in terms of combat units in the Baltic states unless he rails additional units in. You had a good open there, so he doesn't have much to work with and it is hard to defend forward of Pskov.

I also agree with Q-Ball, but then nothing wrong with trying different things at all. [;)]

Peltonx -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 4:26:50 PM)

Looks good so far other then south.

But the up side is if the SHC runs to rivers you didn't need extra tanks anyways.

It will be interesting to see if he uses the strong north to south tactic more and more SHC players seem to be using.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 5:42:07 PM)

Hi guys,

Q-Ball - I agree and my 'normal' AGS approach sees me lending them an extra PzC. I just wanted to try something different compared to my last 6-8 games as Axis.

Klydon - I still would feel some skirmishers out front helps slow down the Axis. I agree it's a fine line with having too few troops but at this rate I should reach Pskov by the end of Week 2.

Pelton - one of the things that's great about WitE is when you play different players there's different approaches to be had with the game. Especially in the first year.

Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 7:26:06 PM)

T2 AGN - Cleared all of the pockets. Moved up to Pskov. Walloc placed a few of his strong units in well defended positions.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 8:11:31 PM)

AGC Center overview. The Checkerboard delays somewhat but I've neared the landbridge and reduced the Bialystock Pocket somewhat.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/18/2012 8:13:35 PM)

AGC Detail. If Walloc stays put I will aim to pocket units if he withdraws I'll try to push through the landbridge.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/19/2012 9:08:15 AM)

AGS - With their only being a small screen of NKVD and FZ's I comfortably managed to push east and secure the Lvov pocket once and for all. It seems as though Walloc has moved most of his forces to Zhitomir eastwards.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/19/2012 9:11:57 AM)



Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/19/2012 9:13:09 AM)



timmyab -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/19/2012 2:18:40 PM)

I'll be interested to hear your conclusions about the weak Southern strategy.If only the game engine didn't allow for massive and rapid redeployment of Soviet forces it would probably be a very viable strategy.

Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/20/2012 8:21:12 PM)

Turn 3.

AGN post Axis moves. The Velikaya is crossed. Pskov will either be encircled or taken next week all being well. Recon indicates few troops further north except immediately around LG.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/20/2012 9:31:22 PM)

AGC Overview - Pushed forward into the landbridge. Walloc has placed his units in good defensive terrain (good for him). Will aim to push further through landbridge next week and potentially create a pocket if he stays put with 2nd PzGp.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/20/2012 9:33:06 PM)

AGC Detail - Mogilev industry secured in place.


smokindave34 -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/20/2012 9:43:36 PM)

I'd keep pushing east with 3rd panzer group and get a foothold across the Dnepr just west of Smolensk where it is a minor river. I think if you do that you will unhinge his entire defensive line on the Dnepr.....

Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/20/2012 10:01:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: smokindave34

I'd keep pushing east with 3rd panzer group and get a foothold across the Dnepr just west of Smolensk where it is a minor river. I think if you do that you will unhinge his entire defensive line on the Dnepr.....

hi smokin,

No more MP's to do that this turn. Next turn (as I see it) Walloc has a choice. Either run or stay in place. If he stays in place I'll try to pocket the Dnepr guys. If he falls back I take the ground easy and move on. I just can't wait for my Landsers to catch up. Many people think of the Panzers but it's the Landsers that batter and open the doors to make the success happen.

Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/20/2012 10:16:01 PM)

AGS Overview -

Massive pullback by Walloc behind the Dnepr allowing me a lot of freedom of movement. It does preserve the Soviet forces though


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/21/2012 6:50:11 AM)

AGS - happy to cut the rail link probably dooming another 2 x Tk division


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/21/2012 7:55:13 AM)

Losses. Many of my relatively high AFV losses were due to wear and tear of the dramatic advances in AGS.


Speedysteve -> RE: Target Vladivostock! (no Walloc) (2/21/2012 7:57:54 AM)

OOB. Spending my AP's on re-assigning SU's as many Corps have oodles of them and several start with 0. I always try to get a balance of Artillery, Flak (always at least 1 light and 1 x 88MM Flak Bn), Pioneer and Construction. Ideally also a Stug Bn/Jpz as well.


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