Badda boom (Full Version)

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LiquidSky -> Badda boom (2/22/2012 4:13:41 AM)

Hmm...I built a bunch of Destroyers armed with the Devestation, not realizing it was an area weapon, which begs a few questions...

When this wpn fires, it sends out a large circle of death. Do my military ships get hit by it? I notice that it doesnt effect the enemy fighters...does that mean my fighters will be immune, making this the perfect weapon for a Battlestar?

I am going to use my Destroyers to serially enter the enemy system..when he leaps on it with all his ships, hopefully I will be taking big chunks out of him

feygan -> RE: Badda boom (2/22/2012 10:39:21 AM)

All area weapons effect your ships as well as enemy and ally ships. I haven't noticed them not effecting fighters before so either its a bug or glitch, but they should be hit as it's simply a wave of energy that flys in all directions.

As to sending in lone ships, if you do that then control each ship manually once it arrives. I tried exactly the same thing before sending a long line of devestator equipped vessels to arrive in succession to sofen a system for conquest. What I actually got was the ship firing maybe once before being blown to hell as it simply did not fire again before death, yet when I clicked it to attack it would get off 3-4 shots before death. All this meant a massive drain on my economy for very little tactical gain. I ended up just building a large fleet of vessels instead, gave them their orders and left them to it.

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