PRchrdsn -> HELLLOOOOO!!!! TrueUpdate Prob post v2.0 install!!!!! (11/18/2002 11:23:14 PM)
I tried posting earlier in the regular forum and got no response. I figured I messed up and should have posted in a bug report forum, so I looked for one that seemed appropriate and chose one about v2.0 Installations..... STILL NO RESPONSE!!!! I haven't wanted to get upset as I know that you guys have given a lot of support to this product already, but all I want is a recognition/denial that something like what I am describing is a problem! If it isn't then what should I do? How can I get any updates after 2.0? Or is this a subtle way of saying that there aren't going to be ANY further updating, so don't need to bother with this. Anyway, .... once more into the breech! "An earlier post in the regular forum mentioned that the TrueUpdate function no longer worked AFTER applying the v2.0 update. I have found this to be true for me also, and posted my install problem to the regular forum in the same thread (can't remember right now which thread). I haven't seen a response on the other forum to either post, so I am moving it to this forum in hopes of getting a response. It appears that the patch couldn't replace start.exe while executing, so it said to choose cancel to replace on next reboot. start.exe is the app with the TrueUpdate link, and it appears that the new app has the TrueUpdate link associated with a file called TrueUpdate.exe, which is nowhere to be found on my hard drive. The actual program was updated to version 2.00 and appears to run fine, but what's up with TrueUpdate? I found a program in the installation folder (default) that is called Update_UV.exe. This program is the updater, at least the one that I have been familiar with when choosing TrueUpdater from the Game Menu. It works in conjunction with the Settings.ini file to determine which is the latest installation. The Settings.ini file was not updated by the installation of v2.00. If I manually edit the settings.ini file, then it acts okay, but I suspect that the TrueUpdate.exe file is supposed to check the registry to determine the currently installed version. I suspect that the patch either did not contain the TrueUpdate.exe file, or that it failed to install it. Any answers to this?" Like I said, I am not looking for massive amounts of effort to correct this, just an acknowledgement that either the patch did not apply correctly (in which case, do I have to reinstall/repatch to get to v2.0?), or that there is a problem in the patch. If there are to be no further updates to UV, I can live with that, as the level of support to this point has been great( :cool: ) and I recognize the need to move on and concentrate on new products. I don't think, however, that if you are allowing new posts to a forum that it is too much to ask that they be responded to. Thanks for your time and effort responding to this post and for the game in general.