Tampa_Gamer -> [REL] [Universe] SystemNames.txt - 1,700 unique/easy names (2/22/2012 11:51:11 PM)
Decided to start posting bits/pieces of my compiled/custom mod I use for my games. I think many have their own compilations/frankenstein mods consisting of custom modified parts and parts from other mods. By releasing the stand-alone bits/pieces others can take and use what they want in their own mods. All I ask is that if you do use this in your own theme and repost-it, please give me credit for this contribution. This file is a compilation of system names from about 1/2 dozen 4x space games over the past decade, culled by my own tastes to eliminate double names (no "Alpha Sextonis" here), difficult names for the north american tongue (e.g. Al K'ilrrianghuaee) and unnecessarily long names. The base reason for this is that I keep notes to keep things straight (at least until we get a Notes system similar to Sword of the Stars I) and many times the notes are confusing when referencing those types of systems. There are about 1,700+ unique names here. [INSTALLATION] Just place this in the root portion of your modded theme folder in the "Customization" subdirectory. If you don't have one yet, you should make one because if you play this game more than once you are going to want to pick and choose which mods you use and make your "own" compilation eventually as we all do. [CONFLICT ANALYSIS] This mod will conflict with any mod that also uses [DW Install Directory]\systemNames.txt [HISTORY] 8/16/13 - slight update to fix a few remaining duplicates/annoyances based on recent game experience] 5/31/14 - update to change name necessary for Universe (e.g. "systems.txt" is now "systemNames.txt"). Also culled a few more similar ones thanks to forum feedback and added new systems based on various sci-fi novels read over past year (those familiar with the Honor Harrington universe may recognize some). Enjoy!