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Gil R. -> Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 6:50:52 PM)

We at Western Civilization Software would like to welcome you to this forum, and look forward to discussing COH with you in the weeks (and then months and years) ahead. Now that the game has been formally announced you probably have a question or two, so please, ask away!

We'll try to get some AAR's up before too long, since we know you'd like to see what the game is like. (Well, it's like the boardgame, but you probably don't want to take just my word for it...) For now, though, we'll try to respond to your questions.

PunkReaper -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 6:58:04 PM)

Are you planning on following the board game expansions if this release is successful?

Gil R. -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 7:48:19 PM)

Our license covers the entire COH series and work on future expansions has already begun, but we can't share more details on that yet. But this will not be the last game made with this engine...

PunkReaper -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 8:14:56 PM)

Great news, Thanks for the quick reply.

wodin -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 8:35:37 PM)

Just asked this question..I now have my answer...lovely jubley.

Would be great once the three East front titles have been made we then get a map editor aswell, so we can make STALINGRAD!!!

Oh Matrix and WCS and Academy Games I say a huge thank you for making this a reality.

Are there animations i.e tracers\smoke etc?

Gil R. -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 9:03:34 PM)


Are there animations i.e tracers\smoke etc?

Smoke, yes. I honestly can't remember about tracers -- perhaps one of the testers will jump in here. (I'm splitting my time between "Brother Against Brother," our upcoming Civil War game, and COH, so I'm not omniscient regarding COH.)

e_barkmann -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 9:20:53 PM)

cue my usual graphics display question - will it display at 1920x1080 or is it resolution limited?


Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 9:51:26 PM)



Are there animations i.e tracers\smoke etc?

Yes. When you click to attack the chosen unit you see a burst of tracers as well as hearing equipment sounds.


ORIGINAL: Chris Merchant

cue my usual graphics display question - will it display at 1920x1080 or is it resolution limited?


You have 1920X1080, 1440X900 and 13 other specific choices in addition to the Use Desktop Resolution.

mo reb

Erik Rutins -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/23/2012 11:00:17 PM)

Yes, we have tracers and resolution is completely scalable. I've been testing primarily at 1920x1080 and 1680x1050.


- Erik

wodin -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 12:38:58 AM)

How about fire?

Erik Rutins -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 1:01:22 AM)

Where there's smoke...

JFalk68 -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 5:17:11 AM)

Thank you for the welcome to the forum.

I will be playing this game in 2D hex mode with counters/chits with a screen resolution os 1920 x1080. How is the screen zooming mechanic used? I am guessing with the mouse wheel is used to control zoom and mouse movement to move around the battlefield? I saw one picture with a 3D map with counters/chits, I'm worried that the 2D map turns into a 3D map if you zoom close enough, is that the case?

I want my play experience to be as close as possible to the board game version.


Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 6:40:52 AM)



How is the screen zooming mechanic used? I am guessing with the mouse wheel is used to control zoom and mouse movement to move around the battlefield?

I think you'll be very happy with the camera controls JFalk68. They work great. As you assumed, the mouse wheel zooms in and out, while holding down the right mouse button allows you to freely pan right and left. The same function also controls the tilt of the camera in 3-D mode when the mouse is moved up and down. You can also click and drag the map around using the left mouse button. The end result is very intuitive and seamless.


I saw one picture with a 3D map with counters/chits, I'm worried that the 2D map turns into a 3D map if you zoom close enough, is that the case?

Set your worries aside. They are two separate views that can be changed on the fly in game with a simple click in the toolbar. No exiting to an options panel. If you look at the screens on the Conflict of Heroes product page you'll see a button in the toolbar on the right which shows an eye set over another icon (second button from the top on the right column). Clicking that instantly changes the views. In 2-D(or top down) mode, as in the 3-D view, you can zoom in close or zoom out wide without ever leaving the view you want.

I'd have to ask Gil if he would mind if I posted a screen of it, but in 3-D mode, zoomed all the way out, you get the perspective that you are actually looking across a board on a table.

mo reb

wodin -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 8:59:45 AM)

Oh I didn't realise that. I love the 3D board with counters. Will make working out terrain so much easier. I though the zoomed in 2D view looked a little odd to be honest. Especially the strongpoint looked out of perspective.

I for one am very pleased we have a 3D map. Working out the terrain will no longer be a pain.

I'll put money on it that JFalk end sup playing on the 3D map.

Flickjax -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 10:07:54 AM)

Excellent can't wait....Easter maybe? I can't believe it has taken so long for a game like this to finally be developed on the PC :)

Gil R. -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 7:49:05 PM)


Smoke, yes. I honestly can't remember about tracers -- perhaps one of the testers will jump in here.

Silly me, the question was, of course, about tracer animation. I was thinking of tracer bullets.

Gil R. -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 7:58:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel
I'd have to ask Gil if he would mind if I posted a screen of it, but in 3-D mode, zoomed all the way out, you get the perspective that you are actually looking across a board on a table.

That seems like a fine use of your screenshot-shooting program.

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 10:29:02 PM)

Here is a shot zoomed pretty far out that captures what I was speaking of. What's really nice is when playing in the 3-D mode, as you lower the camera the view tilts automatically showing a more panoramic view. It's very fluid and natural. IMO WCS didn't spare any detail when making the in-game camera with the various playing style in mind. You'll quickly realize that you won't have to choose between functional and aesthetically pleasing. 3-D and Top Down. Traditional and GUI innovation. You get it all.

Note that I hit the 'I' Hotkey to remove all traces of the UI and also some quality was lost reducing the file to a size that Matrix allows members to upload.

mo reb


jamespcrowley -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 10:40:06 PM)

Counters on a 3D map look surprisingly good - even at that level of zoom-out. Great stuff!

tide1530 -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 10:58:54 PM)

Yup that's sweet [;)] The ping pong table in my basement might actually get used for what it was made for [:D]

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/24/2012 11:01:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: tide1530

Yup that's sweet [;)] The ping pong table in my basement might actually get used for what it was made for [:D]

Beer Pong?

rickier65 -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 12:09:59 AM)

Thanks for the screenie. That looks quite nice.

Question - Is there a LOS tool that display the hexes the units can 'see'?


e_barkmann -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 12:17:02 AM)

That would appear to be the yellow highlighted hexes, based on the covered arc of the selected unit.

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 12:23:35 AM)

You're quite welcome.

Sure Rick. If you refer to the screen I posted above, the lighter green hexes are in the selected (dashed yellow circle) unit's LOS. LOS is affected by unit facing along with all the usual factors.

mo reb

Edit: What Chris said [:)]

JFalk68 -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 1:11:14 AM)

Haha Wodin, I just may play with the 3D map, it does look very good. I played Red Victory exclusively in 2D mode though so we will see :)


Oh I didn't realise that. I love the 3D board with counters. Will make working out terrain so much easier. I though the zoomed in 2D view looked a little odd to be honest. Especially the strongpoint looked out of perspective.

I for one am very pleased we have a 3D map. Working out the terrain will no longer be a pain.

I'll put money on it that JFalk end sup playing on the 3D map.

rickier65 -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 1:20:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

You're quite welcome.

Sure Rick. If you refer to the screen I posted above, the lighter green hexes are in the selected (dashed yellow circle) unit's LOS. LOS is affected by unit facing along with all the usual factors.

mo reb

Edit: What Chris said [:)]

ah, of course. after I read Chris' reply I went back and looked again and of course that's what it is.

thanks for the quick response. and thank you Chris too


Skeleton -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 3:45:22 AM)

I really cannot express how excited I am for this particular announcement. After waiting in vain for Heroes of Stalingrad and not having it materialize and WIF being in development for years, I hope Matrix realises that there is a huge (relatively speaking) market just dying for good, wargame-boardgame ports. Cheers to all for making this a reality; I absolutely cannot wait! Next I hope Matrix takes a serious look at MPP Games and one day does something with Bruce Haper's World at War! Thank you all!!!!!!!!

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 3:59:10 AM)

By Bruce Harpers World at War is that the successor of Advance Third Reich and Empire of the Rising Sun?

Blind Sniper -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 10:10:25 AM)


If you refer to the screen I posted above, the lighter green hexes are in the selected (dashed yellow circle) unit's LOS. LOS is affected by unit facing along with all the usual factors.

Ehm...sorry but can this feature be disabled?
Maybe because I'm an ASL player but the LOS should be a guess...


Next I hope Matrix takes a serious look at MPP Games

Like OCS?


By Bruce Harpers World at War is that the successor of Advance Third Reich and Empire of the Rising Sun?


Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Welcome to the Conflict of Heroes forum! (2/25/2012 11:03:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Blind Sniper

Ehm...sorry but can this feature be disabled?
Maybe because I'm an ASL player but the LOS should be a guess...

No, the effect cannot be switched off. Rule 4.1 of the Conflict of Heroes boardgame state;
'Players may check for LOS before they commit to firing.'

So in that regard it is not like ASL rule 6.11. Sniper, if you go to the Academy Games site and log in they offer the rules to CoH in PDF format that you can download to get a feel for the system. My bookcase is filled with just about every ASL module there is including copies still in shrink wrap for most of them and I was actually new to CoH up until a month or so ago. With that said, CoH is a great system in its own rite. Very fast paced fun that includes both players throughout the entire turn. ex, Player 1 spends some of his points to perform an action whether it be to move, fire, attempt to rally, board vehicle, change facing etc... immediately followed by Player 2 who gets to do the same or none at all at which time Player 1 can continue to take another action until both players are out of Action Points for their individual units or they choose to pass their turn.

Hope that clears some things up.

mo reb

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