Nappy ATG (Full Version)

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SailingGuy -> Nappy ATG (2/24/2012 4:31:53 PM)

I've been kicking around some ideas for using ATG to represent the technology of the Napoleonic Wars. Let me know what you think.

Allowed units:
Rifle I, II, III, & IV
Engineers I, II, III, & IV
Cavalry I, II, III, & IV
Staff I, II, III, & IV
Arty I only - no further advancements - represents siege artillery
Infantry Gun I or II (mix with horses for a battery of horse field artillery)
Horses - ok obviously

Destroyers I, II, III, & IV (represent frigates)
Cruisers I, II, III, & IV (represent Ships of the Line)

No other units could be built. (If a player accidentally built an illegal unit, he would have to disband it.)

No RAW or OIL needed.
Engineers can build rail (represents supply lines) and forts.

Any thoughts?

GrumpyMel -> RE: Nappy ATG (2/24/2012 5:04:55 PM)

Not too hard to mod the SFT's to represent Napoleonic troops. If memory serves, there is at least 1 scenerio in the bank that represents that era.

Big thing about Napoleonics, is that the era tend to be more about the Grand Battle, rather then Operational Scale. ATG really isn't well suited to handle the kind of tactical concerns that are represented in the Grand Battle. So you could do the Strategic/Operational level pretty well....but you'd have to live with the fact that something like Austerlitz or Bordino or Waterloo were represented by a single attack resolution.

Krafty -> RE: Nappy ATG (2/24/2012 5:38:54 PM)

Id be down for that, ive always loved the "tier 0" battles in various games, right up my alley.

And perhaps Infantry gun 1 and 2, for small cannon that were common of the era, Artillery would better represent the siege guns and mortars.

SailingGuy -> RE: Nappy ATG (2/24/2012 9:01:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kraftwerk

Id be down for that, ive always loved the "tier 0" battles in various games, right up my alley.

And perhaps Infantry gun 1 and 2, for small cannon that were common of the era, Artillery would better represent the siege guns and mortars.

Good idea. I edited my list above.

ernieschwitz -> RE: Nappy ATG (2/25/2012 12:39:04 AM)

Since no RAW or OIL is needed, you might as well play this with an AT:WW2 mod. I think there is one around somewhere in the scenario bank. I may be wrong. But I know there are scenarios: Diplomacy Napoleonic Wars springs to mind...

ernieschwitz -> RE: Nappy ATG (2/25/2012 12:45:43 AM)

There is also the mod Civilization, made by Tweber ... that is a masterfile that has the option of playing in that era, or even before.

SailingGuy -> RE: Nappy ATG (2/25/2012 4:25:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: ernieschwitz

There is also the mod Civilization, made by Tweber ... that is a masterfile that has the option of playing in that era, or even before.

I've never played with a non-standard masterfile. How does that work? Does everyone have to use that masterfile, or just the player who sets up the game?

Krafty -> RE: Nappy ATG (2/25/2012 7:03:14 PM)

I *think* only the host needs it and its imbedded into the save. But im not entirely sure.

I was going to suggest we use the leader+resource mod on the community website, after using it in a few SP games its kind of hard to imagine the game without it.

But theres a ton of good master files out there. The generic to the 17th masterfile just adds nato counters and I think recon planes and torpedo boats.

Bomburs masterfile is really really good as well. Adds several new unit types, and does some balancing. Also adds torpedo boats, of which im a big fan.

Actually the resource and leader mod requires you build trucks and trains, so thats a no go with this one.

SailingGuy -> RE: Nappy ATG (3/3/2012 3:20:33 PM)



Not too hard to mod the SFT's to represent Napoleonic troops. If memory serves, there is at least 1 scenerio in the bank that represents that era.

Big thing about Napoleonics, is that the era tend to be more about the Grand Battle, rather then Operational Scale. ATG really isn't well suited to handle the kind of tactical concerns that are represented in the Grand Battle. So you could do the Strategic/Operational level pretty well....but you'd have to live with the fact that something like Austerlitz or Bordino or Waterloo were represented by a single attack resolution.

What if you only allowed Divisions to contain either ships or up to five cavalry? Everything else would have to be in an HQ. That might help steer the game towards a Napoleonic Grand Armee. You could also limit the number of HQs a player could say five.

ironduke1955 -> RE: Nappy ATG (3/3/2012 11:48:04 PM)

In ATG don't you need attacks of 6-1 to have a good chance of success unless you use combined arms. In Napoleonics command morale and tactics allow attacks of 1-1 or lower to succeed tho combined arms was a big factor during the Napoleonics as well. Can you alter the combat resolution to represent this. Also how would represent the command abilities of Napoleon and the french in general far superior in this period.

Krafty -> RE: Nappy ATG (3/4/2012 3:27:12 PM)

The reason in the napoleonic wars a force could achieve victory over a superior sized force wont happen in ATG because were not idiots though ;)

Ol Clauswitz wouldnt have been such a great general if half the time they fought people with half a brain, or people who were totally committed to the fight, or werent totally green soldiers.

Thier tactics didnt always win the day. Look at Leipzig.

I think we may want to add Militia to the equation, and have a "force limits" size on cav and rifle, the rest of the units must be made up of Militia (say 100 cav, 100 rifles is the max).

This would at least create a fun game of "where are his elite forces". That would give us the move and counter move type struggle that was common of the period.

SailingGuy -> RE: Nappy ATG (3/4/2012 4:30:45 PM)

I think CHI are the only ones with militia.

SailingGuy -> RE: Nappy ATG (3/4/2012 4:31:35 PM)

Mortars could represent Grenadiers (ie elite).

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