elcid -> USAT Don Jose (2/28/2012 12:41:40 PM)
Ship slot 7105 lists a cargo ship named Don Jose - and places her at Manila when the war starts. This is very likely intended to represent US Army Transport Don Jose, the largest of all the ships that ran supplies to Bataan. According to US Army Ships and Watercraft, she was 10,183 tons - vastly larger than the Lake Cargo class to which she is assigned, however. FYI. There is no comprehensive listing of ships in US Army (and related) service - especially for the Philippines area early on -when various informal arrangements were made - but a heroic effort is made by US Army Ships and Watercraft to provide what information there is. In addition to various kinds of sealift vessels, the Army also operated at least a dozen minor patrol craft - probably akin to the game's HDML - all of them named - in this same area.