Numdydar -> RE: Can you upgrade and keep playing? (3/4/2012 4:12:01 PM)
Alfred what you say is true. The copies will not make any difference once you upgrade and have played several (or even just one turn in some cases) as the game events under the new game will not allow you to return to the previous version of the game without redoing those turns. The copies of the game Dir I suggested were to make sure the game would work after the upgrade and the upgrade would not make the new version crash, weird graphics, etc. and not lose the ability to keep playing the original game if they did. While everyone's install abilities and versions of PC hardware/software are uniquie, the problems that any upgrade COULD cause are also unique. The points I was trying to make were that a) Major issues have been addressed between the last official patch and this one that imho make the game a totally different (and better) experience. Matter of fact as the betas addressed these issues, we upgraded mutiple times. Starting around turn 300 or so was the first time all the way up to turn 700 which is where we are now (11/4/43) with not a single issue on any of the upgrades we did over that period of game time. We both felt that the issues addressed in the changes would really help make the game a better experience for both of us. Just the ability to transfer pilots in mutilpes of 1, 5 or 10 and to be able to stockpile resources/supplies/fuel/oil at bases (i.e. force the base to keep them at the base) alone were huge helps for both of us. Not to mention all the rest of the changes. So it was worth it for us to upgrade. b) I wanted people to know that if the proceedure in my earlier post was followed, it should work you you as well as it did for us. Again, not just once, but mutiple times. We have now played 20-30 turns under the r9 versiont and still have no issues with the patch. If anyone does not want to upgrade, that is fine [;)]. But the game is MUCH improved under r9 and I wanted people to know what the proceedure was to upgrade that worked for us and that if we could do it mutilpe times with no issue, then I would like to think that they could too [:)]