Joseignacio -> RE: I surrender (3/13/2012 3:31:34 PM)
ORIGINAL: bo quote:
ORIGINAL: Joseignacio Hahaha In my case, very atipycal, I am usually able to take them whenever I want, unless there is a peak at work, which is very unusual. Besides, this year I intend to take 3 additional months off because of tax reasons affecting only this year, and I also will get 3 weeks off to compensate the many hours studying hungarian language in the evenings, through the UE program FORCEM which will pay the firm my salary to encourage studying while working. Plus (1 month reduced to) three weeks (because those 3 months don't give right to holidays), plus the bunch of additional days I have, I am going to work like 7 months in all this year if everything goes like projected (atipycal and expensive, three months w/o salary, yay!) so she will get bored to have me home, even though I will take a course on advanced accountancy to renew my knowledge... [:)] abj sorry to read that, wish you the best. Tax reasons what are taxes [:D] I am one of the 66% of Americans who pay no taxes nice huh. [8|] Why the Hungarian lanuage? In the good old USA we would all be better off to learn to speak Spanish because in a few years it will be the national language[;)] Wow how about ABJ. Bo Cause my wife is hungarian. She speaks also spanish and english but her family and friends learnt either german or russian as a second language and I need to be translated all the time. Youngsters now learn english or german, or both. Also, provided my firm expanded that way, it could be a competitive difference, almost nobody here, much less in my firm speak hungarian. Right now we're at several EU countries already.