mmarquo -> RE: The AI Cheats (3/10/2012 5:09:52 PM)
Tophat, The point is that given the constraints of available MPs (in zoc, crossing minor/major rivers, etc.) there is absolutely no way a human player would have been able to move these units more than 1 or 2 hexes; no way, no how, impossible according to the mechanics/rules for humans. Not being a tester I do not regualry save moves, but anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the mechanics as applies to human players knows that what I showed above is otherwise impossible. And as Erik just pointed out, "the AI does get to bend the rules in a few places, mainly to get around issues that an AI can't understand as well as a human." I submit that this in not "bending rules," rather there must be a set of code for humans and another set of code/rules for the AI. What is frustrating more than anything, is that if one wants to practice tactics, strategy against the AI, ones learns little that me maybe transported to a game against a human. For me it is a waste of time, but I understand that for others it may be quite fun.