Shadow Tiger -> RE: Automation keeps switching postures (3/11/2012 8:17:08 AM)
ORIGINAL: ASHBERY76 Is this an issue with the latest beta.I do not get this issue at all when I played. I'm guessing this is related to the .12 beta. I haven't seen fleet stances changing, but I have noticed the AI is slow to react if it reacts at all now. The .10 beta at least seemed to react better, though I didn't have time to play in depth. Speaking of fleet stances, can anyone get the attack target to work with attack stances? I right click ships, stations, bases, planets and it acts like I'm not trying to select a target. At war or not at war didn't matter, even pirates. Never managed to get the big red circle for attack area since the previous beta. Did it get broken somewhere, or am I just not doing it right?