IanPnz1V -> Regularly Ambushed!! (3/11/2012 7:26:56 AM)
Since Eben-Emael/Albert Canal crossings back in 40' quite a few of my leading units have been getting or walking into ambushes, thankfully none of my prized core units...so far. Usually they have been Panzer Grenadiers still mounted on half-tracks before the can deploy for the next turn (hats off to the A1 though for taking advantage of my tactical stupidity!!) I am now in 41' and trying to reach Zhurivka to complete the encirclement of Kiev. These Grenadiers are too expensive to keep throwing away on a regular basis, but my recon units fair no better. My question is: are there any Air units that I could use for recon, I know that in the Smolensk scenario Dorniers were provided but do they do the same job in other scenarios? many thanks, Ian K.