Walloc -> Suggestion about Armies gaining Guard status post CP limit changes (3/25/2012 4:55:47 PM)
Hi, With the recent changes to the soviet armies CP limits. It has occured to me that a change in how many victories it takes to get guard army status could use a tweek. Also in that light the change too the bonuses that guard armies give. Now with a army having 18 and tank army having 15 in CP limit, the number of combat unit u "can" attach is naturally lower. With fewer units logic would dictate that to some extend u will see fewer battles and there for fewer losses / victories. since its a 25% and 36ish % loss in units attached one can only assume it will take longer than pre changes to CP limits to on average attain guard status on armies. Inparticular with Tank armies new lower CP limit and the fact u cant build em before july 1942, it seems one would be hard pressed to get near historical number of guard tank armies. In games that approche historical course of action and timelines. So if it hasnt alrdy been thot about and rejected, i'd suggest its a thing to mull over for the devs. Kind regards, Rasmus