xe5 -> RE: Fog of War Mod (3/27/2012 2:21:46 PM)
I just noticed (on a different monitor) that the black health heads can still be seen against the green background. re: "invisible transporting VLs" That would entail CCM:AT/JTAC's option for each side to have its own set of VLs in a scenario, and to make some/all of those VLs invisible. In std. CC, having .BTDs with fixed VLs makes for repetitive tactical play. Ive also revised all the .BTDs so that all maps have 16 VLs, and so that as many VLs as possible are on defensible terrain. The typical practice of thoughtlessly slapping VLs down in the open makes the AI perform even more poorly and the role of armor more dominant. As seen on the tactical map above, if a VL has cover & concealment (eg. bldg), the AI's defense will benefit. VLs should be dynamic, each map having a large pool of potential VLs from which a subset could be auto-selected for each battle, based on existing map control.