RPKUPK -> Decisive victories: LET'S HEAR FROM GAME DESIGNERS! (4/4/2012 5:26:58 PM)
I respect other players view on the "decisive victories get you no where" issue, but I'd like to hear from the game designers! Indeed, battles fought in this game, though they appear to be at a merely operational level, are actually at a strategic level. Stalingrad, according to war historians, was the battle that decided Germany would not win the war in the east. Kursk was the battle that decided that Germany would lose the war in the east and thus WWII. So for me to maintain interest in buying expansion modules or to recommend buying Panzer Corps at all, to a friend, I would want some campaign path that includes "what if" scenarios. To me, going through 7 expansion modules with decisive victories is an exercise in frustration. I'd rather read a book.