Replay speed way too fast. (Full Version)

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Gewehr43 -> Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 6:03:25 AM)

Game replays have gone crazy fast lately despite setting the preferences to the maximum delay settings? Latest patch is installed. So what's the solution?

Also tried every setting to get widescreen on a Mitsubishi 1080p TV and no luck. Windowing works but will not go to widescreen. I have a radeon 6900 so what gives with this?

jmalter -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 6:50:44 AM)

a) during orders phase, hotkey P brings up the Preferences screen where you adjust the msg delay. during replay, hotkey ctrl+F/ctrl+S to reduce/increase the msg delay.

b) i think you must remove the -w switch from your startup, else your specified -px & -py switches won't have any effect.

Gewehr43 -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 7:56:06 AM)

"C:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition\War in the Pacific Admiral Edition.exe" -cpu4 -multiaudio -dd_sw -f -px1920 -py1200

This is the command line I'm using. What am I missing here?

Cntrl+P does work to slow down the replay - thanks. The preferences are defaulting back to the lowest numbers every turn though.

Puhis -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 8:12:13 AM)

Make sure that all the minus signs in your shortcut are actual minus signs.

Gewehr43 -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 12:43:49 PM)

Yeah, I tried that already... using the keypad so no chance of a mistake.

Dan Nichols -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 1:04:48 PM)

Does your monitor support 1920x1200? If it is a 1080p, then the max resolution is most likely 1920x1080.

Gewehr43 -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 1:39:22 PM)

The opning screen is smaller but the game itself is running full screen with the y value @ 1080 - thanks!

Cavalry Corp -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/28/2012 2:08:12 PM)

I think your problem is in preferences i bet replay has got switched to 0.1 sec

As jap go into preferences and make sure it ends 1.5 - i scroll it all the way up and all the way back.

For some reason occasionally it seems to change itself .

noguaranteeofsanity -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/29/2012 5:04:42 AM)

Hitting the space bar turns the message delay off, hitting it again turns it back on.

Cavalry Corp -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/29/2012 8:56:40 AM)

On mine it always says off no matter how many times you press it.

I do not touch the space bar for fear it will speed up and not stop.

michaelm75au -> RE: Replay speed way too fast. (3/31/2012 12:15:39 AM)

From memory, the space bar speed change does not affect PBEM games. It behaves the same way it always has.

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