RE: RHS Level I Thread: Final Update 1.20 (Full Version)

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btd64 -> RE: RHS Level I Thread: Final Update 1.20 (1/12/2016 1:25:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: sanderz

it would be great to see a couple of detailed AARs of this mod

Their is a AAR for Test 10 Alpha. We are at the end of March 42. It's a team vs Team game. The other team is Air Force I believe....GP

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Thread: Final Update 1.20 (1/12/2016 5:37:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: sanderz

it would be great to see a couple of detailed AARs of this mod

There is a series of AARs in the Forums. The current one is Ten Alpha.
A new test will begin shortly to validate the current economic settings.

AARs are available WITH savegame files if you join the RHS email list.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Thread: Technical Update 1.201 (1/18/2016 3:08:09 AM)

Level I Update Link 2.51!Ap7XOIkiBuUwg-8ZqLaG9QbsVHAolg

The new thing is a bit of map art. While I have decided to continue to use
stock art map panels for Level I, nevertheless a few of the most irritating of errors
have been edited out of them. These are mainly false location names. These
include Ruby, Alaska - a town no longer extant by WW2 because of destruction
by earthquake and fire. Also, a few locations did not have the names of the present
day in WW2 - including Urumchi, Sinkiang (which was Dihua), Changchun (which
was Hsinking), Chinnampo (often shortened to Nampo, it was Jinsen to the Japanese), and Port Arthur (which was Ryojun). The capital of Mongolia is close enough to leave the art name - but the location has the full, period name of Ulaan Bataar Khot: today's Ulan Bator was shortened both in number of words and in spelling of the retained words. One other change is that the border of India and Burma were changed by one hex SW of Imphal. In that location - hex 59/42 - a new town appears - mainly because it is the end of a primary road. Some Allied units can use strategic movement along a primary road - but only to a defined point. In Level II, this location is actually on a trail in 1941. It disappears (as all trails do in Monsoon in jungle hexes) seasonally! But by Spring 1943, the primary road reaches the hex and from then on an all season secondary road serves Karlemyo (a potential Level 6 airfield built by the British during the war) and Falem (protecting the Allied right flank). In order to see these map panels, the contents of the RHS Art folder need to over write the AE Art folder. This may happen automatically (depending on your folder locations) - but if you are installing by manual copy - unusually you need to copy the art (or at least the WPN files at the bottom of it). Note only WPN (no hex)
files are changed here - I am trying to keep the install small enough to include in one shot. For Level II we probably will move to a separate installer for maps and pwhex.dat files - and eventually pwlink.dat and pwzone.dat files. Possibly this will also become the way we "switch" these files. My plan is to start with 1941 maps - as stock kind of does (except a few places have roads not yet built - see the road to Imphal
above). Then, probably, to create annual map art for later years - all using stock
panels - except modified for Level II in several ways. Map development of entirely new art is underway - but is not going to be available to issue soon. So I am issuing modified stock art as a workaround. For now - use the art with hexside details set to ON. While I am working on both hex and no hex versions of the map panels - it is not yet clear I can do an acceptable job on the hex versions - and anyway they will make the Level I installer too large. This technical update does not include all map modifications and does not include the WPEH versions of the modified panels either.

Otherwise, virtually all the changes here are to locations in the location files. These too are limited to cases where it might matter - generally involving industry - otherwise port and airfield size data. Those locations (a few dozen) being eliminated are NOT eliminated here - so ongoing games won't get screwed up. Similarly, some dozens of locations are changing device order - but NONE of those show up here - again for the sake of ongoing games. Generally, these changes will have the most impact on a new game start - but they will also tend to limit or improve growth opportunities for industry in old games (whichever should be the case). New LCU added for Level II are NOT included here - so far only a third static Tibet garrison battalion - which is associated with a location not present in Level I.

Level II can not be issued until all locations are reviewed - so any that can be eliminated are gone before ANY game begins. Also it needs a new set of pwhexe.dat files - and so far only the first one has been made. Certain technical questions need to be answered, and these will determine the extent to which presently "off map" locations can be developed - or in what sense? Level II also needs new art panels. Missing islands will be added in art. New roads and rail roads (only a tiny number) need to be added - for example the road art for the first few seasons around Imphal needs to be downgraded from primary to secondary road or from either kind to trail. Also - up by Fort MacMurray - a rail line extends two more hexes to the NW. There may be other cases - depending on location research developments. But most of this will be in the "off map" area. It turns out the existing off map system works for logistics (which I doubted) - so showing it in road/rail codes (and art) may help players understanding what works better than all black does.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Thread: Final Technical Update Plan (1/20/2016 7:33:24 PM)

The way I generate installer links is operating near the limit of size capacity.
So I need to uninstall the Level I installer from the cloud in order to put the Level II
installer into it. Before I do that, I will issue a final techincal update for Level I -
likely today - incorporating the more important location/industry/base build revisions
found in Level II research. We are getting ever closer to a data model of the way things were in WW2, with some provisions for development of locations to the extent that was feasible with the technology and populations then available. Many - I hope most - of the important locations missing from the stock map system have been identified and added. [See for example Kao, a major Japanese air base, and nearby Daruba Island, which became the major forward base supporting the invasion of the Philippines by the US, in the Moluccas. Or Sibu (aka New FuChow) on Borneo, which got its present day international airport courtesy of Japanese wartime construction.] Many, I hope most, of the cases where things were not as developed as they appear in stock also have been identified. [See Brunei - which was not yet a major oil producing center so it is a more limited one.]

I have been able to work with the stock art well enough to create a usable
foundation for development and playtesting. This process has led me to
adopt four of Andrew Brown's five revised map panels as well as his
pwzone and pwlink files - we won't use panel 15 - which would require
changing all the pwhexe files for no useful purpose.

We will use the RHS pwhexe files - but I must modify them slightly to do that.
I have already folded in the changes on Luzon and at Shortlands - as well
as my own plan to correct the road to Imphal (which was not built until after
the war began) and to extend the RR from Fort MacMurray, Alberta. I need
to do some changes to deal with Andrew's 0 and 1 panels - and some others
to deal with my own plans - eventually.

I am using a mixed set of stock and (4) of Andrew's panel. These are modified
to get rid of incorrect place names for the period and to add some islands where
there was no art. I also moved the border in our panel 8.

I have not figured out how to draw on a panel - but I can copy and paste at pixel
level and so far that is good enough.

I will probably issue an interim art and supporting revised location files, pwhexe.dat file and (probably modified) versions of Andrew pwzone and pwlink files tomorrow. These will not include the future 29 panel with Madagascar on it - but instead use one with no art at all. The location files are set up for all Madagascar locations and units
to fold in (some units are already present but inactive - and the Vichy air units already exist but are not active as well). There will be several stages of this - and
the jury is still out on off map expansion. We may be making Andrew's art work
as if it were really an extended map - if programmers are correct about the effect of coding pwhexe.dat to say "on map" being all that is needed. If not - they will work
in the off map sense they do now. Stage one - called preview - is slightly modified stock - with the changes to Luzon, Shortlands and the NW corner area. Stage two will involve changes to the off map movement and locations on the right side. Note the
legend, compass rose and logo are all moved already - and I am doing both WPEH and WPEN versions of everything. Faster than expected. Stage three will add Madagascar and associated OB changes (or activate those units already done).

Next I will complete the unfinished scenarios.

I expect to release technical update 1.202 for Level I today. This is approximately the same as the Level II Preview release tomorrow - except it has different map art and different supporting pwhexe.dat, pwzone.dat and pwlink.dat files.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Thread: Technical Update 1.202 (Final) (1/23/2016 6:10:01 PM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

I am uninstalling the Level I Installer from the cloud - so I can generate links for the Level II Installer. Far in the future - if/when the 1945 Downfall Scenario is completed - I will reinstall it and generate one more technical update.

This update is nominally about revised map art, but substantially about location data revisions.

For Level I we have a few map panels - so you need to copy the art panels into the ART folder (unless your installer does so automatically - it depends on your folder arrangements). We are introducing a special system for Level I. Because it (nominally) uses stock map art - you may choose to see the RHS modified panels (by selecting maps with no hexsides) or stock panels (by selecting maps with hexes). This is mainly so you may elect to play stock scenarios (or mods using stock art) as designed.

Technical notes: TWO panels (WPEH02 and 04) actually are slightly modified stock map art - but they differ only in not having names not actually used during WW2. ONE panel (WPEN09) has three added bits of island art - and in one case shallows - because these islands are present in RHS but not in stock. This is the South China Sea panel. Note that while this panel RETAINS the stock locations of Clark and Subic - these are different ONLY in Level II. The Logo, legend and compass rose also remain in their original positions for Level I art panels. Level II involves a more complex set of panels - and different pwhexe.dat, pwzone.dat and pwlink.dat files. While Level I may share the same installation as stock and mods using stock art, this is not advised for Level II RHS - which will release in a day or so.

A final review found and altered hundreds of location with respect to eratta - generally because they were not using the latest standards for calculation of inventories and industry. The collective impact of these changes is generally to make remote areas more logistically impoverished - in particular with respect to starting stockpiles.

One significant industry change occurred with respect to (nominally unissued) Scenario 106: the aviation plants at Lao Wing were moved to Cheng Tu - because that happened historically. Lao Wing has no aviation plants in 106.

I will now integrate modified art and supporting files for Level II. Scenario 106 is not playable because it is not completed. But many more locations were modified for their 1945 status in this update. I estimate it is at least six months before 106 can be issued in its final form.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Thread: New Working Link (1/24/2016 9:58:44 PM)

See Below

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Thread Iterim Technical Update 1.203 (1/30/2016 12:17:56 AM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

Technical and design considerations caused me to need to rebuild the pwhexe.dat
files for LEVEL II using Andrew Brown's Extended Map System one as a foundation.
That caused me to become aware of certain things which should be corrected
in LEVEL I RHS. While most locations and all pwhexe.dat files for Level I remain as
was, some changes are included here. As well, I discovered a problem with German vessels when updating the 1945 scenario (106, still in development but always included). Some subs should not have been in strictly historical scenarios, and most should not be in 106 - because they were sunk by 1945. The same thing applies to surface vessels. So that too was corrected.

The only really significant change is to Lunga. Scenarios 101-105 had 1945 start
development - that is a port and airfield - instead of 1941 start data - that is neither. Also of some import is that Port Moresby - in new game starts - is MUCH less developed (based on Army history). Only one ship could unload at a time - and only 2000 people lived in the town - with another thousand or so walking in from villages daily (but not allowed to spend the night). There are NO operational repair facilities yet. So in 1941 scenarios - it is much smaller.

Other changes probably include map art revisions - adding island art where absent. Be sure to copy the map panels from the installer (unless the installer does this automatically for your folder layout).

There will be one more of these updates for Level I after all - 1.204 will be the one corresponding to the first Level II preview. Level II will be out in a few days in a very basic form - but with integrated location, pwhexe.dat, pwlink.dat, pwzone.dat and art files.


el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Thread Plan Notice (2/2/2016 4:28:08 AM)

I have virtually completed the location file review for RHS Level II - repeat II.
The more important unit changes from that file are being fed back to the Level
I location file. The "final" Level I product - 1.204 - should release tomorrow.
It corresponds to the "preview" first Level II product - which should release
in 2-3 days - when I have a new pwhexe.dat file to go with the new location file.

Apart from many changes for Allied units (particularly those which appear at Aden)
so they better match their formations - there is a new location (Ras-Hilf, Misirah Island)
which was apparently added by Andrew - and technically IS off map (but does not look
like it any more) - and it works AS an ON MAP location (as do the nearby sea hexes).
This is a British auxiliary air base - unmanned - and minor port - not too far from
Abadan. There also are probably going to be some new Greek warships - two destroyers
have been identified in theater so far. They join the Georgious Averof, an ancient
CA already in the file set. The Greeks are very proud of her - and technically she
remains in commission (as a relic).

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Last Technical Update 1.204 (2/4/2016 4:06:09 AM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

his update is almost exclusively limited to Allied land units. Almost all appear at
Aden. The majority are British & Commonwealth base forces, and the formations they point at. About four more Allied divisions were also simplified in "simplified RHS" (i.e. even numbered) scenarios - losing components to they appear only in divisional form. One device had its upgrade path redefined - so a series of (British) 3 inch mortars will upgrade properly (later devices appear in greater quantity than the otherwise identical earlier version).

This update roughly corresponds to Level II initial release version 1.204 - except:

1) Level II has lost some minor locations;

2) Level II has moved some locations along the "Northern" map edge - and also on Luzon and at Shortlands - following Andrew Brown's Extended map scheme (and using slightly modified versions of his map panels and pwhexe.dat file);

3) Level II has added a few new locations not present in Level I. One of these - Ras-Higf [Misarah Island] - is in Muscat - which isn't even on the Level I map. This location - and the sea near it - work in spite of nominally being in the "off map" area;

Nominally released in tandem, the Level II "preview" release will be delayed by the need to complete the Winter, 1941 pwhexe.dat file with all RHS features in it. This process has been delayed by a problem involving documenting and reporting a case of software piracy in sufficient detail, but should now complete tomorrow.

Development has shifted to Level II except that, once Level II pwhexe.dat and related files are completed, I will then complete the 1945 Downfall scenario in tandem for both Levels I and II at the same time.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Last Technical Update 1.204 (2/4/2016 4:06:55 AM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

This update is almost exclusively limited to Allied land units. Almost all appear at
Aden. The majority are British & Commonwealth base forces, and the formations they point at. About four more Allied divisions were also simplified in "simplified RHS" (i.e. even numbered) scenarios - losing components to they appear only in divisional form. One device had its upgrade path redefined - so a series of (British) 3 inch mortars will upgrade properly (later devices appear in greater quantity than the otherwise identical earlier version).

This update roughly corresponds to Level II initial release version 1.204 - except:

1) Level II has lost some minor locations;

2) Level II has moved some locations along the "Northern" map edge - and also on Luzon and at Shortlands - following Andrew Brown's Extended map scheme (and using slightly modified versions of his map panels and pwhexe.dat file);

3) Level II has added a few new locations not present in Level I. One of these - Ras-Higf [Misarah Island] - is in Muscat - which isn't even on the Level I map. This location - and the sea near it - work in spite of nominally being in the "off map" area;

Nominally released in tandem, the Level II "preview" release will be delayed by the need to complete the Winter, 1941 pwhexe.dat file with all RHS features in it. This process has been delayed by a problem involving documenting and reporting a case of software piracy in sufficient detail, but should now complete tomorrow.

Development has shifted to Level II except that, once Level II pwhexe.dat and related files are completed, I will then complete the 1945 Downfall scenario in tandem for both Levels I and II at the same time.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Technical Update 1.206 (2/12/2016 9:18:16 PM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

I did not plan to issue an update for Level I until Scenario 106 is playable.
However, there are enough problems with the AI scenario (102) to justify
releasing a technical update. It seems some training air units were included,
but none should be.

A few locations changed names to historical names for the period. A few locations
changed some economic data. A few air groups - mainly Japanese training
and CVE type - changed assigned aircraft. One aircraft changed its update from
an impossible to a possible type. A few locations changed their political point multiplier. These are near the border of Korea and the USSR and make the values
more consistent with nearby locations. For values we follow stock. For some reason
- which may be valid - locations near the border on the Russian side have a ratio
of 1:3 while on the Japanese side 1:5 - except for the area to the West of the great river bend at Khabarovsk - where both sides have 1:1 ratios. This seems to
be related to where LOC are (or are not), and where fortifications protect them (or
do not) - so the open country with no LOC is 1:1 - while the other bands give
rewards to capturing generally fortified locations useful for major invasions on or
near LOC. A few more things were simplified for "simplified" scenarios (even numbers) - mainly divisions not having sub elements.

I still intend to update Level I at the time we issue Scenario 106 - also an AI scenario (as 102 is). This is included but only as a preview as many things need modification for 1945. But it is starting to look like 1945 in many respects. When it is completed, we will issue a cumulative eratta update for all Level I scenarios - just as this update is.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Final Update 1.41 (2/29/2016 11:20:49 PM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

This may be the last technical update for RHS Level I. A number of eratta are included - almost all in location files, but also in device, class, ship and leader files.
This will make games work more properly.

One location in China changed names - because I used a different transliteration system. RHS uses Wade Giles spellings because modern Pinyin was not invented until 1954. We use period names all over the map for historical flavor.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Unplanned Update 1.42 (eratta & chrome) (3/14/2016 2:53:54 AM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

This is an unplanned update for RHS Level I, which has (almost) ceased development.
There is a bit of collected chrome and semi-important data corrections of a logistic nature which I occasionally decided was worth modifying records for. So naturally all these relatively minor things are included here.

There are two main reasons for this update. The first is three device changes of some significance. I have developed the "static device" idea so it reports better (as invented, it reported as "guns" no less). Now it is a "static squad" and does not report as a gun. There is one other modification to the device as well, but I forget the details. As well, two Russian naval guns are reclassified as "army weapon" in Full RHS Scenarios (those with odd numbers). That permits a railroad unit with them to move. [Simplified RHS - or even numbered - scenarios do not have railroad units - because AI does not know how to keep them on railroads and because simplified scenarios lack many minor units - to reduce player management.]

The second main reason is that there are new Allied air art filmstrips. For the present I do not wish to use different filmstrips for Level I and Level II. The new art required the change of one record in the aircraft files. This is the second update in a row with new air art. It was not anticipated because I did not make the art. I don't actually make art. Rather I put it into filmstrips. [Sometimes, lacking actual art, I use photographs. Sometimes, lacking proper tops and alphas, I modify other tops and alphas to approximate the needed one.]

RHS Level I is mature, but the prosecution of eratta in a data set this large will never actually end. Most development and indeed most eratta are not backfitted to Level I. But when it might improve things significantly, I take the time to update the six scenarios included here (plus one more which might be added). Of these, only five are really playable: 101-105. 106 is the incomplete 1945 full map Downfall Scenario, and it is issued only for comments - perhaps half modified - thousands of records remain to be 9999ed out (because they do not exist in 1945) or modified (for 1945 devices, locations and other details). 101 and 103 are nearly identical Full RHS Scenarios (in active and passive Russian forms}. 102 and 104 are also nearly identical, simplified RHS scenarios (in active and passive Russian forms). 105 is the only Japan Enhanced Scenario at this time. The former 99, and possible future 109,
is suspended - an alternate Japan Enhanced Scenario. [A version of it, 129, remains in development for RHS Level II]. Only scenario 102 is intended for use with AI - and AI only works (kind of, sort of) when playing Japan. [The Downfall Scenario, 106, is also intended for AI play].

el cid again -> RE: RHS Unplanned Update 1.432 (eratta & air art) (3/25/2016 8:30:25 PM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

This update roughly corresponds to Level II 1.432 update. Many of the comments
below apply - although not all records are updated (or even can be updated) for
Level I. Two driving forces continue to cause updates for Level I files:

1) Important eratta which, if corrected, will make even old ongoing games work

2) The present policy to synchronize air art (permitting one common set of files
for both Levels I and II). There are significant air art updates and sometimes
records pointing at them.

As a result of the air art updates, some new aircraft have been added, and even
some new air groups. In particular, RAF gliders, and six squadrons using them,
as well as 48 Squadron (a double size Dakota unit) were added (so that the
ability to lift the airmobile brigade of the British "airborne" division is real
rather than theoretical). [That division is very weird - 1 brigade is light para's,
1 brigade is medium weight airmobile - and 1 brigade is heavy - including
medium tanks! If the three brigades ever combine - the airborne brigade and
the airmobile brigade lose their air assault capabilities - but the formation is
much better able to cope with major enemy forces - as IRL.]

A third factor will force still more updates: there are late war device issues
related to missiles and atomic bombs and aircraft. I will need to fix these.

The Level II 1.432 comments follow:
As advertised, this update includes all out year MONSOON seasons of the pwhexe.dat files. Unexpectedly, it also includes revisions of all other pwhexe.dat files due to eratta or omissions. I failed to remember that Andrew Brown's interpretation of the British North Borneo Railroad includes only half its length. This may be a compromise because, except for RHS, AE only has one pwhexe.dat file. And indeed, that railway was hurt by bombing of its bridges (but not before the war begins!). But that railway is famous for being used THROUGHOUT its length IN SPITE of the lack of continuous rail: It is the vital communications infrastructure of its area, and was kept in service by locals, using trucks as prime movers or independent railway vehicles on sections not serviceable by engines. Another issue was the Bridge across the Bhramaputra River. I forgot Andrew has this bridge (not built until 1944) for both road and railroad - in 1941! Before the completion of this bridge, and the upgrading of the Bengal and Assam RR (which both occur in Spring 1944), it was a six week journey from Calcutta to Upper Assam. Removing the primary road bridge as well as the rail bridge (until they are built) makes river traffic assume more of its historic role as well as impose major logistical constraints on the Allies in Assam early in the war. As well, two vital primary roads - to Imphal and to Akyab - do not yet exist in 1941. Support for Allied air bases and ground operations in the area depends a great deal on riverborne logistics, and that is vulnerable to enemy air power. The Bhramaputra River is a major barrier to land movement of supplies and troops - road and rail links require moving far up the Ganges - and then back down the other side - on fairly limited networks. There were also a few bad hexsides - mainly ocean or both instead of land - needing correction. I am quite pleased with the "final" set of files (absent the Fall season except for 1942, and absent Japan Enhanced Scenario versions). They use the Matrix system (primary or secondary roads or trails in all directions when and where appropriate) as well as the RHS system (primary and secondary roads or trails where they really run in rural areas - which is much of the map - to channel movement along the lines it almost had to move along).

Another major effort went into working on air art. Both sides get full sets of new air art filmstrips. Some of these rework the very worst cases in the collection of art. And for the first time I made proper alpha's myself (instead of copy and paste or modification and paste of pre-existing alpha's). Both these were cases where I had black and white art - lending itself to making an alpha by a one step process instead of the more usual, complicated one involving several steps.

I began to work on air art so I could add the Ku-1 light transport/training glider for Japan. It is assigned to the Raiding Training Regiment - in keeping with the doctrine that says an airborne unit should own its own transports. [JAAF was the only service in history to do this, following German advice even the German's themselves never implemented.] The Raiding Training Regiment is also unique in another respect - it conducted operational combat jumps as training! [This in China, until midwar, when it was dissolved in favor of more line units.] So the Raiding Training Sentai, in spite of being a training organization, also may conduct operational jumps - if a player wants to. It disbands on the same day the Raiding Training Regiment does, mid war. The unit also could upgrade to Ku-8's or other gliders - or to transport planes - when these become available. The Ku-1 is a very small, slow glider of limited capacity towed by a Ki-51! This required an entirely new set of art be created. In the process, I became concerned about RHS glider data. Gliders are unusual - they have no power per se - so how did I calculate maneuverability (using the RHS formulas)? We fly "combinations" of glider and tug - how does that affect durability and range? I decided to add written notes to the normal plane definitions and rework all glider units to insure consistency.

FYI gliders work precisely the same as air transports do. This is because gliders can “take off” by being “snatched” from the ground – particularly in Asian operations. However, they have peculiar characteristics. The primary trade-off is payload for range: a glider unit “combination” will always have less range than the tug has, and will also always carry more payload than the tug can (if it carries any at all – the Ki-51 as tug for a Ku-1 has no useful load. Also, it is so small a plane, it tows only one glider.

Most other glider combinations in the game involve transport (or bomber-transport) aircraft which may tow two medium sized gliders. But the one large glider in the game – the Ku-7 (which was a scaled up

Ku-1 – complete with its twin booms0 – is towed by a Ki-67 I bomber. In spite of only one glider per tug, and no cargo on the tug, it still has the greatest capacity of any combination in the game – 16,000 pounds

(= 1 8 ton tank). Normally, air transports in RHS are rated by troop capacity on the basis of 100 kg (220 pounds) per troop. However, gliders (and a few dedicated air cargo aircraft) are rated for their capacity in pounds - because they are used to lift vehicles, guns and other heavy cargo – and must be so rated in order to actually lift them.

Reviewing Allied gliders, I found only one type used in PTO – although by multiple nations. The Waco CG-4 (sometimes with other names) – was used by RAF, RAAF, USAAF and maybe the USMC. The art is fully reworked – we lost the D-Day invasion stripes for example. We went over to glider art rather than tug art for tops (previously used in AE RHS – a reversion to WITP era RHS – using Cobra’s art for WITP as a foundation). The insignia cannot be recognized (it is present) due to small size. So I use the same art for three different plane types: RAF, RAAF and USAAF – permitting proper control of upgrades and rates of production. [RAF and RAAF were added.] These three all are three aircraft “combinations” involving a C-47 and two CG-4s – but the RAAF type is called Hadrian instead of CG-4 – while the RAAF uses the CG-4 as such because they came direct from the US (with US paint scheme). The US form comes early – mid 1942 – and stays in production. The RAAF from is limited in number and all appear in February 1943 (when they were transferred). The RAF form is late war (for operations out of India) – but stays in production once they start to arrive.

This led me to wonder how the RAF functioned – late war it gets a real “airborne” division. [This is a composite unit – a real airborne brigade, an airlanding brigade, and a heavy brigade. IF these three ever combine – they become a ground unit unable to conduct airborne assault – but are better able to fight heavy ground units.] How was the airmobile unit to fly – with so few RAF air transport assets? Review led to discovery that 48 Squadron – about double the size of PTO RAF units – transferred to India in 1945. Also that six squadrons formed in India in late 1944 and early 1945 – these latter all glider units. So all these have been added.

Another addition is pure chrome. There was one specialized USMC glider unit – VML-711 (and nominally Marine Glider Group 41, but with no other squadrons formed, for a brief period). Along with most other Marine special forces, it was disbanded in 1943 (in favor of more, large assault divisions). It also was

never sent anywhere. As chrome, an in keeping with “power to the players” RHS design philosophy, if a player ever finds an (early war) job for the unit, it may be transferred from the East Coast to PTO. It gets 12 (of the 13) gliders actually transferred by the Army to the Navy (for Marine use). I did not create a separate type for this unit – it must use Army gliders or convert to USN/USMC air transports. I also added its commander – and he will transfer to the pools when the unit disbands – a highly rated air transport pilot as well as a unit leader.

I tried to add Russian and Canadian gliders, but failed. The Canadians didn’t use the Hadrian, but an earlier training glider – and apparently never in operations (just as part of the Empire Air Training Scheme). The Russians made few gliders, and the only type that might have been able to share art (using a Russian LI-2 version of the C-47 as tug) was not mass produced. The Russians only built about 100 small gliders for operations, and abandoned their use after the Dnieper River crossing (which was a success) – probably not having enough to lift a significant force after that.

Stuck with down communications, I also reviewed locations, finding 10-12 cases with eratta and 1 base force assigned to the wrong base in one scenario (detected because that location had two instead of one base forces as in other scenarios). There were a few other aircraft and air group eratta detected and worked in.

The next update will include all the post 1942 FALL pwhexe.dat files. Then I will tackle the pwzone.dat and pwlink.dat files. There will apparently be one RHS pwzone.dat file and four (seasonal) pwlink.dat files.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Design Theory (3/25/2016 9:04:23 PM)

You are correct. Also - there are problems with AIF in "Simplified" scenarios (even numbered).
In Simplified, sub units are 9999ed out - only the parent appears for AIF and many others.
These issues will be corrected shortly.


ORIGINAL: el cid again


ORIGINAL: bigred

and this


IA is my own prefix - so it means it is a unit I have modified - and either is on the map,
is a reinforcement, or was lost for some reason. But it should exist in some sense -
else the name could not appear in your image. I don't know how you got this display?
Try to pull it up with a new game load.

EDIT: I have found your display and every unit in it -
the IA 13th brigade is slot 6694 and would appear if its component units were to combine.
The division would appear if its component units were to combine. I have not found the 27th
artillery yet - but it must be in the data set or it could not be listed. It is "not in play" which
should mean it isn't yet arrived in theater.

EDIT AGAIN: Found it - slot 6302. It is 9999ed out in RHS, not in stock. Not sure why?
But either it should be 0 as in stock, or the unit should not have the field associating it with a higher
command - preventing the higher unit from ever appearing. Will determine which?

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Final? Update 1.44 (eratta) (3/27/2016 1:43:05 AM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

This update includes a major review of location files because of problems reported with units not appearing in Scenarios 102, 104 and 106. These are "simplified RHS" scenarios and some sub units do not appear. But if the sub unit had a pointer at a parent, the parent also could never form. It turns out a small number of units on both sides in all scenarios were affected, although mainly it was even numbered ones. It affected Aussie 7th and 8th Divisions, the ROC First Marine Regiment, and about three IJN Combined SNLFs.

In addition to the above, about two Soviet Outpost base forces were added. We now can see how aircraft could fly from Alaska to the middle of the USSR? These bases may matter if Russia is drawn into a war in the Far East.

This might be the last Level I update.

Yaab -> RE: RHS Level I Final? Update 1.44 (eratta) (3/30/2016 1:39:54 PM)

Your email bumps my messages.

Scen 102

Four aircraft (id 76,941,948,956) have incorrect durability in range of 200+.

Unit 7469 has the slum device in its TOE. That is OK but it seems the unit also has 1000 support squads in its TOE. Is it WAD?

Unit 7713 again plans for Kumara(Manchukuo), while it should be planning for location 1353 (Yang Chiang; China)

Location 988 has 6pdr CD Gun factory.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Update Final? Update 1.45 (aircraft device related) (3/31/2016 5:56:29 PM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

This update affects (generally late war) aircraft devices, missiles and atomic bombs in particular. Except for about eight new USAAF officers of the 393rd Bombardment Squadron (who may command detachments of that unit), everything here will update into existing games. New games will also get those officers. Included is new Axis air art filmstrips.

This is an unplanned Level I post development update because these devices will be important for long term games, and for Scenario 106 (a 1945 Downfall scenario still in development).

m10bob -> RE: RHS Level I Update Final? Update 1.45 (aircraft device related) (4/1/2016 4:37:19 PM)

Very much like what you have done for this newest version of RHS, especially the names of locations.

May I suggest Perth/Fremantle?..They were near enough each other and Fremantle of course was a U.S.sub base early in the war.
I located a website which named drydocks not found in WITP-AE nor RHS.
Foochow China had one large enough for 10 tons and the Pescadores had one (used by the Japanese) for merchant ships and oilers.(A refinery was also located there and I know you are the resident "China expert"..

Love the many aircraft you included.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Final? Update 1.44 (eratta) (4/2/2016 9:48:15 AM)

AOL was not working for email much of today. It seems to be fixed now.



Your email bumps my messages.

Scen 102

Four aircraft (id 76,941,948,956) have incorrect durability in range of 200+.

Unit 7469 has the slum device in its TOE. That is OK but it seems the unit also has 1000 support squads in its TOE. Is it WAD?

Unit 7713 again plans for Kumara(Manchukuo), while it should be planning for location 1353 (Yang Chiang; China)

Location 988 has 6pdr CD Gun factory.

There are several locations with large numbers of slum devices. All have an equal number
of additional support squads (besides their normal compliment) to make them support neutral. These are in
fact "supply sinks" - carefully located at points with excess population (Chunking, Tokyo, Peking, Calcutta,
Bombay, etc) which is not productive and at least wants to be fed. It renders things very bad indeed if cut off from resource
deliveries - complicating production and operational units. At the same time, it makes these locations very
difficult to conquer (the first time - not later) - just as major urban areas really are. There are technical
reasons for the return of the WITP era RHS concept of a supply sink - and they work surprisingly well. The
slum device is almost purely a supply consumer, worth nothing in combat terms although it (and its paired
support squad) do add to squad count. The important quality they have is they demand supplies - regardless
of what is available - and they are static - refusing to move.

Thanks for the eratta report - I will investigate every item.

Location 988 should have light industry vice the 6 pdr gun.

You are correct - unit 7713 has a one digit error in its planning location.

The aircraft durability is a classic case of an editor induced problem (on save).
All these aircraft durabilities are greater than they ought to be. Unlike the
issues above, these are only in some cases wrong in some scenarios. But they are
issues in both Level I and Level II.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Update Final? Update 1.45 (aircraft device related) (4/2/2016 10:20:40 AM)

Do you mean "10,000 tons?" Also, what size do you have at Pengu (Chinese for the Pescadores and having the
very same meaning = place of fishermen)?


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Very much like what you have done for this newest version of RHS, especially the names of locations.

May I suggest Perth/Fremantle?..They were near enough each other and Fremantle of course was a U.S.sub base early in the war.
I located a website which named drydocks not found in WITP-AE nor RHS.
Foochow China had one large enough for 10 tons and the Pescadores had one (used by the Japanese) for merchant ships and oilers.(A refinery was also located there and I know you are the resident "China expert"..

Love the many aircraft you included.

m10bob -> RE: RHS Level I Update Final? Update 1.45 (aircraft device related) (4/2/2016 4:41:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: el cid again

Do you mean "10,000 tons?" Also, what size do you have at Pengu (Chinese for the Pescadores and having the
very same meaning = place of fishermen)?


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Very much like what you have done for this newest version of RHS, especially the names of locations.

May I suggest Perth/Fremantle?..They were near enough each other and Fremantle of course was a U.S.sub base early in the war.
I located a website which named drydocks not found in WITP-AE nor RHS.
Foochow China had one large enough for 10 tons and the Pescadores had one (used by the Japanese) for merchant ships and oilers.(A refinery was also located there and I know you are the resident "China expert"..

Love the many aircraft you included.

I might be one of the few who actually likes wikipedia...(when they give sources anyway.

This info also gave me the general info which made me look for those drydocks on other sites and ascertain histories and sizes...The Warspite for instance was at Bremerton because the huge drydock at Victoria,(not Vancouver) was already engaged with a large transport.

Here is the site for the Victoria yard where in Feb 1942, the Queen Elizabeth was using her drydock.

Possible map issue?...I BELIEVE I am using RHS 2 and have the correct map tiles, but the Gulf port (Gulf of Mexico) is sitting in the center of land, not touching that narrow spit of water along the border of the map...The tiles are however correct over in the Aden area..

I am all kinds of excited about the many aircraft included in RHS which I know were there IRL..

m10bob -> RE: RHS Level I Update Final? Update 1.45 (aircraft device related) (4/3/2016 6:03:58 PM)

This may be the drydock I earlier located in the Pescadores. It is at a major Japanese base called "Mako" and an OOB for this site is also listed for the day Pearl harbor was bombed..
I believe the drydock itself may be seen clearly in this pic at the lower right side of the pic.?


OOB located here:

Finally...this site shows Makung Harbor info, (present name of old Mako base), presently the drydock is listed as "medium sized", whatever the heck that means?

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Standard Map System pwzlink.dat file (4/6/2016 7:57:36 PM)

This is IDENTICAL to the original stock file EXCEPT for the distances
between ports - which in this case from the standard navigation publication
Distance Between Ports! It may be used with any stock scenario or other
scenario using the stock map system. It does NOT change art. It ONLY
changes the navigation time for Allied task forces which are OFF MAP.
RHS Level I uses the standard map system.

This modification is very similar to the Extended map version -
but has one additional pair: Aden to Abadan (and vice versa).
Given as 47, the range should be 53.

This file may be used in ANY scenario using the STOCK map system.
That INCLUDES RHS Level I scenarios.!45175&authkey=!ADWl1DbK5zCj3u4&ithint=file%2cdat

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Update Final? Update 1.45 (aircraft device related) (4/6/2016 8:02:04 PM)

I use Wiki about 18 hours a day. It is getting better over time. It is NOT entirely reliable -
nor comprehensive. But it is a good starting point.

There are three new off map ports in RHS Level II which do not yet work. This requires all sorts
of changes, not to mention understanding how to make them. One of them required an entirely new
editor - because the original one didn't work. Dave Bradley has now written it - but I have not
yet got all the files modified. Step one was to get the ranges between ports fixed - they were
generally incorrect for off map ports. I began with the existing standard and extended map versions.
Now I need to make RHS versions which have additional features. There will also be new pwzone.dat

FYI this is the RHS LEVEL I thread. This stuff is covered in the RHS LEVEL II thread!


ORIGINAL: m10bob


ORIGINAL: el cid again

Do you mean "10,000 tons?" Also, what size do you have at Pengu (Chinese for the Pescadores and having the
very same meaning = place of fishermen)?


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Very much like what you have done for this newest version of RHS, especially the names of locations.

May I suggest Perth/Fremantle?..They were near enough each other and Fremantle of course was a U.S.sub base early in the war.
I located a website which named drydocks not found in WITP-AE nor RHS.
Foochow China had one large enough for 10 tons and the Pescadores had one (used by the Japanese) for merchant ships and oilers.(A refinery was also located there and I know you are the resident "China expert"..

Love the many aircraft you included.

I might be one of the few who actually likes wikipedia...(when they give sources anyway.

This info also gave me the general info which made me look for those drydocks on other sites and ascertain histories and sizes...The Warspite for instance was at Bremerton because the huge drydock at Victoria,(not Vancouver) was already engaged with a large transport.

Here is the site for the Victoria yard where in Feb 1942, the Queen Elizabeth was using her drydock.

Possible map issue?...I BELIEVE I am using RHS 2 and have the correct map tiles, but the Gulf port (Gulf of Mexico) is sitting in the center of land, not touching that narrow spit of water along the border of the map...The tiles are however correct over in the Aden area..

I am all kinds of excited about the many aircraft included in RHS which I know were there IRL..

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Update Final? Update 1.45 (aircraft device related) (4/6/2016 8:08:05 PM)

The name differences are linguistic - Chinese vs Japanese. As a student of the PLAN's "Strait Crossing
Operation" (for which I have massive OB data dating from 1990s versions of the concept) - I have a lot
of information about Pengu (the Pescadores) bases. PLAN war games indicated that fast boat and air strikes
from these bases were fatal to their original operational concept. So now reducing this base (instead
of by-passing it) is a major component. It is tasked to the PLAAF Airborne Force, supported by the most
elite of PLA Ground Force units - an airmobile brigade (a dual brigade - half is always in Hong Kong -
half always at its base just North of there). It was the first PLA medium weight airmobile force.
Today the entire PLAAF Airborne Force is similarly equipped - using essentially APC based vehicles for
lots of things - including some with 120 mm guns!


ORIGINAL: m10bob

This may be the drydock I earlier located in the Pescadores. It is at a major Japanese base called "Mako" and an OOB for this site is also listed for the day Pearl harbor was bombed..
I believe the drydock itself may be seen clearly in this pic at the lower right side of the pic.?


OOB located here:

Finally...this site shows Makung Harbor info, (present name of old Mako base), presently the drydock is listed as "medium sized", whatever the heck that means?

el cid again -> RE: RHS Maps, Reveal Codes and Off Map Matters (4/12/2016 7:19:11 AM)

It would be very time consuming to do so. Shipyards at the lower end
represent essentially fishing ports, and they were added in probably
hundreds of locations. More significant shipyards were added where
they exist, in proportion to their capacity: for example, at Cebu.
Shipyards were never treated as a subject of their own in RHS. Instead,
shipyards (and other infrastructure and industry) have always been mainly
a function of location research, except when someone points out a specific
omission. So they have been added (or occasionally deleted) over years of
time, in numbers. The mod design intent is to model the capacity to repair
ships (for both sides) and to build ships (for Japan) precisely where that
capacity existed. I have found that nothing works better than research of
the location. I use photographs as well as books to do this. Many locations
are NOT documented on the internet (yet - it keeps changing) - but I have
significant physical reference materials to work with.


ORIGINAL: bigred

Sid can u recap all the bases you have added shipyards?


el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Comprehensive Update 1.46 (4/12/2016 7:34:46 AM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

This unplanned update was made for several reasons.

There is a change to the aircraft art and we keep Level I in sync with Level II
in that respect rather than have two standards. As well, there are new aircraft,
which, since we were reworking the Level I files, we added. The most interesting
of these is the Ki-105 (formerly Ku-7 II) twin engine, ultra long range transport -
a glider upgraded with engines. Here, I actually made the top art and alpha myself,
which is unusual, by modifying the Ku-7 I images done by Cobra AUS long ago.
Working on that, I figured out that the Ku-8 I, which was developed in the first part
of 1942, was never put into production. An improved version, already added, the Ku-8 II, was mass produced in 1944 (700 examples). So I changed the way RHS treats
them - the Ku-8 I exists but is not in production, although a player may produce it.
The Ku-8 II gets a much higher rate of production than it had before - in strictly historical scenarios. Neither type is in production in Japan Enhanced Scenarios,
but may be put into production (because I think glider production may be a mistake
in terms of resource allocation - JES scenarios have no glider regiments - substituting more transport regiments. Both glider plane units and troop units are replaced by regular air transports and light parachute regiments.

The Boeing 247, the first modern airliner, was added to art - but not to Level I aircraft files. It is present for use by Level II. Level II 1.46 will release tomorrow.

There is at least one new device. An airborne Type 3 Special tankette was added, but it only appears in JES scenarios because it was not put into production. It is essentially a machine gun tank (there were three versions, but it is the practical one),
and it is small enough to move on Ku-8 II. A type 95 light tank can be moved by a Ku-7 I (but not II). This means the single airborne "armor" company can be airlifted by gliders or by heavy regular transports, if either is produced - in 1944.

There is some eratta of all types which, when significant, was backfitted and held against this day, when a release would happen. Most of this will update into old games. All of it will make new games run better in some sense.

There is no present plan to update again, but it is likely there will be occasional releases similar to this one.

m10bob -> RE: RHS Level I Comprehensive Update 1.46 (4/12/2016 3:00:50 PM)

Thank you for all.

el cid again -> RE: RHS Level I Comprehensive Update 1.461 (4/12/2016 7:56:51 PM)

Level I 1.461 Update Link!33136&authkey=!AIeV-gp_t254BBU&ithint=file%2cmsi

A slightly updated version of 1.46 after a data audit.

Unstated, 1.46 contains the revised off map distance between ports data in the form
of a new pwzone.dat file. This version is generic and works with ALL standard map
mods and stock scenarios. Level I won't get a special RHS version of the pwzone.dat file (as presently planned) - but Level II will.

This unplanned update was made for several reasons.

There is a change to the aircraft art and we keep Level I in sync with Level II
in that respect rather than have two standards. As well, there are new aircraft,
which, since we were reworking the Level I files, we added. The most interesting
of these is the Ki-105 (formerly Ku-7 II) twin engine, ultra long range transport -
a glider upgraded with engines. Here, I actually made the top art and alpha myself,
which is unusual, by modifying the Ku-7 I images done by Cobra AUS long ago.
Working on that, I figured out that the Ku-8 I, which was developed in the first part
of 1942, was never put into production. An improved version, already added, the Ku-8 II, was mass produced in 1944 (700 examples). So I changed the way RHS treats
them - the Ku-8 I exists but is not in production, although a player may produce it.
The Ku-8 II gets a much higher rate of production than it had before - in strictly historical scenarios. Neither type is in production in Japan Enhanced Scenarios,
but may be put into production (because I think glider production may be a mistake
in terms of resource allocation - JES scenarios have no glider regiments - substituting more transport regiments. Both glider plane units and troop units are replaced by regular air transports and light parachute regiments.

The Boeing 247, the first modern airliner, was added to art - but not to Level I aircraft files. It is present for use by Level II. Level II 1.46 will release tomorrow.

There is at least one new device. An airborne Type 3 Special tankette was added, but it only appears in JES scenarios because it was not put into production. It is essentially a machine gun tank (there were three versions, but it is the practical one),
and it is small enough to move on Ku-8 II. A type 95 light tank can be moved by a Ku-7 I (but not II). This means the single airborne "armor" company can be airlifted by gliders or by heavy regular transports, if either is produced - in 1944.

There is some eratta of all types which, when significant, was backfitted and held against this day, when a release would happen. Most of this will update into old games. All of it will make new games run better in some sense.

There is no present plan to update again, but it is likely there will be occasional releases similar to this one.

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