cgallop -> RE: bug with planet constuction lists version (4/7/2012 8:49:14 PM)
This same bug is also causing design spam for capital ships, cruisers and carriers. See pic below for non-obsolete design screen. If I were to guess what is going on, I'd say the system is constantly trying to create a working design for these larger ship types that meets the space rules and is forgetting to obsolete its older attempts. The results is dozens of active designs for these ship types. Doesn't affect game play directly though as all the designs seem to exceed the space requirement rules so aren't available in the build menus in most cases (the resupply ships in the planet construction yard menu is the only one I've noticed). [image]local://upfiles/41705/6108198C075A4D6F9D042E3A9A1A5DE3.jpg[/image]