Italy 43 AAr (Full Version)

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shauny1987 -> Italy 43 AAr (4/8/2012 4:47:38 AM)

Inspired by 1st Sgt Tnic I have decided to try this scenario. I must confess I haven't played it before, though I have messed around in several Italy scenarios briefly.
Essentially, I will be running it blind, and with only the basics of understanding the game. Despite owning it and having played it for many years, I would consider myself a worn and haggered TOAW soldier who has never had his day of glory, and probably never will.

So lets get the grinding offensive on with shall we?


The main offensive will begin here in the South, to link up with the Salerno landings further north...



As you can see, the generals have their orders. Hopefully the Salerno landings can cut off a large portion of the German army before it retreats north into the nasty hills and crags of Northern Italy. As a joint Anglo/American offensive, we can enjoy much camaeradie and, more importantly, American air support.

Lets go give Jerry a bloody nose shall we? Comments and advice is, as always, welcome!

shauny1987 -> RE: Italy 43 AAr (4/8/2012 5:16:33 PM)

Do not show this to the Jerries.

Operation: Rubix


shauny1987 -> RE: Italy 43 AAr (4/8/2012 6:31:57 PM)

Turn 6 - September 26th 1943

At Salerno..


South of the Salerno landings...


Operation: Rubix


The main thrust north..


North East of the Main thrust northwards...


Overall so far the Germans have put up a first class defence. Even heavily outnumbered they are inflicting heavy Casualties. However reinforcements are quickly arriving and Main push north are breaking through, some units (the canadians) have already reached the southern most flank of the Salerno front.

At Salerno, artillery is blasting away from both sides. The german armor keeps poking their noses into the front line, only to get pushed back. Then they retake it again. Both sides taking many casualties.
However the American flank advance is making much progress, and should relieve the tension at Salerno shortly.

shauny1987 -> RE: Italy 43 AAr (4/8/2012 9:40:43 PM)

Turn 8 - October 3rd 1943

Operation: Pompey


A general offensive to break out of the Salerno Beaches. Preluded by a large artillery bombardment and followed up by 3 US and 1 British divisions attacking north. Finished by a flanking attack from the East by the British 7th Armored Division, the Newzealand Brigade, British 1st Airborne and others.

In true British fashion, I am delaying this operation 2 Weeks(1 turn) so the 7th armored can resupply, as well as our artillery guns, who have been expending ammunition on the hun for weeks.

*Note, the main push in the south has fully broken through, only token Axis resistance remains between them and the Salerno Front.

**The commandos at Napoli have been reinforced by a US Division, they wont be using that supply base anymore.

shauny1987 -> RE: Italy 43 AAr (4/10/2012 6:16:06 PM)

The current front lines. Some progress made around Salerno, but at heavy cost. However the flank attacks have caught Jerry off his guard. The 51st HL are fresh, but very very low quality unit(10%). I plan on sticking them in to the fight to finish off the Germans.


shauny1987 -> RE: Italy 43 AAr (4/11/2012 10:06:40 PM)

The 51st Higlanders engaged the 16th Panzer area and drove off some Panzergrenadiers. While their first attack didn't take the ground, it shocked the Jerry so much they vacated the area when some Scots came to mop up to the tune of the bagpipes. Casualties were fairly light considering.


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