RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (Full Version)

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Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/22/2012 9:33:04 PM)

I dont see it in the Dropbox, but I wasnt having any troubles?


There may be a limit on factories and airbases and such in a no resources game as to not have a bazillion factories. This is the first no resource game ive played in ATG past just a few turns.

SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/22/2012 11:15:25 PM)

Ooops. In there now.

Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/22/2012 11:45:47 PM)

It appears you start with 300 raw in a no resource game, and those buildings still require raws, thus limiting what one can build.

I hadnt even built an engineer until this turn. Guess I better use them wisely!

Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/22/2012 11:54:42 PM)

Turn to IRon

SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/23/2012 3:30:33 PM)

turn to Kraftwerk.

SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/24/2012 2:31:55 AM)

turn to Kraftwerk

SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/24/2012 3:31:40 PM)

turn to Kraftwerk.

SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/25/2012 6:04:39 AM)

turn to Kraftwerk

SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/26/2012 3:43:06 AM)

turn to Kraftwerk.

ironduke1955 -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/27/2012 2:50:58 PM)

Turn to Sail sorry guys if I don't post turns regularly I find it less time consuming just to check the dropbox which I do frequently.

Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/27/2012 10:06:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: ironduke1955

Turn to Sail sorry guys if I don't post turns regularly I find it less time consuming just to check the dropbox which I do frequently.


SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/28/2012 5:20:04 PM)

Since we all just check the DropBox, I think we can dispense with the "Turn to..." notifications. Make sense?

Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/28/2012 6:35:12 PM)

lols you shot down my recon planes. This means war! (someone should pass that bug along to Vic)

ironduke1955 -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (4/30/2012 5:06:31 PM)

Well your calling them Recon planes the Iranians would call them spy planes/drones (:

Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (5/1/2012 2:56:24 AM)


SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (5/15/2012 3:32:53 PM)

Sorry for the delay. Over to Kraftwerk.

SailingGuy -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (5/25/2012 10:17:04 PM)

Open letter to Sultinate and Soviets (also posted to the ATG Forum):

OK. I'm going to end my involvement here. I have, quite frankly, lost all interest in this game (hence my delay in getting the turn back to you). I think it is a mistake to turn off RAW/OIL. I will not play in a game set up that way again. Way too much micro managing. (Which is why I like games with one town starts.)

The problem with Last Man Standing games is that to work properly everyone must act in their own self interest. When one player doesn't act in his own self interest, he is (purposefully or inadvertantly) working in the interest of another player. That is the case in this game. The Soviet player has admitted that he will never play for first place, and is quite content to have Sultinate win the game.

We could play another RW year to see if I would prevail against the two of you (and I think that there is a very good chance that I would), but at this point I really don't care. There are other games that interest me much more, and during the summer my RL time is at a premium.

There is also the meta-game aspect of this contest. There is an outside pressure (coming from other scenarios) that appears to be binding the two of you together. The Sultinate has admitted this. I would caution you that there is an inherent danger in letting a perceived notion of "they always work together" hold sway within the general ATG community. I don't think that is the case, but I bring it up because it was mentioned to me.

For my part, I do think this game worked on one level: It demonstrated the power of a naval force over a ground force. Had I the Sultinate's tactical skills, this ATG scenario would have validated why the British Empire lasted for a over hundred years, and why the American navy insures our current Super Power status.

ironduke1955 -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (5/25/2012 11:53:25 PM)

"The problem with Last Man Standing games is that to work properly everyone must act in their own self interest."

This statement has no clear logic "Work Properly" who decides what is proper and what is not ?

Also the statement "everyone must act in there own self interest" You do not know what my true intentions are or were, and it is not in my interest to tell you. If I had said that I intend to accumulate VP starting with Moscow and then moving on to other easy AI targets while you and Kraftwerk knocked seven bells out of each other, leaving my forces and raw materials largely untouched, it would have been in your own best interest to pass this information on to Kraftwerk. So shock horror I did not give you this information.

As to this "There is also the meta-game aspect of this contest. There is an outside pressure (coming from other scenarios) that appears to be binding the two of you together." I had to check as I was not aware who I was dealing with in other games, unless they declare themselves to be a certain player I often have no idea who they are as I have so far not bothered to check. I have now.

The truth in this game is simple I received what I took to be a complaint about my taking of a AI town from a power called Germania the ethnic nature of this town was not german and it was strartegically a town that I would not like controlled by anyone else other than myself. We had no prior aggreements regarding the taking of AI cities. I received no such complaints from The Sultinate and I had taken towns that were ethnically arab. So deciding who I would like to cooperate with was not difficult. If you wish to start negotiations do not start them with a veiled threat.

The fact that I have to explain all this is one of the reasons why I will be looking for other games to play.

Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (5/26/2012 4:16:43 PM)

What I meant by saying there were multiple games to consider, is that if you build a good relationship with another player, and they know how you react to certain situations, it makes you more likely to be understood and dealt with accordingly in other games.

Bowing out of a losing situation in one game honorably, makes it more likely that same player with a knife to your throat in another game, lifts the knife a bit. Thats just the nature of video games. After playing here for a while I know the cut throat players from the more mild players, I know the adventurous players from cautious players, and I know the players of great skill from the those who are starting out. Surely my victory here only helps propel me to assist you more vigorously in War at Sea Sail. If I built a good report with Ironduke who is in a critical spot in World without Water, that doesnt put us in any sort of alliance, but it means when I tell him, im not going to attack you, he believes me, because Ive been trustworthy. Even if it enrages someone, I try to stick to my word to the end, because surely current actions color future actions dont you think?

Theres alot of things to consider when youre a part of a community. Like repeatedly beating on "noobs" I think is pretty dishonorable, I like to try and find ways to help some newer players beat experienced players. I find that helps keep the players around.

Everyone is entitled to their own play style, mine is usually less revolvevant around trying to win, and more about picking interesting players and tactics. Im not ashamed to say that sometimes I go into an FFA game with a "target", and regardless of the situation, im trying to take down that target, through diplomacy, or direct action. It adds an element of fun to the game for me.

Im also all about trying to help out any newer players without actually doing any hand holding ( cause that doesnt help just makes em feel like noobs )

Krafty -> RE: Hot War, Cold War [RECRUITING] (5/26/2012 4:22:56 PM)

And for what its worth, every 3 player game ive ever played, from Warcraft II to The Operational Art of War, ends in tears.

The most logical way to win, is to team up on one player, then forgo the one on one at the end and high five after the rage quit. I was thinking the lack of any resource constraints would make this more fun and exciting, but that setting kind of back fire on us and made it only more likely for a 2 on 1.

Neither of us were super excited about the folly of the game settings, and ending it quickly was a part of our decision as well.

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