TAIL_GUNNER -> ENH Das Reich - small problems and solutions (4/15/2012 4:43:52 AM)
Well I'm always late to the party, but here goes.. I downloaded SP:WaW about a month ago for the sole purpose of gathering data for adding new equipment into War in the East. But I dabbled with a couple of ENH Campaigns, and Das Reich sucked me right in like it was 1995 all over again... Finally finished it today, and what a brilliant game it was...but I did notice some minor problems. There were many German vehicles missing in the scenarios after Kursk. These I added to the Czech OOB as is seems they were there initially. They include the following: -Tiger II P2 Turm -Pz T-34 M43(r) -LeZgkw S307(f) -Marder I 39H -2m FlaK LKW -FlammPz B-2(f) -Sdkfz 252 LGM -PSW AB41 201(i) -Pz 35H 734(f) -Pz 39H 735(f) -Pz 39H RAK Also a few scenarios had wrong pointers or data. They include the following: 09 - Gateway to Belgrade - Yugoslavian 37mm AT gun had 76.2mm IG as secondary weapon (OOB file is correct) 27 - Thick in the Hedgerow - had to change the Sdkfz 252 LGM to use modified Czech OOB 28 - Hold the Road - some US Engineers are artillery 33 - Rescue of Stumpf - same as above, plus M15A1 MGMC has wrong pointer. (I reclassed using the M15 MGMC) 34 - Clash at Manhay - Sdkfz 252 LGM and Tiger II P2Turm changed to use modified Czech OOB 36 - Sharp End of the Spear - again M15A1s are wrong To use these fixes, just dump the .dat files into your \Campaigns folder and put the OOB15 file into your main Steel Panthers folder. Let them overwrite the old files. If you wish to keep your ENH install pure, I'd make a copy of it, and shove the OOB15 file into that instead. Rename it "Das Reich Only" or something... If the original developers fix these small issues, I'll delete this attachment and post a link to the fix. Thanks to all who made this fascinating campaign.....it's been a LONG time since a game sucked me in like this one did. Here is a link to the .zip file: DOWNLOAD Kind regards, ChadG[8D]