IanPnz1V -> RE: Army Group Formations (4/21/2012 12:15:44 PM)
Llovlya Aug 23rd 1942. Okay, here's how I sorted it: First using alt+n rename your units just before deployment and upgrade like this example: Sixth Army. 8th Panzer 111n - becomes - 6th Amy/8th Pnz (typing is restricted in these boxes). 22nd Wehrmacht Inf - becomes - 6th Amy/22nd Inf. Do this with all the units that you have allocated to this particular Army, I had about 34 slots availiable for my three armies, and my Airforce. Airforce and Bridging units by the way, dont really need to be renamed it's up to you. Fourth Panzer Army. Mostly Tanks with a couple of supporting Grenadiers and a couple of Sp Artillery. 2nd Panzer IVG - becomes - 4th Pnz Amy / 2 Div. Sdkfz 2328rt - becomes - 4th Pnz Amy/2 rcn. (recon) and so on.. My special (SS) Tank Divisions (three) are renamed idependently as - SS 'Das Reich' SS Tokenkofp, and SS Liebstandarte (not sure if these were even at Stalingrad, but there you go). These SE units along with a bridging unit I have placed between the two main Armies in the centre, but can be called upon to reinforce the Sixth or the Fourth when required, such as when the Soviet 64th Army with five tank and six infantry divisions attacked suddenly on the 18th Aug on 6th Armies left flank, north of the Don bend, With the help of 'Das Reich' and 'Liebstandarte' the Soviets were forced to withdrew. A word about Artillery allocation, I have five units: 3 heavy cms 21's and 2 Stugs, The more mobile and better protected stugs are better off with the more mobile harder-hitting 4th Panzer (which by the way I have placed on my southern flank south of the Don) The cms 21's are better with the more defensive 6th Army, just my preferance tell me what you think. You may wonder whats the point of all this extra work typing in all these change unit names? Well, I do it because I get just as much enjoyment from the choosing/upgrading/re-naming units in Panzer Corps as I do in playing this excellent game along with giving it a more historical View and perspective. ThanX[:)]