marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (6/26/2012 3:07:21 PM)
Combat Report - 4/22/1942 (NOTE: Today, we updated to RA 4.6. As far as I can tell, the only difference for our game is that garrison requirements are going up in China and India. In China, I've long been ignoring GRs because my troops are urgently needed, and in India I have plenty of troops regardless.) There were two deliberate attacks today: - In Singapore, he is pushing his luck a bit by attacking day after day, but he will definitely take it within a few days. As soon as he does, things will change fast in Burma. It is almost Monsoon Season in Burma, so I may be inclined to withdraw everything to the jungle hexes on the Indian border. Obviously, this spells bad news for China. - In the hex SE of Kweilin, he attempted another deliberate attack. Unfortunately for him, my 570ish AV arrived from the east and gave a 50% boost to my forces. We roughed them up pretty good. If my forces didn't stink so bad at offense, I might be aggressive and try to knock out this army.