marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/3/2012 4:42:15 PM)
Combat Report - 12/25/1941 I asked Santa for a CVL for Christmas. I didn't get it, but I'm giddy like a kid on Christmas morning anyway. - The mKB has disappeared again. It pretty much had to have moved W/NW but I'm not certain. In a sense, it doesn't matter to me. He will have to return it to port in either case - He is starting to land in the island bases between Luzon and Mindinao. The attack on Clark Field can't be far off. - An enemy force is reported to be off of Attu Island (SigInt). No real surprise here. - And then there's China... quote:
"In all fighting, the direct method (cheng) may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods (chi) will be needed in order to secure victory" - Sun Tzu, The Art of War (5:4) Cheng - I've been trying to pile troops into Changsha in order to counter the attacks that have been reducing my fortifications bit by bit. Each battle seems to have better odds for him. But I continue to do well despite his best efforts. quote:
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52) Japanese Deliberate attack Attacking force 67809 troops, 779 guns, 208 vehicles, Assault Value = 1738 Defending force 63317 troops, 358 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1296 Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1 Japanese adjusted assault: 1377 Allied adjusted defense: 1045 Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1) Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1 Combat modifiers Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-) Attacker: Japanese ground losses: 3127 casualties reported Squads: 7 destroyed, 308 disabled Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 30 disabled Engineers: 1 destroyed, 40 disabled Guns lost 20 (2 destroyed, 18 disabled) Vehicles lost 35 (1 destroyed, 34 disabled) Allied ground losses: 888 casualties reported Squads: 27 destroyed, 41 disabled Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 134 disabled Engineers: 5 destroyed, 7 disabled Guns lost 9 (3 destroyed, 6 disabled) Chi - The movement of my "Ichang Army" has been intended as a diversion from the start. However, since there has been very little reaction to this large force in his rear, it has turned into a more substantive maneuver. In Hankow, the Japanese attempted to dislodge the 300ish AV that had arrived ahead of the main force. Little did he know that by the end of the day about 90% of my army would be in the hex. quote:
Ground combat at Hankow (85,50) Japanese Deliberate attack Attacking force 12144 troops, 88 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 482 Defending force 58983 troops, 344 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1810 Japanese adjusted assault: 40 Allied adjusted defense: 2641 Japanese assault odds: 1 to 66 Combat modifiers Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-) Attacker: Japanese ground losses: 4488 casualties reported Squads: 218 destroyed, 103 disabled Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 92 disabled Engineers: 4 destroyed, 3 disabled Guns lost 44 (30 destroyed, 14 disabled) Allied ground losses: 126 casualties reported Squads: 2 destroyed, 17 disabled Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled - Moreover, the Japanese once again tried to take Tsiaotso, the dot base NE of Loyang. Once again, my troops came out ahead by about 1000 casualties - I will take Hankow. It is also possible that I can take Sinyang. I've got 650 AV already there and another 250 coming in tomorrow or the next day. This means that I have seriously inhibited his ability to get supplies into Wuchang and to the front. There are some ships parked outside of Hankow, which is consistent with the "radio chatter" that he had just supplied Hankow by river and then pumped it into Wuchang. Even so, he cannot allow this to stand, and I think this means that he MUST retreat from Changsha. I'll call that victory. - I'm starting to salivate over Canton and Hong Kong. It's a rediculous idea, I know, but I do have around 1500 AV sitting in the forested hexes along the river NE of Canton. How strong are the Japanese in these areas usually? Is it conceivable, given my gains in Central China, that I can strike a blow in the south as well?