RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (Full Version)

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John 3rd -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/24/2012 6:55:40 AM)

You guys are sure turning out the turns. Now that you are a couple months into the Mod, how is it going? Always looking for feedback!

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/24/2012 4:14:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

You guys are sure turning out the turns. Now that you are a couple months into the Mod, how is it going? Always looking for feedback!

I like it, but bear in mind that I don't really have anything to compare it too since I'm so new. I do like the stack limits. I think that adds something to the game.

TexasD says he likes it as well. He particularly mentioned the larger naval assault units.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/24/2012 4:28:28 PM)

Combat Report - 2/14/1942

My convoy out of SF will be ready to go in 2 days, I think. Enterprise and Lexington will have to hustle when they get to Pearl or they may not be joining (they have to replenish pilots/aircraft as well).

What I'm pretty sure is the last element of the KB is fading off into the mist toward Truk. I hate not knowing where the KB is, but at least I know I have a breather in the Solomon's for a bit. If I had to guess, I'd say that he will reload and then come hit Fiji/Noumea hard. Let's hope the timing isn't such that that happens just as I'm bringing in all those troops.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/25/2012 4:03:47 PM)

Combat Report - 2/15/1942

My AVG ambush over Changsha wasn't really all that I wish it had been, but I certainly came out on top. I will leave them there for a few days to see if they continue to be successful.

He bombarded Port Moresby with 2 BBs, a CA, and escorts. I guess he's tired of losing ships every time he tries to land more troops.

He is building an airfield at Ferguson Island near Milne Bay. I have a feeling that will be a thorn in my side pretty far into the war.

Both of my carrier groups will arrive in port tomorrow. Saratoga and Yorktown will arrive in San Francisco. Enterprise and Lexington will arrive in Pearl Harbor. Both groups need to repair a bit, and the latter group probably has a week or more of repairs. In the meantime, I'll be running pretty heavy ASW operations out of San Francisco in preparation for our massive convoy's departure. I am also filling replenishment fleets for the route to SOPAC.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to get the port in Luganville built up.

John 3rd -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/25/2012 4:12:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: marbakka


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

You guys are sure turning out the turns. Now that you are a couple months into the Mod, how is it going? Always looking for feedback!

I like it, but bear in mind that I don't really have anything to compare it too since I'm so new. I do like the stack limits. I think that adds something to the game.

TexasD says he likes it as well. He particularly mentioned the larger naval assault units.

Thanks. If you spot anything or have ideas please email, PM, or comment on the RA Threads.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/26/2012 3:52:38 PM)

Combat Report - 2/16/1942

- For the first time in probably a month and a half, there were no bombers over Changsha. Instead, he sent every Oscar within range to take a shot at the AVG units flying CAP. The results were disappointingly even, though the total casualties were low. My boys are off their game and I'll move them to the back to rest a bit.
- The only big news of the day were ground battles in Port Moresby and Changsha
- Port Moresby saw yet another deliberate attack. He evidently lacks engineer squads with his attack, because my fort level remains at 2 and thus, they continue to hold out like champions. The AV is down to 527(IJ) vs 221(Allied) with 1 to 2 odds.
- A surprise in Changsha! I had seen evidence of troop movement (mostly in SigInt), but I concluded that he was rotating units out of the city. Instead, he has just continued to build up his forces there. Today's deliberate attack came as a surprise, though he didn't fare terribly well:

Attacking force 199238 troops, 1925 guns, 580 vehicles, Assault Value = 6415

Defending force 134169 troops, 701 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3619

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 4632

Allied adjusted defense: 3563

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
20093 casualties reported
Squads: 325 destroyed, 1346 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 238 disabled
Engineers: 31 destroyed, 172 disabled
Guns lost 135 (18 destroyed, 117 disabled)
Vehicles lost 114 (3 destroyed, 111 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
6359 casualties reported
Squads: 52 destroyed, 461 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 128 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 28 disabled
Guns lost 69 (2 destroyed, 67 disabled)

Assaulting units:
36th Division
13th Tank Regiment
39th Division
6th Division
40th Division
116th Division
13th Division
110th Division
27th Division
41st Division
9th Armored Car Co
22nd Division
34th Division
15th Division
35th Division
17th Division
4th Ind.Mixed Brigade
3rd Division
32nd Division
15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2nd Ind. Engineer Regiment
1st Mortar Battalion
4th Mortar Battalion
51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
11th Army
8th Ind. Engineer Regiment
6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment

If I counted right, that is 16 divisions in Changsha! And all that without any discernible weakness in other parts of China. I'm not sure what to make of this or how to respond. I have another 1000 AV to the SE that I can move in, but the city is pretty much bone dry on supplies, so that is about all I can do. I'll be doing some recon over the Hankow area to double check that I'm correct in saying that he has not reduced his defenses in this area. If he has, then my Ichang army is rested and ready to go again.

John 3rd -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/26/2012 5:27:15 PM)

He will be facing that stacking penalty. I imagine after each attack his units fall into chaos. Look at the amount of casualties he took! It really is a nasty addition put into this game by JWE Inc..

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/27/2012 3:23:14 AM)

Combat Report - 2/17/1942

I've got to stop saying to myself "Well that was a nice boring day" before the round is actually over.

It was a nice boring day until SURPRISE! a flight of 31 Betties which are apparently based in Munda showed up over Luganville and 3 of the ships trying to unload there (DD, xAKL, xAK). I'm annoyed that such a large force of bombers already has coverage over here. It looks like the only way I can move troops/supplies in is under carrier air cover until I get an airfield there. The 8th Marines are in trouble with low supplies and not all of their equipment able to be unloaded. I've also got to find a new home for the big shipment of just under 30000 troops that is loaded on the WC and headed here. I may just put them in there anyway since I'll have carriers coming with them.

I have a strong feeling that the KB will be coming to the Suva area next. He has seen too many tasty targets over here not to come hunting.

I've been working on the assumption that Australia needs both fuel and supplies shipped to it. Is that correct or is fuel sufficient for them to produce their own supplies? (newb question, I know)

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/27/2012 3:41:28 AM)

Luganville forces will divert to Pago when they arrive in SOPAC if necessary


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

He will be facing that stacking penalty. I imagine after each attack his units fall into chaos. Look at the amount of casualties he took! It really is a nasty addition put into this game by JWE Inc..

I'm still not sure I understand how exactly those stack penalties work during attacks. Changsha's limit is 250,000. I think between the two of us there are something like 350000. So who gets the penalty? The attacker? Defender? both?

BBfanboy -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/27/2012 5:11:18 AM)

I'm no expert, but I think Australia is only self-sufficient for maintenance of peacetime forces. To build bases or conduct combat it needs additional supplies. Remember that "supplies" includes all the equipment, vehicles, guns, aircraft etc. needed to replace losses and build new units. Low supplies = no replacements. And if you want to replenish your fleet or launch bombing attacks from there, you draw on the supplies of ammo and avgas.

Oz can get along if it is not being attacked and you need to help islands with low supplies. But don't forget you can also haul from Capetown too, once it gets the monthly convoys building its stock. Check the reinforcement schedule to see when yours is due to arrive.

PS - have never played the RA mod but it might be one in which the amount carried by your cargo ships is restricted compared to the stock scenarios. A huge challenge to organize the shipping - not really fair to a newbie if this scenario has it. The scenario notes should tell you.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/27/2012 5:24:20 AM)


Oz can get along if it is not being attacked and you need to help islands with low supplies. But don't forget you can also haul from Capetown too, once it gets the monthly convoys building its stock. Check the reinforcement schedule to see when yours is due to arrive.

My CT convoys come way too far apart. I usually have the port bone dry within a couple days of the convoy emptying into the port. Right now it is all going to India.

BBfanboy -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/27/2012 2:41:46 PM)

Good in a way - that you are using that supply. I ran the fuel reserve dry the first month and had to haul from Abadan to replenish. It won't let you go from off-map to off-map that is not connected by the off-map channels, so I set it to go from Abadan to a hex near the northern edge of the strip that borders the west side of the map and watch for the tanker TF to appear on-map, then send it to CT.

I never ran the CT supplies dry though, I think because I transferred some cargo ships to the West Coast USA ports when I saw I had too many for CT supply. By the time they got there the cargo in US ports and Vancouver was in the millions.If you find you have lots of supply building on the West Coast move some ships there.

That is Scenario 1 before the latest release though - RA may have different supply rates and the new mod may have reduced the supply buildup on WC NA.

It also occured to me that putting too many cargo ships into troop convoys will cause cargo shortages. Just another way the game slows down our moves by making us balance all the competing needs of logistics. It took me a while to find the right balance of shipping all over the map, even using the easy Scenario 1 version. You will find your optimum level eventually - good luck!

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/27/2012 7:48:38 PM)

Combat Report - 2/18/1942

- Ouch! Another attack in Changsha. He somehow got 1 to 130 odds in my favor. However, the casualties weren't anything like that. He lost 15 and had 408 squads disabled compared to my 10 disabled. He won't be turning to leave, I don't think, but it'll be a few days before attacks again. [:-]

Enterprise and Lexington escaped the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of the Timor Sea with no damage, but the long voyage from the WC all the way down and around Australia and back took a toll. Lexington requires nearly 20 days in the shipyard to get fully repaired. Enterprise will be dockside for a week or so. I'm not sure either of these will be able to help escort my troops to SOPAC. Lex only has 1 major engine damage point, so I may send her out unrepaired. I would have to pull a BB off the yard to fit her on anyway.

Prince of Wales is a problem. She hasn't repaired at all in 4 days. She has 92 SYS 36 FLT and 26 ENG damage. I could scuttle her, but it has occurred to me that if I leave her floating there in the port, she might soak up a bomb or two the next time the KB rolls around. What is the advantage of scuttling?

BBfanboy -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/27/2012 11:13:00 PM)

Scuttling saves you 10% on VP loss.
You probably have a full dockyard and would have to raise PoWs priority for the dockyard to expend points on her. Also, the repair system tries first to repair flotation damage and that may be very slow without actually drydocking.
Just fit her with a long schnorkel and send her to Columbo. [8|]

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/28/2012 12:38:00 AM)

Combat Report - 2/19/1942

I'm terrified. Somewhere during the replay I heard the "main body spotted" sound, but the only thing I can find is a CV supposedly reported at Kendari. Doubtful at best.

What I see clear as day is the combat TF that is pursuing my transports that left Luganville the day before yesterday. The important one - with the equipment for all the troops at Luganville - is, of course, the slowest and most likely to get caught and sunk. It has 4 DDs that had better be amazing. His SAG is 4 hexes away, but I've redirected them toward Suva at Full Speed.

Meanwhile, I had my Suva surface ships (just a couple light cruisers) escorting the badly damaged La Triumphant to Sydney. That worthless DD is sent on ahead with only a DD to escort it while I've turned the cruisers and a couple DDs back to Suva to hopefully protect my shipping there. Another force led by CLs Mauritius and De Ruyter will leave Sydney immediately.

I should have been better prepared for a simple SAG threat. Most of my surface assets in SOPAC are still repairing from the Battle around PM or escorting wounded ships to major shipyards.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/28/2012 9:06:23 PM)

Combat Report - 2/20/1942

Japan captures Cocos Islands. I wonder how he intends to use that base or if it is just a routine capture.

His combat TF retreated to a position just north of Luganville. I think he is planning on leaving it there to react to anything trying to supply that port.

BBfanboy -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/28/2012 9:57:20 PM)

If you have Cocos Island you can use it to base patrol planes and see any moves into the IO west of Oz or NW of Cocos through the strait between Java and Sumatra. By taking it he increases his chances of a surprise raid or amphib landing in Oz or India.

His patrol planes can go 25 hexes - not enough to see all the way to Oz from Cocos Is., but enough to cause you to route Capetown convoys further south and N. Oz convoys close to the coast. This reduces the amount of area his raiders have to look for victims. He can also fuel up short ranged ships like DDs there. Many Japanese players use DDs in twos or threes to raid unescorted convoys.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/29/2012 6:02:30 AM)

Combat Report - 2/21/1942

To my surprise, Port Moresby held out nicely through another battle. They did take some critical losses, though, so I'm not optimistic about the next attempt.

AVG performed admirably above Changsha. SigInt shows some of the units in Changsha planning for attacks in northern China. I'm wondering if he may be shifting to a "north first" strategy since he has had trouble in central China.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/29/2012 3:05:45 PM)

Combat Report - 2/22/1942

A Japanese sub struck and sunk AVP Swan just off of Suva. She was headed to Luganville so that I could base some search planes up there and get eyes on the rest of the Solomons. The number of enemy subs in this area has increased significantly, and I can't really match it with an equal increase in ASW. I do have a surface group coming over from Aussie, but I'm not sure how much those DDs will be of use.

Our massive troop/AG convoy from the WC to Suva left port yesterday. It is SUPPOSED to be traveling in three groups: 2 CV TFs, an ASW fleet (2 hexes behind), and the 4 or 5 transport TFs (2 hexes behind the ASW fleet). Instead, I have 2 CV TFs, an ASW fleet, and then a string of hexes with 1 transport TF each. It feels

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/29/2012 9:35:45 PM)

Combat Report - 2/23/1942

Pretty much nothing to report this turn.

He had a sub lay mines in Noumea, but my guys are already on it.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/30/2012 6:03:47 AM)

Combat Report - 2/24/1942

Shot down 20+ of his bombers over Changsha. However, I'm going to have to pull the AVG units back as I'm taking too many casualties from Oscars. That should give the city a bit of a break for a while.

PM took another attack. Forts are down to 0 now, so it should fall any day now.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/30/2012 3:16:53 PM)

Combat Report - 2/25/1942

Held out another day in Port Moresby. If he had just rested for a day a couple days ago he would have it already. Tsk Tsk.

I have upgraded my Indian squadrons to B17Es to give my Aussie folks some replacements. I'll be looking to upgrade the V Bomber Command as well (Cape Town) if that is feasible.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/30/2012 5:04:01 PM)

Combat Report - 2/26/1942

Big day for Japan.

Port Moresby finally fell. No surprise there.

Clark Field was captured after the first attack in weeks there. I guess my guys were just too hungry to fight.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/30/2012 9:41:52 PM)

Combat Report - 2/27/1942

Nothing to report, except a confession that I'm truly tempted to start going on the offensive in the Burma area while his forces are still week there. I've contemplated landing the 18th UK at Moulmein behind the line and trying to take that back amphibiously. Even just the front line across the river I could attack with my 800 AV verses his 300, but I'm unsure of myself since my only real land combat experiences have been with Chinese/Philippine troops. How do the Brits stack up against the Japanese?

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/30/2012 10:02:33 PM)


Ok, so the situation in China has taken a turn for the worst. After that last major Changsha battle, I moved reinforcements from the hex SE. The intention was to rotate them in with some tired/hungry troops. Instead, he used the opportunity to snatch that hex and open up a route to my flank. I anticipated that he would move into the hex SW of Changsha, so I moved about 500 AV there myself. Both arrived today. Hovering over it shows 18 units there, which if true means that some of his Changsha force moved there. I do have 150ish AV coming from the west on the rail line, but it will be tough to stop a concerted effort on his part back here. Those bases have been abandoned to support Changsha for some time now. I -could- bring some help up from Kukong, but that would mean abandoning that southern outpost to his Canton forces.


marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/30/2012 11:33:03 PM)

Combat Report - 2/28/1942

A terrible day for the Allies.

SW of Changsha, his forces shock attacked my blocking force. To my surprise, he moved 104,000 troops down there. That should leave him enough that I can't really attack him in the city, and pretty much forces me to move some of my forces out myself. He massacred the two units I had down there. I think this may mean that the three bases west of Changsha are done for.

In Burma, I decided to make a deliberate attack to test the waters. The odds were 1 to 2 in his favor and the results were pretty ugly. My air attack earlier in the day were also very disappointing with almost all my brand new B17Es getting damaged by super-accurate flak and Oscars showing up out of nowhere (I've been sweeping for days) to savage my AVG-Aircobra squadron on its ground attack run.

Both are the result of my own mistakes which is what makes it all the more frustrating.

Also, Prince of Wales is officially a lost cause. I'm putting her in readiness status to get her out of the way. Who knows, maybe I'll send her on a suicide cruise toward Colombo.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/31/2012 3:48:14 PM)

February 1942 Snapshot

Notice that the front lines of his advance and my area of more solid control (as opposed to just speedbumps) are closing with each other. I anticipate that March will see Soerabaja, Singapore, Bataan, and possibly Burma fall into enemy hands.


marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (5/31/2012 3:49:57 PM)

Combat Report - 3/1/1942

Nothing much to report except that there was a lot of submarine activity and that I'm temporarily winning the air war over Burma (that will change when he brings in the zeros).

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (6/1/2012 5:55:18 AM)

Combat Report - 3/2/1942


The railroad crossroads west of Changsha is almost certainly lost. I've rushing troops there, but when he crosses that river with 104000 troops that is going to be a shock attack to remember.

marbakka -> RE: Buried in the Sunset (Marbakka [A] vs. Texas_D [J]) - Reluctant Admiral 4.1 (6/1/2012 11:12:10 PM)

Combat Report - 3/3/1942

The AVG squadron currently over Changsha is doing quite well against his Oscars.

USS Hornet arrived in the Eastern USA today. It will be a few weeks before I can get her to San Diego and even when she gets there, I doubt I'll have her escorts ready, but I'm glad to have her on board. HMS Formidable should arrive in a few days bringing my total number in the Indian Ocean to 2 CVs and 1 CVE and in the Pacific 5 CVs.

I bought the 27USA division that I had long ago transferred to Cape Town. I've decided to send it to Melbourne. I figure that even if he doesn't attack Australia, they are present to participate in the island hopping campaign that will eventually be necessary. 6AUS and 7AUS are both fully formed in Karachi. I'm just dragging my feet about moving them until I know where I'll need them. 18UK is still in Colombo.

I need eyes on the KB. It would be disastrous if he showed up in the Fiji area just as my convoys arrived from the WC. That gives me about 4 days to figure out where they are going. Enterprise and Lexington still need about 4 days in PH before they can come southward to join their sisters and cover the unloading of my convoys. I feel like I've stuck my head in a guillotine - this could go terribly wrong.

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