gingerbread -> RE: Can you have to many FZ? (4/23/2012 9:10:52 PM)
It is not the FZ's themselves that causes the supply shortage, it is the lvl 3 fort construction that they allow that is expensive in terms of supply. Per V1.05.18 item 20 g) it costs 1000 supply to build from lvl 2 to lvl 3 (20 supply per construction point) and 1000 more to build to lvl 3 + 10% (5 x 200). If you plan on building fort carpets like Baelfiin, plan on evacuating some HI during '41. In addition to the known military expenditures, pop does consume supply as well so be sure to have some margin and monitor your supply stock in the production screen. If you really plan on 400+ hexes with lvl 3 (+10%) forts, you will have to plan your construction with regards to supply. That is 800+k supply and I doubt there is that much in stock. Every factory (ARM, AC AFV) that uses supply for input wants 2 turns worth of stock.