weblife -> Maximum Colony Development Cap of 155%? (4/24/2012 10:03:21 PM)
Colony Development is stated can be greater than 100% A bonus of up to 50% comes from population up to 500billion. Another 50% if you have access to 10 luxury resources. Ancient Ruins on the planet can give a bonus that stacks on top, up to 50%. The Wonders also add between 30 and 50%. Since income is Population X Development%, it makes pretty good sense to max our development on your biggest colonies. I have my capital world, and here I have a total of +270% Development bonuses. - However, the actual Development level shown is just 155% (+50%). I have just tried scrapping my wonders, and as soon as the last one giving +50% was gone the development dropped to 135% (+30%). The shipyard wonder gives +30%, so it would appear the development bonus for wonders only applies ONCE and only the highest one. I do not have any worlds with ruins on, so I can't presently test if that kind of bonus overlaps or stacks with the wonder bonus. Does anyone know? My findings so far indicates that the best way to get most benefit is to spread the wonders around to get as many worlds as possible up in development. - However, getting that capital with 28billion people to the cap is by far the best money maker.