RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (Full Version)

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SailingGuy -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (7/16/2012 11:05:11 PM)

So what is the current plan? Should I just take my turn (even though it's a redo)?

Krafty -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (7/17/2012 3:40:18 PM)


SailingGuy -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (7/21/2012 2:29:41 AM)

Hi guys,

Sorry for my absence. Unexpected out of town business trip. RL issues. Followed by a sailing vacation (starting tomorrow) without any internet access.

Sorry about all of this. I should be back to the ATG universe on the 29th.

Fair winds,

SailingGuy -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (7/31/2012 1:29:22 AM)

Error messages galore. But maybe now we are back on track. Turn to Hadley.

hadley -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (8/1/2012 4:47:02 PM)

It's been so long, that when I looked at what I produced, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what in the heck I was planning. [:)]

It's good to be up and running again! Turn to Hatem...

~ Doug aka hadley

hadley -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (8/25/2012 7:40:32 PM)

Turn to Hatem!!

ironduke1955 -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (8/27/2012 2:38:38 PM)

Anyone have a explanation as to why Pentagon 1, World Without Water, and War at Sea have ground to halt ?

hadley -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (8/27/2012 10:00:20 PM)

Same for Pentagon II. Five days since a turn's been played in Pentagon I or II. Hatem is up in Pentagon I and Kraftwerk is up in Pentagon II. Either one of those guys up in the other stalled games? I sent reminder e-mails to both of them, but never heard back. Hope everything is alright. Either one of them in the path of hurricane Isaac? [:(]

Happy Hunting... ~ Doug

ironduke1955 -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (8/28/2012 12:09:03 AM)

I am in the path of Isaac may not lose power even its only a cat one. More of a rain issue. If these guys wish to call it on these games fine by me. Its a waste of time invested but you often get that these days I used to play these games face to face with my brothers and friends never failed to finish a game.

hadley -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (8/31/2012 9:44:17 PM)

Hey, Hatem!

I've noticed that you've been on the forums several times since your turns in Pentagon I & II have been up, so maybe it's just that you haven't looked at your dropbox? Either way, you have two turns that have been waiting for a long while. I also sent you an e-mail recently that you might want to check out. Let me know if you got it, and then what you think. Looking forward to getting things moving again...

Happy Hunting!


hadley -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (9/12/2012 2:39:47 PM)

Kraftwerk? ... Anyone? ... Anyone? ... Kraftwerk?

ironduke1955 -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (9/15/2012 2:56:30 PM)

Kraft your the man with the moves at the moment.[:)]

hadley -> RE: Pentagon [CLOSED] (9/19/2012 4:09:08 PM)

It's been Kraft's turn for 16 days now. Same story in Pentagon II. Is he active in any of his other games? Anyone know anything? [&:]

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