Three4Flinching -> Victory at last...sort of (5/1/2012 6:28:46 PM)
First of all I would like to say that this is my first tactical war-game. Today I finally "beat" the game! I played on the second difficulty-level and finished Berlin 45 scenario with a decisive victory. After alot of defeat, feeling stupid and looking around on the forum without getting better I almost gave up on the game. I had not played the game for a couple of months when I thought to myself that I should try it one more time. So I went on the forums for some more tips and beginner help and the started the main campaign on the second difficulty-level. That was a week ago and I finaly figured it out! I´ve just started the main campaign again, but now on normal difficulty and finished the two first scenarios, both with decisive victory. Thanks everyone on the forums for all the help, now I love the game and can´t stop playing it [:)]