Aladinn -> RE: crash on starting multiplayer game (5/12/2012 8:26:33 AM)
I think I am running dutch locat settings (time format, etc). I don't think thats very weird if you live in the netherlands. Anyway somehow suddenly the game works again. I dont think I changed anything though. Some thinks I found that affect could be bugs: In close combat the computer shot at 2 units at once. This is not possible according to the (boardgame) rules. At close range I was not able to use a turreted shot while I got enough ap left. When I turned the tank the next turn I could shoot the turn after. The APC in monsters should have tracked movement, not wheels. loaded units do not used flank defense it seems when you look at the text when shooting at a loaded unit, it say it adds -1 for smoke to firepower, but when you look at the total numers it adds it to the defense value and not the firepower (as is correct), maybe the text should be different then.