Multiplayer Phase Delay (Full Version)

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Bison36 -> Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/11/2012 1:21:39 AM)

I've played a few multiplayer games now and overall the server and gameplay experience has been great. The one issue I wondered about while playing is that after you finish a move; the phase immediately switches over to your opponent. That is not the issue. The issue is that there is no delay before this happens. So you move a chit, but have to wait until your next phase to receive an updated LOS. So you remain "blind" to newly uncovered terrain/enemy until your next phase. A slight delay that allows you to see the newly exposed terrain would be nice. As is it's a slight handicap, because if your unit becomes visible to an enemy (who is also visible you now that you've moved) you will remain blind to the enemy until the next phase. So in theory, for example, your opponent could move a unit or group back out of LOS and you would really be unaware that they did so, because you never saw what your unit uncovered. You only see what is in LOS after your opponents phase.

I hope this makes sense.

FroBodine -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/11/2012 4:03:16 AM)

Yes, this makes complete sense to me, and I agree that it is kind of a bug. LOS should display immediately after you move, and before your opponent takes their phase.

Lebatron -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/11/2012 4:28:18 AM)

Yes I agree. There are timing issues still present that need to be ironed out. Like when shooting at the AI the AI responds instantly with a shot back. Its kind of odd to me not to have a small delay in my fake opponent. It feels like an instant slap in the face for taking an action sometimes. Anybody else kind of feel that way?

ericbabe -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/11/2012 4:34:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lebatron
Yes I agree. There are timing issues still present that need to be ironed out. Like when shooting at the AI the AI responds instantly with a shot back.

Have you tried setting the game delay in the preferences screen?

Lebatron -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/11/2012 4:53:40 AM)

I am using default delay. I will try and add another second to it. It's just that the default feels to quick to me.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/11/2012 7:11:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lebatron
Yes I agree. There are timing issues still present that need to be ironed out. Like when shooting at the AI the AI responds instantly with a shot back. Its kind of odd to me not to have a small delay in my fake opponent. It feels like an instant slap in the face for taking an action sometimes. Anybody else kind of feel that way?

I'm not seeing that with the release build and a delay set to 1.5, though I did see that in some of the beta builds. If this is with the release version, what is your delay and camera pan preference set to?


- Erik

Lebatron -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/11/2012 4:37:39 PM)

As I play the public release more I do notice a change. It does not feel so instant anymore because the camera pans to the action by default now. This creates a little extra delay.

Lebatron -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/12/2012 7:24:39 AM)

Seems that when you pass the AI always responds instantly no matter what your delay is set at. I put it at 5 seconds and saw no change when passing. Passing is not linked properly to the delay settings FYI.

ericbabe -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/12/2012 5:51:21 PM)

What do you have your camera pan mode set to?

Lebatron -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/12/2012 10:45:03 PM)

The default "Show starting unit and unit attack" The map did not need to pan because the AI units were close and within my monitors field of view. So I was passing and the AI was moving its tanks a split second after I pressed the spacebar to pass. Then I tested it by doing a real action and then I got the 5 second delay I had set. Therefore when you pass the AI ignores your delay setting. Hopefully that won't be to hard to fix.

Bison36 -> RE: Multiplayer Phase Delay (5/14/2012 9:19:08 AM)

I just want to clarify that I'm speaking about online games. I've got a delay set but online the phase shifts once you click and commit to an action. You see the dice roll, but not the effect. Or you move the counter, but don't see the resulting LOS until your next phase for example. Instead you get the chat result and the blue thinking circle on the map.

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