ericbabe -> RE: Arty craters are still overkill (5/13/2012 5:13:35 PM)
For what it's worth, the mortar craters are roughly to scale with the units, though the artillery craters are perhaps a bit small at that scale. We found some data originally gathered by Col. Jyri Paulaharju that showed that in grass or dirt the size of a crater is depth and radius roughly equal to ten times the caliber of the mortar or artillery fire. For 76mm-82mm mortars and 122mm howitzers this gives craters with a diameter of about 1 m and 3 m respectively. In the scale of the hex graphics the mortar craters are about 5 m in diameter, but in the scale of the units they are about 1 - 1.5 m, the artillery craters are about 3 m at that scale. Early in development our artists decided to make these sorts of graphics unit-scale and not hex-scale -- we were trying to go for a sort of miniature wargaming look.