level 6 forts on amph invasion LCU (Full Version)

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Lomri -> level 6 forts on amph invasion LCU (5/13/2012 5:22:29 PM)

First of all, this isn't critical to me. I'm playing the AI and don't need a fix. Just a report.

I'm running Beta 1108r4.

I loaded my invasion from Lunga, which had level 6 forts. They landed on Shortland and that very turn the 37th Inf Div had 6 forts and the Americal had 2. The combat engineers, TD and Armor LCU have 0.

I apologize if this has been addressed in subsequent patches. But if not, I've attached my save. Clearly this would be more impacting on a PBEM game where this stuff really matters.

(at least I think my attachment of the save worked...)

witpqs -> RE: level 6 forts on amph invasion LCU (5/13/2012 5:30:54 PM)

I don't know about that particular bug, but if you upgrade to the newest Beta (1108r9) you will be blown away with the additional improvements. That includes improvements to the user interface that can reduce player workload.

Lomri -> RE: level 6 forts on amph invasion LCU (5/13/2012 6:53:03 PM)

Good point. I don't get enough time to play so any time I think "Hmm, I should patch... Or get this turn done!" and I put it off ;)

So I upgraded and the 37th Inf Div still shows 6 forts even though they JUST landed (APA's are so awesome they can land fully built bunkers! ;). So chances are it isn't a display bug? Maybe? But who knows if it would have happened had I had the latest version. (I could go back to the previous turn I suppose... hmm, maybe after I play a turn ;)

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