RE: Sad News (Full Version)

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Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Sad News (5/15/2012 6:41:45 PM)

Seems I misspoke and it is actually Ray. Sorry folks.

I swear Debbie refereed to him as Roy. I meant no harm.

martok -> RE: Sad News (5/19/2012 5:18:40 PM)

Well I'm back -- so to speak. I'm now in La Crosse, WI (got in last night around 10:00), getting ready to go visit my grandmother and attend the Syttende Mai festivities across the river in Spring Grove. Before I go, though, here's a quick report on my trip to St. Louis for the funeral:

Ray's memorial service went well (if that can be said for such an event). It was held at the funeral home, and was a fairly intimate gathering; I'd guess somewhere around 50 people were there, mostly family (I believe). Appropriately, he was being buried with his copy of Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris. I had to grin when I saw that!

The Patriot Guard riders were there in full force as well (for those who didn't know, critter served in the Navy when he was younger). I'd never seen them in person before, and they presented a most impressive -- and moving -- sight. I thanked them for their service, having promised myself I would do so should I ever have the opportunity.

Ray's ex-wife Linda (with whom he'd remained on good terms) found me shortly before the service began; she greeted me warmly, especially when I explained what I was doing there and how I knew Ray. She delightedly introduced me to his friend Greg, with whom he'd been playing wargames for the better part of 30 years. (We talked shop a little bit, despite his being clearly out of my league -- this guy's experience with the genre was orders of magnitude beyond my own -- and also got to learn a little bit more about critter in the process.) He was an incredibly nice guy, and we sat together during the service.

I also spoke with Ray's fiance Debbie afterwards, and she too was very glad to see me after I explained how I knew him. (In addition, I thanked her for informing us about his passing.) I told her and Linda about the Grogheads, Wargamer, and Matrix sites (I'd included the web addresses for all three in the card), and they said they would be sure to check out the threads dedicated to him. They seemed very touched by the fact that so many people whom they'd never even met were affected by Ray's death, and I made sure to let them know that they had our full sympathy and well-wishes.

Anyway, that's about all I got for now. I'm off to see my grandmother and stuff my face with fine Norwegian cuisine. Later guys!

JSS -> RE: Sad News (5/19/2012 7:58:30 PM)

Thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Knew Critter thru Matrix Games since 2003 or 4. Always a great guy and gentleman. Very sorry to hear of his passing.

oldspec4 -> RE: Sad News (5/20/2012 12:10:35 AM)

Another loss way too early...R.I.P Ray.

wodin -> RE: Sad News (5/20/2012 12:35:46 AM)

Your a good man Martok.

Zap -> RE: Sad News (5/20/2012 4:47:21 AM)


Thank you for your kindness and also representing us wargamers at Critters wake. We feel the loss when one of ours passes on.
My condolences to the family

Noakesy -> RE: Sad News (5/20/2012 9:13:37 AM)

Thank you for posting this. I used to play Critter regularly, we stopped last year after we'd exhausted the SSG games but still sent the occasional email of 'across the pond' type banter. He kept saying I should get that Blitzkrieg game so we could have a go at that but (as with many things) just never got around to it. Very sad news to hear this. Bloody hell. Most year's he would send a note on the anniversary of his daughter's death (she was very young I'm sure, I think her name was Cassie). I guess he's with her now. Rest in peace yankee.

SLAAKMAN -> RE: Sad News (5/20/2012 7:36:27 PM)


Most year's he would send a note on the anniversary of his daughter's death (she was very young I'm sure, I think her name was Cassie). I guess he's with her now. Rest in peace yankee.

Wow. That hurts even just to read. RIP.

John 11:25
"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:"

martok -> RE: Sad News (5/21/2012 9:15:19 AM)

It was my pleasure guys. [:)] I'm just glad I was able to work it out so I could attend.




Most year's he would send a note on the anniversary of his daughter's death (she was very young I'm sure, I think her name was Cassie). I guess he's with her now. Rest in peace yankee.

Wow. That hurts even just to read. RIP.

Yeah, I noticed the obit said Ray was preceded in death by a daughter. I was going to ask his friend about that, but I didn't get the chance.

AndyG1 -> RE: Sad News (7/21/2012 3:12:47 AM)

New game - Decisive Battles: Case Blue (follow up to the Warsaw to Paris game that Critter was buried with):-

P4 (opposite Contents) is this:-

In memory of
Raymond W. “Critter” Cheatham, Jr.,
from his friends at Matrix Games."

That is an awesome tribute - well done Matrix!

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: Sad News (7/21/2012 3:27:54 AM)

Yes that is awesome.....thanks to the guys at Matrix-I would also like to say- Well done to the Men and women at Matrix.

british exil -> RE: Sad News (7/21/2012 2:23:53 PM)

A fine deed.

Repect to a close community.

Thank you Matrix for a final farewell.


Rtwfreak -> RE: Sad News (7/21/2012 3:51:36 PM)

Things like this always sadden me and make me remember we are all mortal as I get older. I'm 56 now and one of my first bosses died at 53 with a massive heart attack. When Gygax went that hit me the most and hardest as he was the man who got me into RPG games that I enjoy so much. Now recently Andy Griffith whom I grew up as a kid watching and probably learned a lot of my moral values from. I didn't know Critter but I am familiar with a lot of the members here and when one of them goes it sort of takes a piece out of me and reminds me my time is coming. May you all live long and wonderful painless lives and have 1000's of gaming hours left. [:)]

Josh -> RE: Sad News (7/21/2012 4:05:49 PM)



New game - Decisive Battles: Case Blue (follow up to the Warsaw to Paris game that Critter was buried with):-

P4 (opposite Contents) is this:-

In memory of
Raymond W. “Critter” Cheatham, Jr.,
from his friends at Matrix Games."

That is an awesome tribute - well done Matrix!

Wow, almost without words... [&o]
Hope you enjoy Critter.

mikkey -> RE: Sad News (7/21/2012 10:57:44 PM)


New game - Decisive Battles: Case Blue (follow up to the Warsaw to Paris game that Critter was buried with):-

P4 (opposite Contents) is this:-

In memory of
Raymond W. “Critter” Cheatham, Jr.,
from his friends at Matrix Games."

That is an awesome tribute - well done Matrix!
nice tribute![&o]

reg113 -> RE: Sad News (7/30/2012 8:46:28 PM)

Way to go, Matrix.

martok -> RE: Sad News (7/31/2012 8:24:28 PM)



New game - Decisive Battles: Case Blue (follow up to the Warsaw to Paris game that Critter was buried with):-

P4 (opposite Contents) is this:-

In memory of
Raymond W. “Critter” Cheatham, Jr.,
from his friends at Matrix Games."

That is an awesome tribute - well done Matrix!

That's awesome!

Thanks Andy, for pointing this out. And thanks to Matrix -- that was well done. [:)]

bwheatley -> RE: Sad News (8/3/2012 10:35:26 PM)

Very sad indeed. :(

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