RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (Full Version)

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Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/14/2012 5:04:51 PM)


I've made an interesting observation. Obvert is LR-CAPing Nanchang. We agreed not to exploit the game engine that allows LR-CAP to operate as escort for bombers. LR-CAP is allowed though for the real use of providing CAP outside the base. By LR-CAPing Nanchang, he legally doesn't violate our HRs. He can always say he is protecting his troops from possible bombardement by me. As the base is nowhere near in danger and as I don't have any capable bombers in range, this would be a little ridiculous.
I won't complain as it defenitly isn't cheating. It just shows me, that he is willing to play the HRs by the letter. I am not offended by this, I simply acknowledge it and will do so myself in the future.

Sinyang is attacked with the intention to lower the fortifications before his units arrive. The tank unit was already there but couldn't prevent a 1-1 and the lowering of the fortificiations to 1. the 1.2k AV should finally arrive withing two days, then another DA will follow. 4 Chinese Corps there have XP 50 or more now. [8D]

Ground combat at Sinyang (86,48)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 66560 troops, 423 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1906

Defending force 23381 troops, 203 guns, 157 vehicles, Assault Value = 771

Allied adjusted assault: 1133

Japanese adjusted defense: 609

Allied assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)

Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1075 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 84 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 42 disabled
Guns lost 16 (1 destroyed, 15 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
4120 casualties reported
Squads: 38 destroyed, 322 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 34 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 18 disabled
Guns lost 31 (2 destroyed, 29 disabled)

Assaulting units:
59th Chinese Corps
92nd Chinese Corps
12th Chinese Corps
48th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese Corps
7th Chinese Corps
85th Chinese Corps
41st Chinese Corps
13th Chinese Corps
29th Chinese Corps
7th New Chinese Corps
2nd Group Army
3rd Group Army
31st Group Army

Defending units:
138th Infantry Regiment
12th RGC Temp. Division
56th Engineer Regiment
13th Division
1st Ind.Mixed Brigade
12th Tank Regiment
18th RGC Temp. Division
52nd Road Const Co
67th JAAF AF Coy


He conducts a bombardement attack and finds 475 AV in the base. So unfortunately no SA. He has Ki-27 on LR-CAP over the base, so I will send a few fighter units to sweep the base. As even the Ki-27 start with good pilots, it should be worth it.
One more observation von previous games is also confirmed: LR-CAP is almost useless to intercept transports. This hasn't changed with the last patches.
Several more Dutch units are coming. As I have already weakened Java to reinforce Palembang, I will send as much forces from the island to prolong the siege at Palembang. Java is doomed anyways, and the speedbump Palembang will propably be a better use for them.

The enemy TF off Belikpapan hasn't moved to Java, so my TBs didn't go into action. Most of my cruisers fled towards Australia with full speed to avoid a airstrikes from the carriers. But with Kendari taken, I won't send them back. 4CAs from Soerabaja will move to Batavia, where 9CL are left. Repulse is in Colombo and won't return as well. So while I caused some damage and forced him to act carefully, I won't have thrown away every unit I had.
DDs John D. Edwards and Barker go down, having burned the last two days after the battle off Belikpapan. CL Leander is two hex off Soerabaja and seems to make it. Unfortunately, she'll be sitting in a port that is likely to get Zero and Netty attention within a week. While she even fits into the small repair shipyard in the base, she is likely to be dommed anyways, thanks to his airpower. [:(]

The 18th British Division is unloaded at about 2/3rd of ther strength. Rangoon is at 1135AV, Moulmein at 363.

The base is at fortification level 3. Another baseforce is under way, as it doesn't have enough aviation support right now.

BAs West Virginia and Pennsylvania will be ready to leave for WC repairs in 17 days. With 31 and 37 floatation damage respectively, they should make it savely once their system damage is at zero.

princep01 -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/16/2012 4:55:58 AM)

Admiral, about moving those BBs to the West Coast (WC) for repairs. I start them on their way at cruise speed when their system damage reachs 15-17. I sent 4 BB, 3 CA and 3 CL to the WC with 15-17 system damage and lost none of them. One BB and 1 CL did suffer "temporary repair failure" damage, but it was not serious. All made the WC and commenced repairs there. This freed a great deal of pier and shipyard space at Pearl Harbor for repairing other, smaller victims of the "Day of Infamy" raid. I really don't think you run much risk of losing a ship when you run them to the WC with 15-17% system damage.

It's worth a thought, as you'll get the repairs started sooner in larger and widely dispersed shipyards.

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/17/2012 5:26:54 PM)

While I agree with you that it will most likely work this way, there isn't any urgency to get the ships back in working condition. I will only need those slowly BBs when I expect surface battles under my own air cover. That isn#t likely to happen for months to come.
Also, when you look at the damage, there's not that much to repair anyways :)


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/17/2012 8:51:57 PM)


CL Leander made it into Soerabaja. Despite the growing air threat, she'll have to be put offline for critical emergency repairs. With 49-75(49 critical)-5-0 she's unable to set sail for Colombo or Australia. We'll have to risk it, no matter what...

In the first turns, I mined many of the straights out of the Java Sea. It is common to sail Jap subs through them to intercept fleeing ships. This turn, it turned out to be a good choice:
TF 211 encounters mine field at Banjoewangi (57,107)

Japanese Ships
SS RO-34, Mine hits 1, on fire, heavy damage


Two other Jap subs sink one xAK each.

The first tank unit will arrive within two days. Moulmein is at 366AV, Rangoon at 1150AV.

After facing way more troops in Palembang than expected, he obviously trys to cut off the railroad via paradrop. While my units are in strat. mode, his Paras are still no match!

Ground combat at Oosthaven (48,96)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 243 troops, 4 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 20

Defending force 2316 troops, 18 guns, 16 vehicles, Assault Value = 67

Japanese adjusted assault: 11

Allied adjusted defense: 17

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 1)

Combat modifiers
Defender: op mode(-), leaders(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(-)

Japanese ground losses:
34 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
68 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
Yokosuka 3rd SNLF /1

Defending units:
6th KNIL Regiment
Lijfwacht Cav Sqn /1
4th KNIL Landstorm Bn /2

Palembang is at 476AV.

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/24/2012 12:38:14 PM)


One of my subs hits one of his - but it is a dud! [:@]
Another one hits an AMc, also just a dud.

He finally starts bombing Clarck Field and finds lots of planes there. While only 4 are destroyed, I have to work out something else. I can hardly understand why he didn't bomb it earlier, with my B-17 operating from Clarck almost every day.
This turn, they attacked Hong Kong harbor and found prey:
Morning Air attack on Hong Kong , at 77,61

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 26

Allied aircraft losses
B-17D Fortress: 9 damaged

Japanese Ships
xAK Satsuma Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
AG Unkai Maru #6, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Choun Maru #7, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
xAKL Hokuhi Maru, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
AG Mansei Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAKL Kikuryu Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
AG Oigawa Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Port hits 4

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
8 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb


I used my Blenheim IF to strafe Chiang Mai last turn, so I expected him to move CAP there now. I swept the base and found Ki-43 and the Ki-44 prototypes there. 4 AVG P-40 were lost in exchange for 4 Ki-43 and 2 Ki-44 (one ops, one A2A). Sounds like a fair deal to me.
A first tank unit arrives with the 3rd Husars and their light Vickers tankettes.

With Kendari and Kuching likely to be operational for Netties, full evacuation begins. Two cruisers forces with the expendables are heading north from Batavia into a position that will allow them to strike Singkawang at night the next turn.

He starts to move his forces around Chengchow into my rear. So the battle for Sinyang has to be decided, and it has to be decided now. My 2700 AV do a DA today and will likely SA tomorrow, when another corps has arrived as reinforcement.

princep01 -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/24/2012 3:14:18 PM)

Good work on the Hong Kong raid, admiral. You are making the Japanese pay for every mistake and oversight. Excellent!

Those B-17s can do further good work from Java and from Rangoon, too. Either make nice bases for executing more surprise raids. I would think Java would be the more fruitful of the two for now.

This is a very usual situation given the early partial demise of KB. I am observing with interest. I hope Obvert does not turn tuttle and surrender on you soon. It will be interesting to see how this plays out into the summer.

China is also interesting given your aggressive efforts there. Do watch your supply. It can be a bear as the Chinese produce so little. I hope you have started the supply pull in from Rangoon, down the Trail. It will pay dividends when it really starts pipelining in.

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/24/2012 3:56:57 PM)

I am somewhat reluctant to send the B-17 and fighters to other areas, as they are withdrawing within months and have a restriced HQ. Right now, they do fine where they are and I want to save PP for units that don't withdraw within months. But I'll have to see how it developes.
He swept Clarck with 50 Zeros last turn, so there's no way I can defend the airspace with my fighters, even if I send the few replacements I have there. The game started with "replacements on" which came unnoticed by me, so all pools were totally empty on turn two... [:@]
Right now, I rather keep my replacements for Burma, where I have a real chance to stay with almost 2k AV there already.

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/25/2012 12:29:55 PM)


I-166 is reported sunk by a mine at Batavia. Yay!

Another bloody DA at Sinyang. To forces will SA tomorrow, but that'll be the last attack on Sinyang - one way or the other. I'm afraid his rapid reinforcement was effective enough to stop me from taking it.

Ground combat at Sinyang (86,48)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 102328 troops, 606 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2809

Defending force 34253 troops, 299 guns, 189 vehicles, Assault Value = 1121

Allied adjusted assault: 1424

Japanese adjusted defense: 1311

Allied assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)

Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1204 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 100 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 23 disabled
Engineers: 19 destroyed, 5 disabled
Vehicles lost 28 (3 destroyed, 25 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
5288 casualties reported
Squads: 211 destroyed, 408 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 44 disabled
Engineers: 4 destroyed, 35 disabled
Guns lost 33 (2 destroyed, 31 disabled)

Assaulting units:
59th Chinese Corps
12th Chinese Corps
29th Chinese Corps
48th Chinese Corps
77th Chinese Corps
68th Chinese Corps
13th Chinese Corps
92nd Chinese Corps
85th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese Corps
7th Chinese Corps
41st Chinese Corps
87th Chinese Corps
94th Chinese Corps
7th New Chinese Corps
3rd Group Army
2nd Group Army
31st Group Army

Defending units:
12th Tank Regiment
56th Engineer Regiment
35th Division
13th Division
12th RGC Temp. Division
138th Infantry Regiment
1st Ind.Mixed Brigade
18th RGC Temp. Division
52nd Road Const Co
67th JAAF AF Coy

He is trying to cut off my forces at Sinyang. He'll propably be successfull. If Sinyang is captured, this is unimportant. If not, I'll think about it later. Maybe I just scatter my forces into the woods and mountains and move them out now and then to cut his LOC. We'll see...

Two cruiser TFs will hit Singkawang tomorrow. With their torpedoes, they have some chances even against BBs, but their main purpose is to keep the impression that I am still fully committed to the DEI with my naval forces.

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/27/2012 1:22:39 PM)


The CLs do their job. The meet a transport force, unfortunately without troops embarqued, and two SCTFs. As I considered the ships lost anyways, I welcome the results despite the fact that this was a clear defeat:
Night Time Surface Combat, near Singkawang at 56,88, Range 11,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Fuyo, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
PC Kaki, Shell hits 12, heavy fires, heavy damage
PC Sumire
xAK Azumasan Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire
xAK Azuma Maru, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
xAK Katuragi Maru, Shell hits 1, heavy fires
xAK Arimasan Maru
xAP Kitano Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire

Allied Ships
CL Danae
CL Dragon
CL Durban, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1
CL Colombo

Night Time Surface Combat, near Singkawang at 56,88, Range 11,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 4
CA Suzuya
CA Kumano, Shell hits 10, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Natsushio
DD Arashi
DD Hagikaze
DD Michishio
DD Samidare
DD Shirayuki
DD Hatsuyuki, Shell hits 1, on fire

Allied Ships
CL Danae, Shell hits 2
CL Dragon, Shell hits 26, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
CL Colombo

Night Time Surface Combat, near Singkawang at 56,88, Range 11,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
BB Nagato
BB Yamashiro, Shell hits 2
CL Kitakami, Shell hits 1
DD Hayashio
DD Shiratsuyu
DD Sawakaze
DD Yukaze

Allied Ships
CL Java, Shell hits 1
CL De Ruyter
CL Tromp, Shell hits 1
CL Enterprise
DD Banckert, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
DD Witte de With

Day Time Surface Combat, near Pontianak at 55,89, Range 23,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 3
CA Suzuya, Shell hits 4
DD Natsushio, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Arashi, Shell hits 1
DD Hagikaze
DD Michishio, Shell hits 1
DD Shirayuki
DD Hatsuyuki

Allied Ships
CL Java, Shell hits 1
CL De Ruyter, Shell hits 1, on fire
CL Tromp, Shell hits 2
CL Enterprise, Shell hits 7, heavy fires
DD Witte de With, Shell hits 2, on fire

Day Time Surface Combat, near Pontianak at 55,89, Range 25,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 1, on fire
CA Suzuya
DD Natsushio, heavy fires
DD Arashi, Shell hits 1, heavy fires
DD Hagikaze
DD Michishio
DD Shirayuki
DD Hatsuyuki

Allied Ships
CL Danae, Shell hits 9, on fire
CL Colombo, Shell hits 3

Day Time Surface Combat, near Pontianak at 55,90, Range 25,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami
CA Suzuya, Shell hits 5, on fire
DD Hagikaze
DD Michishio
DD Shirayuki
DD Hatsuyuki

Allied Ships
CL Danae, Shell hits 38, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Colombo, Shell hits 2

Day Time Surface Combat, near Tambelan-eilanden at 54,91, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami
CA Suzuya, on fire
DD Hagikaze
DD Michishio
DD Shirayuki
DD Hatsuyuki

Allied Ships
CL Danae, Shell hits 8, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Colombo

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Pontianak at 55,90

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M2 Nell x 26

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
C.XI-W: 1 destroyed
Walrus II: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
CL Java, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
CL Enterprise, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
CL Tromp
CL De Ruyter, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk

Aircraft Attacking:
26 x G3M2 Nell launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo


I lost 5 CL and 1 DD. Strangely, one DD is left without any fuel just off Singkawang, so he'll be gone as well. The lost ships were:
CL Java
CL De Ruyter
CL Enterprise
CL Danae
CL Dragon
DD Banckert

With this ships already written off, I take sunken CA Kumano and DD Hatsukaze as a success.

Singapore is bombed for several days in a row now. While there are enough engineers to keep the damage at 0, it will eat supplies and slow down the entrenchment, which is at 3 by now. I'd love to get it up to 4 in time!
I prepare some fighters to go in for one day. If they take down a few bombers, he'll likely try to bag them and stop his bombing for a few days. It's at least worth a try.

Clarck is getting bombed now. The damage is mounting, so I propably won't reach fortification 4 any more[:@].
At least, my B-17 still fly - this time to Samah:
Morning Air attack on Samah , at 69,63

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 18

Allied aircraft losses
B-17D Fortress: 3 damaged

Japanese Ships
xAK Igasa Maru, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
xAKL Hidaka Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAK Hankow Maru, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
xAK Shoho Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAK Amakusa Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAK Tazan Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire
xAK Nittei Maru, Bomb hits 1
xAK Azuchisan Maru, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Sanuki Maru, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
xAK Uyo Maru, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
xAKL Ayaha Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Meiyo Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAK Tihuku Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAKL Tonegawa Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
TK Arima Maru #4, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Thames Maru, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
xAKL Ryoyu Maru #21, Bomb hits 1, on fire
AO Erimo, Bomb hits 1
xAKL Fukuyo Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAK Tone Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Shanghai Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Port hits 8
Port fuel hits 3

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
4 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
4 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Massive explosion on xAK Tazan Maru



The siege of Sinyang will have to end now. He was fast enough to bring enough reinforcements, while I failed to contentrate my forces. Those additional units now at Sinyang could've been there a weak earlier. I could've taken the base quite easy, but I failed to concentrate my forces! It'll be quite challenging to exfiltrate all my forces - as he will concentrate his if I stay in one city - back into safety successfully...

Ground combat at Sinyang (86,48)

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 98398 troops, 604 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2700

Defending force 33260 troops, 300 guns, 189 vehicles, Assault Value = 1024

Allied adjusted assault: 1436

Japanese adjusted defense: 2517

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 1)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
2421 casualties reported
Squads: 35 destroyed, 128 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled
Guns lost 15 (2 destroyed, 13 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
7655 casualties reported
Squads: 288 destroyed, 680 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 92 disabled
Engineers: 11 destroyed, 17 disabled
Guns lost 39 (7 destroyed, 32 disabled)

Assaulting units:
48th Chinese Corps
94th Chinese Corps
59th Chinese Corps
87th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese Corps
7th Chinese Corps
77th Chinese Corps
41st Chinese Corps
85th Chinese Corps
92nd Chinese Corps
68th Chinese Corps
29th Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Corps
13th Chinese Corps
7th New Chinese Corps
31st Group Army
2nd Group Army
3rd Group Army
12th Chinese Corps

Defending units:
138th Infantry Regiment
1st Ind.Mixed Brigade
35th Division
12th Tank Regiment
13th Division
56th Engineer Regiment
12th RGC Temp. Division
18th RGC Temp. Division
52nd Road Const Co
67th JAAF AF Coy


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/27/2012 10:30:17 PM)

This game is getting quite annoying... I don't know whether it was intention, but by starting the game with "replacements on", I found empty airgraft pools whereever there was a free slot to pull airframes. So essentially not a single US plane in pool. As soon as I relized that, I turned off replacments, but apparently, new airgroups still arrive with "accept replacements. I had saved almost 40 P-40E to change one of the AVG groups to that airframe to get additional planes for the two parts of the AVG operating in China. Now this won't happen.

DD Yukikaze is reported sunk near Groot Natoena after eating a Dutch fish by K XVII [:)]
SS I-15 is reported sunk by a mine near Wake. Was he sneaking into the hex to get a shot? Hrhr, baaad descision!
TF 30 encounters mine field at Wake Island (136,98)

Japanese Ships
SS I-15, Mine hits 1, on fire, heavy damage


CV Akagi falsly reported sunk on turn 3! I can hardly believe this, as she was damaged more than sufficiantls in turn two and all my intel only reported three CVs left. This has to be wrong!

3 enemy units with 3800 men march to moulmein. A Thai division is already at the coast, south of Moulmein. The base is at lvl 3 fortification with 366 AV, reinforcements are under way. If his forces really are that weak, it'll be a pleasure to force them back to Thailand. [:)]
To slow the likely construction of Chiang Mai airfield, I send my Blemheim fighters back in - this time on a strafing run at night. I'd expected a few to crash - just imaging flying at 30m AT NIGHT! - but they get quite a decent result in fact!
Night Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IF x 3

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IF: 1 damaged

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 6

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x Blenheim IF bombing from 100 feet
Airfield Attack: 4 x 40 lb GP Bomb


As his sweeps over Manila met some of my fighters on training flights last round (what a great feature that this is possible!), I decided to put all of them on CAP over Clark Field. The results are fine! :)
Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 11 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 16

Allied aircraft
P-26A x 10
P-35A x 4
P-39D Airacobra x 5
P-40B Warhawk x 9
P-40E Warhawk x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-26A: 1 destroyed
P-35A: 1 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
P-40B Warhawk: 2 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk: 2 destroyed

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet

Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-27b Nate x 25
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 28

Allied aircraft
P-26A x 4
P-35A x 1
P-39D Airacobra x 2
P-40B Warhawk x 2
P-40E Warhawk x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-27b Nate: 3 destroyed
Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

No Allied losses

Airbase hits 2
Runway hits 6

Aircraft Attacking:
17 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 15000 feet *
Airfield Attack: 2 x 100 kg GP Bomb
9 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 15000 feet *
Airfield Attack: 2 x 100 kg GP Bomb


My B-17 strike another time - again at Hong Kong:
Morning Air attack on Hong Kong , at 77,61

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-27b Nate x 10

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 16

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17D Fortress: 8 damaged
B-17D Fortress: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
AG Mansei Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAK Satsuma Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Port hits 2
Port fuel hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
5 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
2 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
City Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 6000 feet
Port Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

CAP engaged:
54th Sentai with Ki-27b Nate (10 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(10 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
10 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 9000
Raid is overhead


Batavia is hit. Well, that happens...
My fighters, not shown in the combat report, where on training and still intercepted some planes! Great!
Afternoon Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 8
G3M2 Nell x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed, 8 damaged

Allied Ships
xAP Mijer, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
xAKL Silindoeng, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAKL Shinai, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
AMc MMS A, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
xAKL De Klerk, Bomb hits 2, on fire
xAKL Duijmar van Twist, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAKL Bintoehan, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAKL Boelongan, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
AMc Lawoe, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
xAKL Siaoe, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAKL De Haan, Bomb hits 1
xAKL Kwangtung, Bomb hits 1, on fire
AMc Digoel, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Toendjoek, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Port hits 4
Port fuel hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 8000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
10 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 8000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

CAP engaged:
No.243 Sqn RAF with Buffalo I (15 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
15 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 10000
Raid is overhead

Training flight from No.243 Sqn RAF has been caught up in attack


Makassar is invaded by a fast transport. He is isolating Java, but he'll be surprised how easy it'll be to take. I hope that Palembang will be a formidable speedbumb though! :)

The Japanese spearhead reach Johore Baru. At the same time, a Japanese SCTF closes in onto Singapore. That makes absolutly no sense! The airfield in Singapore isn't closed, he is already in Johore Baru, so why should he send cruisers and destroyers so close to Singapores huge airfields?
I can only think about one quite bold option: He tries to draw my TBs to strike his TF, likely finding tons of Zeros and Oscars above. So I won't take that bait! I guess that's why he "coincidently" doesn't bomb Singapore today, so that my airfields stay open and that I am confident...
Not with me, my friend [sm=00000030.gif]


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (7/1/2012 4:32:41 PM)


Two of my subs get pounded off Singkawang, Jap DDs are hit by duds.

Several units, including the Burmese Division, start marching south, where a Thai division has reached the coast for a counterattack.

While the forces from Sinyang march north, I am still waiting to evacuate those south. They will all retreat to Changsha and Ichang respectively, but hopefully coordinated to prevent him from picking single units and destroying them in the process.

The SCTF prooves to be without CAP, when some of my FPs attackthem without causing damage. Strange! They were heading to Mersing, which is conquered by a TK unit this round.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (7/29/2012 2:36:37 PM)


A few updates:

Due to my incompetent execution, the offensives have failed. I could've brought 2k additional AV to Sinyang from the beginning - but didn't. So he was able to reinforce in time and I decided to retreat. Thanks to me not knowing how it works with the "hexside control", I moved my units into a deathtrap that would've been easy to avoid. Well, **** happens...
The whole +3k AV from Sinyang are wiped out now, buying a little time. But their countless squads won't be replacable until at least early 43, so that is a significant setback.

At Nanchang, I had my army standing by and intended to retreat once I realized he was reinforcing it. Unfortunately, it was poorly executed as well. Two Chinese corps were NE of it in the woods and I didn't want to leave them behind to be wiped out. To get to the rest of the force took so much time that he was able to force the Nanchang siege forces into retreat several times as well.

Well, whatever. China is only a sideshow for me, my only mission now is to buy time and keep the three mountain cities. I don't really care about the rest as Burma is much mroe important to me.

The "shell-game" with the AVG works perfectly. The two units in China have a killrate of 10 to 1. He was only able to catch them once on the ground destroying one plane. That was all, no other airfield attack or sweep caught them in the last weeks.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (7/29/2012 2:41:22 PM)


Burma is heavily fortified and I am confident to be able to hold it for now. The buildup of my airgroups continues while my carriers are off Australia now. They will get to India hopefully undetected to be a nasty surprise should he decide to bypass Burma by invading Chittagong.

He did two Paradrops and evacuated the units immediately after. I can't see the reason for that, but the small burmese units prooved to be unable to defend against Japanese paras even when they landed without aerial support. Tauung Gyi will be reinforced with about 200 AV, two chinese Corps will remain in Strat mode to be redeployed fast.

He sweeps Rangoon every day with one or two seeps of 30 Zeroes each. I train my pilots unitl they are at 60 Air each and intercept that sweeps in the near future with 150 to 200 fighters to retreat the next turn. I hope I might be able to get new convoys into Rangoon this way as his Netties have blocked any reinforcement attems now. But for now, Burma has enough AV and supplies.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (7/29/2012 2:54:59 PM)


Singapore was pushed down to fortification 3 with the first assault by six divisions. This was at least two, rather three weeks ago. All he has done since then is bombing the base by air and ground forces. The supplies should last one to two more months.

Palembang is still holding. It only reached lvl 2 fortification as the Dutch barely have any engineers. He has pushed the fortifications down to 0 and is bombing the airfield since then effectively denying any new fortifications. While my artillery bombardements have been very effective initially, they somewhen produced turned results so I stopped it.
He asked my to evacuate Palembang as offered...

There has never been a specific offer from my side, all I said was "I am willed to give it to you (almost) undamaged". Thanks to my self imposed HR, it was almost exclusively reinforced with Dutch units. His aerial attacks on my harbors led to a wide scale evacuation of my ships. So when he was asking me to withdraw, I was facing this situation:
- Java is almost totally stripped from ground forces. All that's left are the garrisons. He could overrun it with a single division.
- When I leave Palembang, I move my forces into undefendable territory where he'll crush them from the air.
- The only chance to buy some more time is in Palembang.

So my starting offer was four weeks cease-fire in the DEI. This was - as mentioned - a starting offer which I would've accepted to be reduced to two weeks Sumatra and Java exclusvely. The only marginal reason to evacuate Palembang would've been to get the troops to Java. Without that, both Java and the Palembang forces would've been wiped out within days - turning the "speedbump Palembang" into a "high-speed lane Palembang"!
He declined outright, which is a little said as he seems to be annoyed about it.

But what could I do? Give up Palembang for free - something No player ever has done afaik - hading over the DEI on a silver plate? I could've explained the reasons for my cease-fire offer, revealing the weakness of Java gaining nothing! Once he has conquered Palembang, I'll ask him in which state the base is. If it turned out to be devastating, I'll offer to redo the turn or some moderate agreement like "I will evacuate if I am allowed to evacuate units x, y and z to India" or so. I don't want to break the game by trashing Palembang - but I don't want to trash my defense as well. If I'd do that, I could also move a few of my carriers without CAP to Japan to "even up" the balance...

He has landed a small unit in Semarang three days ago with a fast transport TF. I guessed the base right, so there was a coastal battery in place - turning out to be totally useless! I don't know why, but maybe the unit was still in move or strat mode? Whatever, the unit will hopefully be able to hold a few more days to give me a shot at his ships.

The "shell-game" worked well here, too. He catches almost none of my planes in the air or on the ground while I decide when to strike and sunk a few more transports and DDs in the last weeks.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (7/29/2012 2:56:42 PM)

Sub war:
I think his DDs have taken at least 10 duds the last weeks! [X(] Damn, that is annoying!

Here the scoreboard:


princep01 -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (7/29/2012 8:18:04 PM)

About Palembang.  I don't know the specifics of any offers you guys made or implied, but I would say this:  Don't make such offers.  In fact, when I play, I seldom commit at all on strategic or tactical issues like that.  When a rule problem or some gamey act occurs, we do discuss it and then commit the agreement to writing.  No misunderstandings then result.

Awhile back, my opponents commented unfavorably on my "stratospheric setting on Hurricane CAP in Burma.  I was setting them at 30K in some cases, diving down and chopping his AC rather badly.  So, we agreed that planes could be set at no higher than 5K over their optimal fighting band.  escorts had to be set no higher than 3K over the planes they escorted.  That worked well for everyone and the problem was resolved.  I still use those rules in my current game.

However, if you promised to leave Palembang, then just say okay and ifs ands or buts.  I've been watching and occasionally commenting in your AAR.  It is a nearly unique situation following your great victory over Obvert's KB off PH.  That made this a game I want to see thru.  I hope you guys can work out your issues (if any) over Palembang.  Hope you guys continue.  I have not been reading his AAR on this game, so I am unaware if this is a major problem fo rhim.

Have fun!

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (7/29/2012 8:45:08 PM)

Luckily obvert is steadfast enough to continue :)
I also never promised anything, but that might be a technicality if both sides understand something different. But I've learned enough not to offer the option described above to him, yet. I will ask him after the capture about Palembang's situatiion and will decide after that.

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 7:12:18 PM)

Some time has passed since my last update. I take a bigger event for a little review of the last months in the game.
Right now, it is July 5th 1942 in the game.

This is the score:


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 7:15:18 PM)

Propably two moths ago, he started a few invasions in northern Australia. I didn't bother too much. Darwin is decently defended, though totally without supplies. All troops there are "withdraw-units", so they'd be gone anyway. I will now start falling back to Tennant Creek, where propably 60% of the land based Dutch airforce was withdrawn to (HQ changed to ABDA).

Once my carriers are available, I'll conquer Exmouth with an Australian division and maybe continue from there.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 7:17:52 PM)

Port Moresby is well supplied, has lvl 5 fortifications and 625 AV ready for defense. Some PT-Boats guard the harbour and some allied planes are in range on the continent to be transfered if necessary.
I didn't really bother to defend anything but PM, so he took it.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 7:19:53 PM)

Luganville only has a base force and was never attacked. The base will recieve some reinforcements, soon. I didn't bother how far south he intended to go, so I didn't defend anything. As his advance there seems to have stopped, I will reinforce my bases in the region in the next months.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 7:41:19 PM)

Wake Island is still in my hands and some troops are preparing for an invasion of Marcus Island.

The Aleutians haven't seen any action, yet. I started deploying some troops to build bases.

China has suffered a lot. Sian is under siege and without Supplies - but will be able to hold for some time. The scattered units are fragments and almost destroyed units - used to annoy him by cutting supply lines.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 8:02:22 PM)

I tried to take a stand at Burma with almost 5k AV in total. After he had broken through to Magwe, I managed to withdraw almost everything unharmed to Myitkyina. After some consideration, I decided taking a stand there has no strategic value, so I am in the process of retreating to India.
These forces will be used in an invasion into Thailand or Sumatra , soon.

As you can see, Paoshan is reinfoced and should be able to hold against any assault from Burma.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 8:14:07 PM)

I think I have told in one of my last updates, that my focus will be on the India theatre. Consequently, most allied reinforcemnts went there, including all carriers. I knew that it'll be tempting to invade india when I take a stand in Burma, so I had to prepare.

As the British CVs are about to withdraw, I made several sorties to seek battle. On these sorties, some of his DDs were attacked without effect by US SBD-3. So he knew that I have at least one or two US CVs there, too.

I started another sortie two days ago, when one of my subs in the straight of malacca was dept charged by DDs escorting BBs. They didn't catch the BBs that were bombarding Port Blair, but the following turn, he invaded the base.

So I sent the CVs there to take a shot at the invasion force.

Then, they met his carriers....


Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 46,58

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 50

Allied aircraft
Fulmar II x 6
Sea Hurricane Ib x 7
Martlet II x 10
F4F-4 Wildcat x 48
SBD-3 Dauntless x 34
TBF-1 Avenger x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Sea Hurricane Ib: 1 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
SBD-3 Dauntless: 10 destroyed, 1 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 4 destroyed, 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
xAK Shinyubari Maru, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Shinonome
xAK Atago Maru, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Ayanami, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAK Teihoku Maru, Bomb hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Usugumo
xAK Montreal Maru, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
150 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 14 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 4 (2 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 47,60

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 10

Allied aircraft
Martlet II x 8
SBD-3 Dauntless x 17

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2-N Rufe: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 3 destroyed, 4 damaged

Japanese Ships
CL Abukuma
CL Kinu

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
7 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb

Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,60

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 17
SBD-3 Dauntless x 17

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 4 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
CL Nagara
CL Isuzu
DD Hayashio

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
3 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb

Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 47,60

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 4

Allied aircraft
TBF-1 Avenger x 15

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
CL Kinu
CL Natori
CL Yura

Aircraft Attacking:
14 x TBF-1 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Little Andaman at 43,59

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 109 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 46 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 42
B5N1 Kate x 17
B5N2 Kate x 29
D3A1 Val x 18

Allied aircraft
Fulmar II x 6
Sea Hurricane Ib x 6
Martlet II x 35
F4F-4 Wildcat x 63

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed
B5N1 Kate: 6 destroyed
B5N2 Kate: 16 destroyed, 2 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed by flak
D3A1 Val: 13 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat: 2 destroyed

Allied Ships
CV Formidable, Torpedo hits 1
CV Indomitable

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
2 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Little Andaman at 43,59

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 117 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 43 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 54
B5N2 Kate x 49
D3A1 Val x 61

Allied aircraft
Fulmar II x 5
Sea Hurricane Ib x 6
Martlet II x 26
F4F-4 Wildcat x 45

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed
B5N2 Kate: 5 destroyed, 14 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 5 destroyed by flak
D3A1 Val: 25 destroyed, 15 damaged
D3A1 Val: 2 destroyed by flak

Allied aircraft losses
Sea Hurricane Ib: 1 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 3 destroyed

Allied Ships
CV Lexington, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CV Hornet, Bomb hits 1
BC Repulse, Bomb hits 3

CV Illustrious
CV Enterprise
CV Yorktown
CV Formidable
CV Indomitable

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
10 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
9 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
12 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
10 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb

Ammo storage explosion on CV Lexington

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 46,60

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 54

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 61
SBD-2 Dauntless x 17
SBD-3 Dauntless x 53
TBF-1 Avenger x 32

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat: 3 destroyed
SBD-2 Dauntless: 5 destroyed, 6 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 9 destroyed, 11 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 2 destroyed, 2 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
BB Hyuga, Bomb hits 1
CVE Hosho, Bomb hits 2, on fire
CVL Shoho, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
CVL Zuiho, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
CVL Ryujo, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
CV Junyo, Bomb hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage

CA Mikuma
DD Asagumo
DD Yamagumo, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
7 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
11 x TBF-1 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
2 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
3 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
6 x TBF-1 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
8 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
8 x SBD-2 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
15 x TBF-1 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
7 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
1 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
5 x SBD-2 Dauntless releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
8 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
4 x SBD-2 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
Ryujo-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 10000 and 12000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 25 minutes
Junyo-1 with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 8000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 7 minutes
Shoho-1 with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 5 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters between 8000 and 11000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 5 minutes
Zuiho-1 with A6M2 Zero (7 airborne, 14 on standby, 9 scrambling)
7 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 8000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 34 minutes

Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CVL Ryujo
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Junyo
Ammo storage explosion on CVL Shoho
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CVL Shoho
Ammo storage explosion on CV Junyo
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CVL Zuiho
Fuel storage explosion on CVL Zuiho

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Little Andaman at 45,60

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 27
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 1

Allied aircraft
Albacore I x 38
Fulmar II x 6
Sea Hurricane Ib x 6
Swordfish I x 12
SBD-3 Dauntless x 17
TBF-1 Avenger x 15

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Albacore I: 3 destroyed, 3 damaged
Albacore I: 1 destroyed by flak
Fulmar II: 1 destroyed
Sea Hurricane Ib: 1 destroyed
Swordfish I: 2 damaged
Swordfish I: 1 destroyed by flak
SBD-3 Dauntless: 8 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak
TBF-1 Avenger: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
CV Akagi, Torpedo hits 1

Almost certainly doomed:
CV Shokaku
CVL Shoho
CVL Ryujo
CV Junyo

Propably doomed:
CVL Zuiho

My losses: None!

Formidable is 13-32-0-0
Lexington is 21-31-11-1
Hornet 3-1-1-0

The only risk is a night battle against his BBs, as my escorts only include 8 CA and BC Repulse. But even if he succeds and sinks - let's say two carriers, it is still a battle won.
I am retreating full speed into the bay of bengal with the ships now and unless 14 or 16in shells don't scratch them and unless one of his many subs doesn't hit - it is a total victory!


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/10/2013 8:18:08 PM)

His subs were spotted by SBD-3 last turn. So he knew my carriers were coming. I can't understand why he was willing to slug it out. Did he expect me to send only 3 british CV and one US? What did he think?
Some US CVs were off Timor some months ago, so it wasn't unlikely they might be in India now. He knew for at least a month that there have been US CVs in the Bay of Bengal.

And it is July, so most carrier TBs are Avengers now and the F-Groups are at size 36. I just can't understand it why he risked that.

I would've bombarded Port Blair and then sent in fast transports. There was absolutly no need to risk his CVs!

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (4/12/2013 6:11:49 PM)

four of his BBs face my carriers at night. While most are barely scratched or not hit at all, two CAs and the Lexington sinks.
Still, one CV lost against propably two of his CV, one CVE and a CVL.

Nice outcome. Once they are repaired, I have absolute naval superiority in carrier planes. So the first amphibious invasions are possible in september and october.

Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (5/31/2013 11:41:34 AM)

August 8th 1942:

The fronts have stabilized. He is solidifying his front and take a few last bases, but it is obvious that his offensive days are over. Time for me...

No need to go through the jungle, when I have superiority on the waves. The first offensive invasion from the allied side happend today on Little Andaman under heavy cover. The base changed sides just three turns ago, so the invasion was without opposition. I intend to close the Bay of Bengal with the Andamanes and Nicobraes island chains.
After that, I'll use the roughly 10 allied divisions (US, Brit, Australian, Indian, Chinese) to invade Sumatra. Sabang is the obvious target, so he'll defend it with a significant garrison. But his engineers won't be able to increase the size of the forts far enough, especially in an open hex.
The invasion there, sceduled for late September, will be supported from the Andamanes and Nicobares from the air. Additional invasions will occur at Phuket and Langkawi.
As soon as the air cover can be removed from the straight of malacca, all islands along the western coast (game) of Sumatra will be invaded by 1 Division + support each.

The Australian forces will mount a small offensive into the Solomones, mostly taking undefended or lightly defended islands. It is just a diversion with the hope to draw some of his troops into a theatre I have no intention to advance.

Roughly in November, the allied advance will start in the Pacific. First, Marcus Island will be taken, followed by an invasion on either the Bonin Islands or the Marianas.
Both are possible, but every reinforcement will need air cover from carriers. So this phase is dependent on how many of his remaining carriers I'll be able to sink until then.

Officially, I've sunk all of KB except Soryu. An additional Ryujo and Hosho are also sunk. All for the price of CV Lexington. It is still too close to the event to rule out FOW, so I have to expect some inaccuracy. Maybe one less CV and maybe one additional light carrier.
While many of his ships were hit hard, they were almost in home waters. So even heavily hit ships might have gotten away for now.
One clue that this is true shows me the map. Victoria Point shows ships in harbour for several turns now. The base is the biggest harbour (3) close the site of the last battle.
But while this makes it a likely retreat for heavily damaged ships, the harbour itself is too small to be used for any other use. He has the huge bases of Rabaul (still save from air threat) and Singapore nearby. So why would he use this base? The only other option than as a site for emergency repairs I can thik of is as a base for an AG to resupply SC.
Still, the base also has a lvl 6 airfield, so he might have 200, 300 or maybe even more fighters as cover over it, should one of the IJN carriers really be in the harbour.

I can't throw my CV-aircrews against such a force, so my idea now is to try a combination of bombardement by ships with night attacks from carrier planes. Regarding the small size of the harbour, just a few hits might seal the deal.


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/10/2013 8:03:58 PM)

August 9th to 15th

Andaman Sea:

On August 10th, I send a bombardement TF to Victoria Point. The night illumination fails and the TF aims for the airfields, not the harbor. While the results are fine, I still don't know what's in the harbor. It is still very possible that he has wounded carriers there. Attacks by carrier air groups from land feed this suspicion, they might be remnants of sunken KB-CVs, too.


Night Naval bombardment of Victoria Point at 51,66

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 21 damaged
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed on ground
A6M2 Zero: 88 damaged
A6M2 Zero: 7 destroyed on ground
D3A1 Val: 12 damaged
D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed on ground
H6K4 Mavis: 52 damaged
H6K4 Mavis: 1 destroyed on ground
B5N2 Kate: 21 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed on ground
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 37 damaged
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 destroyed on ground
E13A1 Jake: 9 damaged

Allied Ships
CA Devonshire
CA Dorsetshire
CA Canberra
CL Newcastle
CL Birmingham
CL Mauritius

Japanese ground losses:
142 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 25 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled

Airbase hits 19
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 68
Port hits 1
Port fuel hits 1

Various sea battles occour in these days:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Victoria Point at 51,66, Range 4,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Fumizuki
DD Kikuzuki, Shell hits 2

Allied Ships
CA Canberra
CA Dorsetshire, Shell hits 1
CA Devonshire
CL Mauritius
CL Birmingham
CL Newcastle
DD Bagley
DD Blue
DD Ralph Talbot
DD Henley
DD Stack
DD Sterett
DD Wilson
DD Dunlap

Day Time Surface Combat, near Victoria Point at 51,66, Range 26,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
BB Kongo, Shell hits 1
BB Haruna, Shell hits 4
BB Hiei, Shell hits 1
BB Kirishima, Shell hits 1
BB Yamato, Shell hits 3
DD Yugumo
DD Akigumo
DD Kazegumo
DD Kuroshio, Shell hits 2
DD Yukikaze, Shell hits 2

Allied Ships
CA Canberra
CA Dorsetshire, Shell hits 3
CA Devonshire, Shell hits 7, on fire
CL Mauritius
CL Birmingham, Shell hits 4
CL Newcastle, Shell hits 4, heavy fires
DD Bagley, Shell hits 1
DD Blue
DD Ralph Talbot, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
DD Henley
DD Stack, Shell hits 2, heavy fires
DD Sterett, Shell hits 1
DD Wilson, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Dunlap

Air attacks on his ships:

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Sabang at 44,69

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 3

Allied aircraft
Martlet II x 10
F4F-4 Wildcat x 45
SBD-2 Dauntless x 17
SBD-3 Dauntless x 33

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Martlet II: 1 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed by flak
SBD-2 Dauntless: 3 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 4 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
CA Mikuma, Bomb hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
DD Minegumo
CA Chokai
CA Chikuma, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CA Atago, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CA Suzuya, Bomb hits 2

Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 43,55

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Allied aircraft
Martlet II x 10
F4F-4 Wildcat x 69
SBD-3 Dauntless x 46
TBF-1 Avenger x 15

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 7 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai
CA Chikuma, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
CA Suzuya, Bomb hits 9, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Natsugumo, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DD Tanikaze, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Morning Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 44,66

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 4
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 3

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 58
SBC-4 Helldiver x 17
SBD-2 Dauntless x 14
SBD-3 Dauntless x 33
TBF-1 Avenger x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
SBD-2 Dauntless: 2 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 12 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak
TBF-1 Avenger: 5 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
BB Haruna, Bomb hits 8, on fire
BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 3, on fire
BB Kongo, Bomb hits 3
BB Hiei, Bomb hits 4
DD Kazegumo

Morning Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 43,66

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Allied aircraft
Albacore I x 13
Martlet II x 10
SBD-3 Dauntless x 49
TBF-1 Avenger x 29

Allied aircraft losses
Albacore I: 1 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CL Yubari, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CL Kiso
DD Usugumo, Bomb hits 1, heavy damage
DD Shirakumo
DD Shirayuki
DD Asagiri, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Sagiri
DD Oboro

Morning Air attack on TF, near Trinkat at 43,64

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 17
SBD-3 Dauntless x 15

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
DD Hayashio

Morning Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 44,66

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Allied aircraft
TBF-1 Avenger x 11

Allied aircraft losses
TBF-1 Avenger: 3 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Kirishima, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
BB Hiei

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 44,66

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 4
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 3

Allied aircraft
Martlet II x 8
F4F-4 Wildcat x 16
SBC-4 Helldiver x 17
SBD-3 Dauntless x 45
TBF-1 Avenger x 33

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Martlet II: 1 destroyed
SBC-4 Helldiver: 1 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 9 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 8 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei, Bomb hits 4
BB Kongo
BB Haruna, Bomb hits 6, on fire
BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Kuroshio
DD Kazegumo

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 43,66

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 14
SBD-3 Dauntless x 14
TBF-1 Avenger x 7

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 3 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Shirakumo
CL Yubari, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Usugumo, heavy damage
DD Ushio
DD Oboro

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Trinkat at 43,64

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 14
SBD-2 Dauntless x 12

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-2 Dauntless: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Hayashio

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Car Nicobar at 43,61

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 36
SBC-4 Helldiver x 17
SBD-2 Dauntless x 12
SBD-3 Dauntless x 28
TBF-1 Avenger x 21

Allied aircraft losses
SBC-4 Helldiver: 2 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 5 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 5 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Arashi, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
CA Haguro, Bomb hits 6, heavy fires, heavy damage
CA Kinugasa, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires
DD Asashio, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
DD Arashio
DD Oshio, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Hagikaze, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 46,66

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 11
SBD-3 Dauntless x 15
TBF-1 Avenger x 2

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Haruna, Bomb hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
DD Kuroshio

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Victoria Point at 48,66

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 3
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 12

Allied aircraft
Martlet II x 7
SBD-3 Dauntless x 31

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Martlet II: 1 destroyed
SBD-3 Dauntless: 3 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, Bomb hits 11, heavy fires, heavy damage

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 46,66

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 44 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes

Allied aircraft
TBF-1 Avenger x 15

Allied aircraft losses
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Haruna, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Kazegumo
DD Kuroshio, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage

Japanese attacks on civilian shipping:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Trinkat at 44,64, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Haguro
CA Kinugasa
DD Arashi
DD Hagikaze
DD Asashio
DD Oshio
DD Arashio

Allied Ships
xAP Rajula, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAP Rohna, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Deslock, Shell hits 20, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Vitorlock, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
PG Yarra, Shell hits 19, and is sunk
PG Hindustan, Shell hits 1, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
2663 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 154 destroyed, 219 disabled
Engineers: 11 destroyed, 6 disabled
Guns lost 59 (51 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Vehicles lost 9 (8 destroyed, 1 disabled)

One Indian Regiment goes down:
Night Time Surface Combat, near Little Andaman at 44,59, Range 4,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Chikuma
CA Chokai
CA Suzuya, Shell hits 1
DD Hayashio
DD Tanikaze
DD Natsugumo

Allied Ships
xAP Doumer, Shell hits 22, and is sunk
xAP Malda, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAP Talma, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAP Tilawa, Shell hits 13
xAP Khedive Ismail, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
KV Jasmine, Shell hits 13, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
KV Thyme, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
KV Auricula, Shell hits 5, and is sunk
KV Nigella, Shell hits 23, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
4419 casualties reported
Squads: 175 destroyed, 71 disabled
Non Combat: 188 destroyed, 74 disabled
Engineers: 35 destroyed, 10 disabled
Guns lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 65 (50 destroyed, 15 disabled)

Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 45,58, Range 10,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Chikuma
CA Chokai
CA Suzuya
DD Hayashio
DD Tanikaze
DD Natsugumo

Allied Ships
xAP Tilawa, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
1481 casualties reported
Squads: 42 destroyed, 69 disabled
Non Combat: 30 destroyed, 51 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Day Time Surface Combat, near Great Nicobar at 41,65, Range 22,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
BB Kongo
BB Haruna
BB Hiei
BB Kirishima
DD Yugumo
DD Akigumo
DD Kazegumo
DD Kuroshio

Allied Ships
xAP Amra, Shell hits 13, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAP Takliwa, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAP Santhia, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
1842 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 124 destroyed, 120 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 64 (64 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 10 (10 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Night Time Surface Combat, near Car Nicobar at 44,62, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Isuzu
CL Natori
CL Yura
CL Kinu
DD Shigure
DD Murasame
DD Yudachi
DD Umikaze

Allied Ships
xAK Bhima, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Caithness, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Catrine, Shell hits 20, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Fultala, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAP Hong Siang, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
PG Clive, Shell hits 24, and is sunk
PG Lawrence, Shell hits 21, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
1575 casualties reported
Squads: 10 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 113 destroyed, 88 disabled
Engineers: 11 destroyed, 4 disabled
Guns lost 56 (52 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Vehicles lost 18 (18 destroyed, 0 disabled)

So while I have lost no combat ship so far, the game says he has lost 2 CA, 5DD and 1BB in the Battles of the Andaman Sea.

The plan was to either occupy the islands down the chain and maybe draw him into battle. The only downside so far is the loss of the Indian Regiment, which was the result of - once more - not sticking to the plan. After he had dropped paras on my first landing, I intended to reinforce the site without having sufficiant surface cover. Still, the rest of the losses are fragments of Base forces - they always managed to get some parts ashore, so all the chain now has allied troops on it except port blair.
The ships lost are neglible.

Unless he manages to shoot my carriers to obliviion in a night battle, this operation is judged a total success so far. [:)]


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/11/2013 8:16:21 AM)

August 16-17th 1942

Relatively quiet. The usual bombing in China and the usual duds on his xAK and TK

Andaman Sea:
One of his SCTF finally connects with my screen, Dutch subs do their job and more air strikes:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Trinkat at 45,64, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
E7K2 Alf: 1 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CL Nagara, Shell hits 8, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Abukuma, Shell hits 22, and is sunk
CL Tama, Shell hits 14, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Mutsuki, Shell hits 1
DD Kisaragi
DD Yayoi, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Uzuki, Shell hits 2
DD Nagatsuki

Allied Ships
BB North Carolina
BC Repulse, Shell hits 2
CA Louisville, Shell hits 1
CA Pensacola
CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 3, on fire
CA San Francisco, Shell hits 2
DD Aaron Ward
DD Buchanan, Shell hits 1
DD Arunta, Shell hits 26, and is sunk
DD Isaac Sweers, Shell hits 2
DD Griffin, Shell hits 24, and is sunk

Submarine attack near Trinkat at 45,63

Japanese Ships
CA Kinugasa, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships

CA Kinugasa is sighted by SS KXII
SS KXII launches 4 torpedoes at CA Kinugasa

Morning Air attack on TF, near Sabang at 44,70

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 22
SBD-3 Dauntless x 29
TBF-1 Avenger x 15

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 9 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CL Kuma, Bomb hits 2, on fire
CL Jintsu

Morning Air attack on TF, near Great Nicobar at 42,64

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
Martlet II x 2
F4F-4 Wildcat x 15
SBD-2 Dauntless x 13
SBD-3 Dauntless x 15

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Haguro, Bomb hits 5, and is sunk

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Sabang at 44,70

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 35
SBD-3 Dauntless x 29

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 8 damaged

Japanese Ships
CL Kuma, Bomb hits 9, and is sunk
CL Jintsu, Bomb hits 2, on fire

The 17th sees my forces retreat to Ceylon to replenish there.

The whole operation has cost him significan numbers of CA and CL, one or two BBs (right now, Kongo and Hiei are marked sunk, Kongo was reported sunk and is no longer on the list, Kirishima was heavily damaged, too).

My losses are a few airframes and carrier pilots was significantly increased experience. [:)]


Historiker -> RE: Ivory Hunt: obvert(J) vs. Historiker(A) closed AAR (6/24/2013 9:45:41 AM)

August 18th to 31st 1942

As soon as the carriers are back in Colombo, they sortie again. My subs had spotted enemy freighters in the straight of Malacca and I suspected a possible invasion.
That's when something bad unfolded...

I had discussed night attacks with Erik. When he complained about the results of the battle in the Andaman sea, I told him that many of my pilots were rookies as I didn't have the time to replace them. So all his Kongos might be lost, had my TBs been piloted by veterans.
So I gave away free intel...

As my pilots were rookies (and I once more didn't have the time to exchange them), they were all set to train. Somehow, I forgot to change that, so a naval strike hit the CV group without any CAP...
Luckily, these were only Jakes from Port Blair, so while 8 of them were shot down by flak, all they achieved was one 60kg bomb hit on the Wasp - which ended up with 2 sys damage.

With the settings to Escort, attack, etc. I decided I'll try to intercept possible shipping in the Andaman Sea. So my carriers moved between Trinkat and Car Nicobar - to be attacked by swarms of enemy planes.
He seems to have taken all the carrier airgroups available and have thrown them onto me.
While most carriers get hit, none is sunk. The only one seriously damaged was the Illustrious. As it would've taken it 102 days to repair, it was withdrawn immediately (sceduled withdrawl was 130 days).
Unfortunately though, many Kates concentrate on one of my valuable fast BBs, the North Carolina. She goes down after several Torpedo hits. [:@] Renown will need some two months dock time [:(]

At least all carriers are still afloat and within two weeks, I'll be back at a strength 5CV with the damaged one repaired and the Saratoga finally arriving from her three months yard time in the drydocks of Cape Town. The CVL Hermes is damaged for about 2-3 months, but that's something I can propably live with.

So while this was a setback, the preparations for the offensive continue. 8 BBs arrive in two weeks from Cape Town, though many of their DDs should be upgraded.
5 CVs and 8 BBs will cover the invasions of 10 divisions, 4 regiments, 4 brigades + tons of tank units and batallions.


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