RE: European Championships (Full Version)

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Dixie -> RE: European Championships (1/31/2013 9:20:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Transfer Deadline Day. You gotta love Sky - there is nothing very much happening but they are doing their best to sound excited! [:)]

But I bet 'Arry has given a couple of car door interviews, deadline day would be nothing without that institution of the game.

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (1/31/2013 9:41:41 PM)

Sky are now having to make sound exciting the deals that are not happening - and that we were told hours ago are not happening.....

Looks like no business for Spurs in this window - other than players going out - WE NEED A STRIKER!!!!

Dixie -> RE: European Championships (1/31/2013 9:48:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Sky are now having to make sound exciting the deals that are not happening - and that we were told hours ago are not happening.....

Looks like no business for Spurs in this window - other than players going out - WE NEED A STRIKER!!!!

No you don't you've got that fella. What's his name. You know.

Hang on, I was thinking of the Gunners. You are buggered!

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/1/2013 5:45:56 AM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Sky are now having to make sound exciting the deals that are not happening - and that we were told hours ago are not happening.....

Looks like no business for Spurs in this window - other than players going out - WE NEED A STRIKER!!!!

No you don't you've got that fella. What's his name. You know.

Hang on, I was thinking of the Gunners. You are buggered!

Went to bed with just over an hour to go, hoping I would wake up to read Levy pulled off some last minute coup.... er no.....

6th place for us me thinks [:(]

parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/1/2013 5:41:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Sky are now having to make sound exciting the deals that are not happening - and that we were told hours ago are not happening.....

Looks like no business for Spurs in this window - other than players going out - WE NEED A STRIKER!!!!

No you don't you've got that fella. What's his name. You know.

Hang on, I was thinking of the Gunners. You are buggered!

Went to bed with just over an hour to go, hoping I would wake up to read Levy pulled off some last minute coup.... er no.....

6th place for us me thinks [:(]

Is this thread still goiii[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/1/2013 6:50:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Sky are now having to make sound exciting the deals that are not happening - and that we were told hours ago are not happening.....

Looks like no business for Spurs in this window - other than players going out - WE NEED A STRIKER!!!!

No you don't you've got that fella. What's his name. You know.

Hang on, I was thinking of the Gunners. You are buggered!

Went to bed with just over an hour to go, hoping I would wake up to read Levy pulled off some last minute coup.... er no.....

6th place for us me thinks [:(]

Is this thread still goiii[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:]

Oh yes....and going, and going and going - now and for the rest of your natural [:)]

parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/1/2013 7:03:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Sky are now having to make sound exciting the deals that are not happening - and that we were told hours ago are not happening.....

Looks like no business for Spurs in this window - other than players going out - WE NEED A STRIKER!!!!

No you don't you've got that fella. What's his name. You know.

Hang on, I was thinking of the Gunners. You are buggered!

Went to bed with just over an hour to go, hoping I would wake up to read Levy pulled off some last minute coup.... er no.....

6th place for us me thinks [:(]

Is this thread still goiii[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:]

Oh yes....and going, and going and going - now and for the rest of your natural [:)]

My "natural" what? Brilliance? Of course.

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/2/2013 6:02:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Sky are now having to make sound exciting the deals that are not happening - and that we were told hours ago are not happening.....

Looks like no business for Spurs in this window - other than players going out - WE NEED A STRIKER!!!!

Never fear - all is not lost - Harry Kane is back.....[8|]

Right Harry, this is your chance to be a Tottenham legend....or not - which is it going to be?

Orm -> RE: European Championships (2/2/2013 7:20:02 PM)

I am no big fan of Chelsea but surely Demba BA and Chelsea should have had a penalty and Fabricio Coloccini should have had a red card and a lengthy suspension. I am beginning to wonder what the referee's are paid for. I am so tired of seeing such 'reckless' play on the pitch. I actually have begin to wonder if it is accidental. It looks more and more like they play so dangerous because it gives such an advantage and the referee usually look the other way. And if the other player gets injured that is an extra perk. Bah! [:@]


warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/2/2013 7:55:42 PM)



I am no big fan of Chelsea but surely Demba BA and Chelsea should have had a penalty and Fabricio Coloccini should have had a red card and a lengthy suspension. I am beginning to wonder what the referee's are paid for. I am so tired of seeing such 'reckless' play on the pitch. I actually have begin to wonder if it is accidental. It looks more and more like they play so dangerous because it gives such an advantage and the referee usually look the other way. And if the other player gets injured that is an extra perk. Bah! [:@]



parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/3/2013 6:44:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1



I am no big fan of Chelsea but surely Demba BA and Chelsea should have had a penalty and Fabricio Coloccini should have had a red card and a lengthy suspension. I am beginning to wonder what the referee's are paid for. I am so tired of seeing such 'reckless' play on the pitch. I actually have begin to wonder if it is accidental. It looks more and more like they play so dangerous because it gives such an advantage and the referee usually look the other way. And if the other player gets injured that is an extra perk. Bah! [:@]



God that is so gay.

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/3/2013 6:53:38 PM)


warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/4/2013 8:19:56 PM)

Wow FIFA are looking at a Champions League match played in England that was fixed!!!

That means - unless it was the referee - that's Man Utd, Man City, the Arse, Chelsea or Spurs [X(]

Serious stuff!!

Orm -> RE: European Championships (2/4/2013 8:29:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Wow FIFA are looking at a Champions League match played in England that was fixed!!!

That means - unless it was the referee - that's Man Utd, Man City, the Arse, Chelsea or Spurs [X(]

Serious stuff!!


But there is at least one team in that list I would believe could do such thing. And it is not The Spurs.

On the other hand if the only clue that is that it was played in England is there any chance it was the away team they investigate? If so the list of possible culprits increase.

Edit: Just read about it and it is a match that was played during the last four years. Does that increase the number of suspects?

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/4/2013 9:16:40 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Wow FIFA are looking at a Champions League match played in England that was fixed!!!

That means - unless it was the referee - that's Man Utd, Man City, the Arse, Chelsea or Spurs [X(]

Serious stuff!!


But there is at least one team in that list I would believe could do such thing. And it is not The Spurs.

On the other hand if the only clue that is that it was played in England is there any chance it was the away team they investigate? If so the list of possible culprits increase.

Edit: Just read about it and it is a match that was played during the last four years. Does that increase the number of suspects?

I think the only English teams are those named above - although Liverpool may just fit that timeframe.

Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/4/2013 9:17:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Wow FIFA are looking at a Champions League match played in England that was fixed!!!

That means - unless it was the referee - that's Man Utd, Man City, the Arse, Chelsea or Spurs [X(]

Serious stuff!!

Yes. NOW I'm paying attention to European football. And banking scandals. Yummy!

Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/4/2013 9:18:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1
6th place for us me thinks [:(]

What's the going rate to buy yourself up into a higher standing? I don't follow European football, so I'm unsure what the appropriate bribe is here-can you help?

parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/4/2013 9:24:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: warspite1
6th place for us me thinks [:(]

What's the going rate to buy yourself up into a higher standing? I don't follow European football, so I'm unsure what the appropriate bribe is here-can you help?

I was just reading through this thr[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/4/2013 9:27:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: warspite1
6th place for us me thinks [:(]

What's the going rate to buy yourself up into a higher standing? I don't follow European football, so I'm unsure what the appropriate bribe is here-can you help?

I was just reading through this thr[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:]


Orm -> RE: European Championships (2/5/2013 8:10:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Wow FIFA are looking at a Champions League match played in England that was fixed!!!

That means - unless it was the referee - that's Man Utd, Man City, the Arse, Chelsea or Spurs [X(]

Serious stuff!!


But there is at least one team in that list I would believe could do such thing. And it is not The Spurs.

On the other hand if the only clue that is that it was played in England is there any chance it was the away team they investigate? If so the list of possible culprits increase.

Edit: Just read about it and it is a match that was played during the last four years. Does that increase the number of suspects?

I think the only English teams are those named above - although Liverpool may just fit that timeframe.

Rumor has it that it is Liverpool that is being investigated but that the main suspicion is against the away team (from Hungary) in that match.

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/5/2013 6:55:25 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Wow FIFA are looking at a Champions League match played in England that was fixed!!!

That means - unless it was the referee - that's Man Utd, Man City, the Arse, Chelsea or Spurs [X(]

Serious stuff!!


But there is at least one team in that list I would believe could do such thing. And it is not The Spurs.

On the other hand if the only clue that is that it was played in England is there any chance it was the away team they investigate? If so the list of possible culprits increase.

Edit: Just read about it and it is a match that was played during the last four years. Does that increase the number of suspects?

I think the only English teams are those named above - although Liverpool may just fit that timeframe.

Rumor has it that it is Liverpool that is being investigated but that the main suspicion is against the away team (from Hungary) in that match.

Yes - Debrecen. And apparently the goalkeeper managed to muck it too if the rumours are true. The bet was for 2 goals in the match. Debrecen lost 1-0 [8|]

Orm -> RE: European Championships (2/5/2013 7:03:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Yes - Debrecen. And apparently the goalkeeper managed to muck it too if the rumours are true. The bet was for 2 goals in the match. Debrecen lost 1-0 [8|]

Maybe the strikers in the other team had a bet for a 0-0 draw. [;)]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/5/2013 7:10:31 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Yes - Debrecen. And apparently the goalkeeper managed to muck it too if the rumours are true. The bet was for 2 goals in the match. Debrecen lost 1-0 [8|]

Maybe the strikers in the other team had a bet for a 0-0 draw. [;)]

Yes, apparently Steven Gerrard was criticised for being profligate in front of goal. Maybe he had a tenner on himself not to score a 2nd [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/6/2013 9:37:39 PM)

England 2-1 Brazil

Good game too [:)]

parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/6/2013 10:08:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

I finally admit that European football sucks. I have been a dumbass for denying that parusski was correct [:)]

Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/7/2013 12:41:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

England 2-1 Brazil

Wow. Quite the upset! What'd that cost you?

parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/7/2013 2:07:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: warspite1

England 2-1 Brazil

Wow. Quite the upset! What'd that cost you?

Yeah yeah. Any comment on warspite1 admitting soccer sucks?? Post 984.

Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/7/2013 5:23:57 PM)

US Men lose 2-1 to Honduras in World Cup qualifier round. Looks like the Hondurans outbid us on the bribes. When oh when will we ever get a handle on how to compete / properly bribe in international soccer? [:@]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/7/2013 8:19:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

US Men lose 2-1 to Honduras in World Cup qualifier round. Looks like the Hondurans outbid us on the bribes. When oh when will we ever get a handle on how to compete / properly bribe in international soccer? [:@]

So where does that leave you in the qualification table? Are the US going to Brazil next year?

Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/7/2013 8:25:20 PM)

Dunno. When the Hondurans outbribe you, goodness knows what it would cost to get past the Brazilians! [X(]

Oh, you meant for the World Cup competition cutoff? We're not done for yet-additional qualifier matches are pending.

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