parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/24/2013 10:15:48 PM)
ORIGINAL: warspite1 quote:
ORIGINAL: parusski quote:
ORIGINAL: warspite1 quote:
ORIGINAL: parusski quote:
ORIGINAL: warspite1 quote:
ORIGINAL: parusski quote:
ORIGINAL: warspite1 quote:
ORIGINAL: Orm Congratulations. [:)] Edit: Inter next? warspite1 Thanks Ormster - yes it is....[X(] It's a beautiful day and I decided to be serious and watch some soccer. There is a game on now and[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:] warspite1 Don't worry parusski, what you are going through is quite common in men of your age. You watch soccer - its fast paced, its exciting. Sadly your brain cannot keep up with all this silky skill on show; cannot compute the dazzling ball control being exhibited and all action before you. As a result you get confused and your brain decides to switch off to avoid overload. Essentially you send yourself to sleep. You've probably noticed something similar when Mrs P gets a little quickly end up asleep, Mrs P gets frustrated...Josh happens to be walking past your house..... you do the math [:)] First, the only confusion I have is why otherwise semi-intelligent people exhibit stroke-like symptoms over soccer. As for Josh walking past my WEALTHY CASTLE I BUILT BY TAKING FROM THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING!!, he can't. Dutchmen are banned in Wyoming.[:-] warspite1 Because that's what blokes do. Its a tribal thing, the colours, the badge, the ground, the history, the rivalry, the chants. Its THE best team sport ever - not as complicated or as tough as rugby, its not as slow as cricket and doesn't require half of London to play it on. It can be played anywhere, the rules are simple, its just....the best. Even when as an eleven year old you realise you are not going to make it as a footballer, there is still your team to support - you can still watch. PFFFTT. If you say so.[8|] warspite1 To be fair, its not like I am a lone voice here! Look at how popular the game is worldwide. According to Ambrose, inn Soccer Fraud: Not That Many People Watch It! - "Despite claims of 2.2 billion viewers for the 2012 Soccer World Cup, research shows that less than a thousand people actually tuned in. Most of those people were deranged Europeans, from places like Uttoxeter, Pratts Bottom, The Netherlands, Sweden and the ever surrendering France".