RE: European Championships (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/24/2013 8:56:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1



Congratulations. [:)]

Edit: Inter next?

Thanks Ormster - yes it is....[X(]

It's a beautiful day and I decided to be serious and watch some soccer. There is a game on now and[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:]

Don't worry parusski, what you are going through is quite common in men of your age. You watch soccer - its fast paced, its exciting. Sadly your brain cannot keep up with all this silky skill on show; cannot compute the dazzling ball control being exhibited and all action before you. As a result you get confused and your brain decides to switch off to avoid overload. Essentially you send yourself to sleep. You've probably noticed something similar when Mrs P gets a little quickly end up asleep, Mrs P gets frustrated...Josh happens to be walking past your house..... you do the math [:)]

First, the only confusion I have is why otherwise semi-intelligent people exhibit stroke-like symptoms over soccer. As for Josh walking past my WEALTHY CASTLE I BUILT BY TAKING FROM THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING!!, he can't. Dutchmen are banned in Wyoming.[:-]

Because that's what blokes do. Its a tribal thing, the colours, the badge, the ground, the history, the rivalry, the chants. Its THE best team sport ever - not as complicated or as tough as rugby, its not as slow as cricket and doesn't require half of London to play it on. It can be played anywhere, the rules are simple, its just....the best. Even when as an eleven year old you realise you are not going to make it as a footballer, there is still your team to support - you can still watch.

PFFFTT. If you say so.[8|]

To be fair, its not like I am a lone voice here! Look at how popular the game is worldwide.

Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/24/2013 9:37:08 PM)

To be fair, the game is quite popular here as well. Pre-teen girls and boys are typically enrolled in / forced into playing this for a few years. Like piano lessons. Or orthodontia. You Britons wouldn't understand the latter. But, like painful oral dental work, most American children are forced to endure soccer.

It's something Americans can look back on and shake their heads in disgust about having been forced into doing for all the wrong reasons. Like voting for Ross Perot. Then they can do the sensible thing and go and play a proper sport like baseball, softball, basketball, hockey or American football.

parusski -> RE: European Championships (2/24/2013 10:15:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1



Congratulations. [:)]

Edit: Inter next?

Thanks Ormster - yes it is....[X(]

It's a beautiful day and I decided to be serious and watch some soccer. There is a game on now and[>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:][>:]

Don't worry parusski, what you are going through is quite common in men of your age. You watch soccer - its fast paced, its exciting. Sadly your brain cannot keep up with all this silky skill on show; cannot compute the dazzling ball control being exhibited and all action before you. As a result you get confused and your brain decides to switch off to avoid overload. Essentially you send yourself to sleep. You've probably noticed something similar when Mrs P gets a little quickly end up asleep, Mrs P gets frustrated...Josh happens to be walking past your house..... you do the math [:)]

First, the only confusion I have is why otherwise semi-intelligent people exhibit stroke-like symptoms over soccer. As for Josh walking past my WEALTHY CASTLE I BUILT BY TAKING FROM THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING!!, he can't. Dutchmen are banned in Wyoming.[:-]

Because that's what blokes do. Its a tribal thing, the colours, the badge, the ground, the history, the rivalry, the chants. Its THE best team sport ever - not as complicated or as tough as rugby, its not as slow as cricket and doesn't require half of London to play it on. It can be played anywhere, the rules are simple, its just....the best. Even when as an eleven year old you realise you are not going to make it as a footballer, there is still your team to support - you can still watch.

PFFFTT. If you say so.[8|]

To be fair, its not like I am a lone voice here! Look at how popular the game is worldwide.

According to Ambrose, inn Soccer Fraud: Not That Many People Watch It!
- "Despite claims of 2.2 billion viewers for the 2012 Soccer World Cup, research shows that less than a thousand people actually tuned in. Most of those people were deranged Europeans, from places like Uttoxeter, Pratts Bottom, The Netherlands, Sweden and the ever surrendering France".

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/25/2013 9:09:05 PM)

Why are we playing so badly??? So pedestrian........

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/25/2013 9:17:29 PM)


Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/25/2013 9:29:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1
So pedestrian........

You do play the game with your feet, don't you?

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/25/2013 9:33:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: warspite1
So pedestrian........

You do play the game with your feet, don't you?

Indeed - but playing at a varying tempo helps when trying to outfox your opponent...

Chickenboy -> RE: European Championships (2/25/2013 9:34:48 PM)

So, my hopes for low-impact 'walking soccer' to make it into the next Summer Olympics will come to naught? [:(]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (2/25/2013 9:59:14 PM)


warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/2/2013 12:36:30 PM)

Big, big, big game tomorrow.

Tottenham Hotspur



It was against Arsenal that we began our implosion last year [8|] Will lightening strike twice or will Spurs break the habit of a (Premiership) lifetime and actually finish above their North London rivals? Sunday's game will have a big bearing on the answer to that question.

Worried and nervous.....

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 3:43:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Big, big, big game tomorrow.

Tottenham Hotspur



It was against Arsenal that we began our implosion last year [8|] Will lightening strike twice or will Spurs break the habit of a (Premiership) lifetime and actually finish above their North London rivals? Sunday's game will have a big bearing on the answer to that question.

Worried and nervous.....

......worried and nervous x 10000

Orm -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 3:59:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Big, big, big game tomorrow.

Tottenham Hotspur



It was against Arsenal that we began our implosion last year [8|] Will lightening strike twice or will Spurs break the habit of a (Premiership) lifetime and actually finish above their North London rivals? Sunday's game will have a big bearing on the answer to that question.

Worried and nervous.....

......worried and nervous x 10000

Any score yet?

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 4:02:21 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Big, big, big game tomorrow.

Tottenham Hotspur



It was against Arsenal that we began our implosion last year [8|] Will lightening strike twice or will Spurs break the habit of a (Premiership) lifetime and actually finish above their North London rivals? Sunday's game will have a big bearing on the answer to that question.

Worried and nervous.....

......worried and nervous x 10000

Any score yet?

Just started 0-0

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 4:09:16 PM)

Only one team in it so far....Arsenal unfortunately....

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 4:49:41 PM)

Half time 2-0 to Spurs (Bale, Lennon) - this was the score we led by last year and then lost 5-2. What do we do in the second-half??


warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 5:08:40 PM)

Oh we go again 2-1....[:(]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 5:29:09 PM)

Three potentially costly misses from Bale, Sigurdsson and Defoe.....

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 5:56:50 PM)



british exil -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 6:02:45 PM)

Just watched the second half, was a close match. Arsenal were applying pressure, Tottenham had a quite a few chances but didn't use them.

Warspite glad that you can now enjoy your Sunday.


warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/3/2013 6:08:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: british exil

Just watched the second half, was a close match. Arsenal were applying pressure, Tottenham had a quite a few chances but didn't use them.

Warspite glad that you can now enjoy your Sunday.


Thank-you sir [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/6/2013 10:28:32 PM)

Manchester United fan calls 999 over Nani's red card

Nope - its not a joke [sm=nono.gif]

PunkReaper -> RE: European Championships (3/7/2013 6:05:13 AM)

I would just like to pass on my heartfelt condolences to Manchester United.......[:D]

PunkReaper -> RE: European Championships (3/7/2013 6:07:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Manchester United fan calls 999 over Nani's red card

Nope - its not a joke [sm=nono.gif]

Had to ring for an ambulance for my wife the other night and when I apologised the operator told me that the previous 999 call was from someone who had cut her toe nails too short.....

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/7/2013 7:39:54 PM)

Tres tres difficult one tonight

Tottenham Hotspur


Inter Milan

COYS!!!....please [sm=innocent0001.gif]

Orm -> RE: European Championships (3/7/2013 8:14:16 PM)



warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/7/2013 8:19:02 PM)

Who else? Defoe should have scored too....

warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/7/2013 9:06:01 PM)

Half-time 2-0. Signs of Inter coming back at the end of the half. CONCENTRATE Tottenham.

british exil -> RE: European Championships (3/7/2013 10:29:01 PM)

Tottenham played well. Next week they should be able to concentrate on their defensive side, with Bale being out of the game after his 3rd yellow.


warspite1 -> RE: European Championships (3/8/2013 7:22:33 AM)

Server went down!

Well we ended up 3-0 winners. Which was nice... We are talking Tottenham here so we cannot say the tie is over, but we should now progress to the Quarter-Finals [:)] If we can score one in Milan - they will need five.


wodin -> RE: European Championships (3/8/2013 7:50:19 AM)

Best game in years.

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